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I have had problems for around 7 weeks now with Comcast. So smuch so i am with the customer advocacy group and have had 4 diff techs come by the house. Everyone says the modem is fine with good signal and they dont know what the problem is. Can anyone here help?

Comast gold tier 5000/768 plan

modem signal: (RCA425)

Cable Signal Details

Forward Path: Return Path:

Signal Acquired at 615.250 MHz

Connection: Acquired

SNR: 35.1 dB

Frequency: 30.0 MHz

Received Signal Strength: 6.8 dBmV

Power Level: 38.3 dBmV

Bit Error Rate: 0.000 %

Channel ID: 8

Modulation: 256 QAM

Modulation: QPSK

Data Service Details

Provisioned Address: Yes

Provisioned Time: Yes

Provisioned Configuration: Yes

Registered: Yes

BPI: Enabled

Modem events log:

Time Priority Description

Sun Dec 26 06:07:50 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 06:02:00 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 06:01:53 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 05:44:14 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 05:44:02 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 05:43:28 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 05:11:58 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 05:11:46 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 05:10:23 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 04:47:45 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 04:47:34 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 04:41:51 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 04:41:50 2004 Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Request sent, No response

Sun Dec 26 04:41:39 2004 Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Discover sent, no offer received

Sun Dec 26 04:41:24 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 04:32:01 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 04:20:26 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 04:20:25 2004 Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Request sent, No response

Sun Dec 26 04:20:05 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 03:29:12 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 03:27:11 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 03:26:54 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 03:10:23 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 02:03:14 2004 Critical (3) REG RSP not received

Sun Dec 26 02:03:07 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 02:02:59 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 02:02:54 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 01:58:39 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 01:58:29 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 01:53:19 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 01:47:36 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 01:47:35 2004 Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Request sent, No response

Those same critical errors are ALWAYS there and precipitate my connection loss (intermittent), but no one knows what they mean???!!!!

I have no upload AT ALL..it's even hard for me to log into this site...and any upload speed tests do not work at all!!

I will leave comcast and go to DSL in my area if this continues. Would rather have lower consistent speeds than this.



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it's been happening for the last 7 weeks...and a week ago i got a brand new comp...so i ruled out probs with my computer

i don't use a router atm so there is no issues there...and i have 2 cables....tried both  :roll:

thanks for the welcome..i like the new design CA3LE


Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  2    6 ms    7 ms    7 ms  ge-4-8-ar02.rockvilleN.md.dc03.comcast.net [68.8


  3    10 ms    9 ms    9 ms  pos-7-3-cr01.whitemarsh.md.core.comcast.net [68.


  4    15 ms    16 ms    14 ms

  5    16 ms    16 ms    16 ms  tbr1-p010101.n54ny.ip.att.net []

  6    36 ms    36 ms    *    tbr1-cl1.cgcil.ip.att.net []

  7    34 ms    35 ms    36 ms  tbr2-cl2.cgcil.ip.att.net []

  8    34 ms    33 ms    33 ms  tbr2-cl7.sl9mo.ip.att.net []

  9    47 ms    47 ms    48 ms  tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net []

10    59 ms    45 ms    46 ms  gar1-p370.dlrtx.ip.att.net []

11    48 ms    47 ms    47 ms

12    60 ms    45 ms    45 ms  dist-vlan32.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com [70.85.


13    46 ms    48 ms    48 ms  dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com [70.85.


14    49 ms    49 ms    48 ms  dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

15    48 ms    50 ms    47 ms  gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18.


16    50 ms    49 ms    63 ms  6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.


Sun Dec 26 06:07:50 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Sun Dec 26 06:02:00 2004 Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.

Sun Dec 26 06:01:53 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Those same critical errors are ALWAYS there and precipitate my connection loss (intermittent), but no one knows what they mean???!!!!


I'm  not an expert but it looks like you for some reason can't get an IP address. The ip address is recieved through a DHCP server. When you got your new computer did you use the same network card? If not, call Comcast and they should give you a web address to "activate" your computer. This  let's them know your  nic's mac address so they know you're only using 1 ip address on their network.

I'm just guessing though so don't hold me to it. :)

11011100 ,

That tool is not just for that, it will do many things,some months back I was able to clear a similar problem using this, thats the only reason I mentioned it.....but anyway let us know what happens....OK? also do you have any logs to compare from a time when things were running good? when mine was acting strange I was able to clear by renewing everything until the next time it happened, after I got a new IP addy it has never happened again.....go figure.....of course I have been told that the two are not related but, I have had engineers tell me for years that  what was happening with something was not possible.....lol ,,,,,,,,,to bad the equipment didn't know that!!!!!

8) Microwave

there are several things that happen with dhcp 1. authorization 2. hand shake and then you sync up. as mentioned before the isp is definetly at fault here be cause you can't sync up and in xdsl you have 3 or 4 different types of protocall 1.ppp 2.pppoe 3.ppoe ras  so on and so on. what I hear here is no upload so your isp is at fault they need to re check the distance of your central office sounds to me like your on the fringe of dsl distance acceptance :?

  I don't know if cable works the same as dsl but I had about the same problem I payed for 1.5mbs/128kbsup and I was getting around 340kbs up and down.Sometime more but not much!! So I called them and they told me there was no problem on there side!! I pretty much said bull shit but not to them at first!!! So I tweaked no help got help from vaburen still nothing!!! So I kept calling them day after day till for about 3 months!!! Until on day they told me there was a problem with my line ( finally the truth). They said the line test shows I am to far away to get more than that!!! He said that the only way to fix it would be to move my line to a remote station.(Which they said tthey did before but didn't) So anyway they did and no it is faster!!!!! But my point is maybe you are routed to far away too!!!!!! I think that is what these mean:

Sun Dec 26 05:44:02 2004 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un...

Sun Dec 26 05:43:28 2004 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ...

Doing the iprelease thing might help, if you have a static IP. I dont think it will work with dynamic.

:) Yeah I agree but what it does do is cause a different kind of reset to the modem and the network takes another look at your connection and decides if it needs to do something different or leave things the same. its funny because I have had this discussion with ppl b4 and although computers are different than phone lines I have seen it hundreds of times where there is a problem on a line and just by testing and not finding anything the problem mysteriously disappears., another for instance the last time I called my ISP to ask a quesation,...he said your modem is off line so your not really on the internet..... :ha ha: REALLY well I dont think my computer knows that because I just sent myself an email and I'm cruising all over the place....lol....but this is the kind of stuff I love ....when ALL the equipment either says everything is fine or everything is broken, and in reality the opposite is true.........Thats why I love this shiz, and things that were talked about years ago as something that technology may do someday , all that has happened and a lot more than was ever expected.......... I asked a instructor one time long before computers about the * and # sign on phones, and I was told that someday in the future that these would be used for features but probably not in our lifetime, I then asked what happens when we run out of phone numbers? and I was told again not in our lifetime  :haha: all that and much more has now happened, thats why its such an exciting time in the world of computers ....for me anyway!!! Everything keeps changing so fast and so quickly its amazing, although I guess for many ppl that grew up with this stuff and just take it for granted  its no big deal :(  It hasn't really been that long ago where ppl only had 4 or 5 local  T.V. stations and they went dark and played Taps at around midnite....that really sucked for someone like me that stays up most of the nite.....all that was left was late nite radio......LOL....anyway sorry ....blah, blah, blah

8) Microwave

thanks for the tips...i'll try the iprenew suggestion but I have done it before. 4 techs and multiple people on tech line and they all say there is no problem....damn aggrivating. I wonder if Comcast has a hidden cap on uploads?

oh well....im gonnna go scream at another monkey they hired to help us lowly humans

I want to appoligze to the forum for not reading this gents posting at the get go because cable and dsl is for sure different, there is no distance requirements on cable I was relating to a problem I had with DSL and SBC in the ST. Louis Mo. area a few years back how ever the path is the same :D

  • 2 weeks later...

so my isp finally fixed it...i knew it was on their end!

don't have too many details but they said they balanced the signals...as i thought downstream was way over upstream...just took them 2 months to see it =P

one thing i do have a question on is how to tweak my connection better...here are the latest results:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2300 Kbps about 2.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB)

Download Speed is:: 281 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 41 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.64 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=1V39M0EFY

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is: 721 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB)

Upload Speed is: 88 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line: 13 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 11.64 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=5X01RI3QP

using Cablenut - VanBuren's Settings 2 - 5000/768 config and i rebooted

I have Comcast 5000/768

upload looks good to me but dl is very low....i know the speed is there though cause when i use newsgroups i max out at 625kbs

thanks in advance for any help you can provide



Testmy.net is having problems with routing lately, with a high amount of users, speeds plummet.

yea that is right, my speed is now in the 600 Kbps to 3,6 Mbps range against testmy.net

also test speed here http://www.dslreports.com/stest

VanBuren :)

i still don't think the speed hickups, or should i say chokes, are a routing problem. i think it's the 100 mbit link to the backbone maxing out. 33 users at 3 mbit=max.

several speedfreaks like rtb, he is soooooo fast, and the whole thing bottlenecks. bah.


80 users

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6225 Kbps about 6.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 760 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ [www.testmy.net]

Bottom Line:: 111 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.35 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=PJSE0V1YM [testmy.net]

150 + users

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1754 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 214 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ [www.testmy.net]

Bottom Line:: 31 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.79 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=YDIRMAYRJ [testmy.net]


i still don't think the speed hickups, or should i say chokes, are a routing problem. i think it's the 100 mbit link to the backbone maxing out. 33 users at 3 mbit=max.

several speedfreaks like rtb, he is soooooo fast, and the whole thing bottlenecks. bah.


would be intresting to know what kinda bandwidth thats avalible for the server, the only thing that pointing to a routing issue is that my speed is bad against Gregoramas server aswell and hes also on The Planet network


also this speedtest below shows crappy scores when traffic is high, but it shows higher then testmy.net, maybe its just bad accuracy at upseros speedtest i dont know...  ( this also located at the planet network )


VanBuren :)

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