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i got a good plan, you could open a .dll and set it to open with a random program because majority of programs require dlls when executed, so you can say OMG all my programs wont open i keep getting errors!

all you need to do to fix it is go to

My Computer>View>Folder Options>File Types

then reset ur .dll extention to none.. and itll work again

dll or dynamic link library is like a cluster of little programs that work together with big programs to help communicate with your computers drivers so u can access devices on ur comp.

so if they dont work .. you cant open most programs.

To do what i have suggested .. go into My Computer .. look for a .dll file extention. Then just double click the file...

it will  Open With.. and you select a program from the box

then like i said above to fix it just reset your dll extention to not using any program to open with by going to

My Computer>View>Folder Options>File Types

by opening 1 dll file with a random program it will change all of your dll files to open with that program.

ya just pick any random one, and if it still works just go to the File Types Tab and change it manually until u get errors lol

there isnt gonna be a "reset" button, you have to scroll through all the extensions and find .dll if your looking to change it manually from File Types.

a sample location of a DLL would be

C:Program FilesInternet Explorerie4.dll .... any dll will work

i have windows98SE so its probably different for XP users.. just go to ur HELP and type File Types and itll show u where they are..

and if u wanna find a dll .. which theres tons on ur computer just search for one using the Find Files and Folders feature on ur Start Menu

hey Dilated or someoen with XP can u post the path to get to File Types so you can change file extentions.

ive been up for almost 26 hours straight lol i dont feel like looking it up.. im sure its close to the one i posted above

Dilated.... 3 questions.

1. Whered u get that theme i <3 it

2. Do you play cs 1.6?

3. Can u show me what fat phil is talking about... the file types

1. its a vista inspirant pack, it changes everything, from folder to the desktop and even login screen. check it out here http://www.crystalxp.net/galerie/en.id.130.htm

2. i used to play 1.6, mostly play css and dod:s now.

3. go to my computer, then click on tools at the top, then folder options, then file types. look at screenshot if u need

well good luck with ur comp plan, hope u get a new one

i usally float around with my clan into pubs.. i play on dertySouth server sometimes..and my clan server is Clan Trepidation's 24/7 Dust2 .. should be up 24/7 in 2-3 weeks

im off to bed .. glad to help someone .. even though its for bad intentions lol

the easiest way to fake a computer death ( i assume to ur parents ) is to unplug the big power cord from ther motherboard - i feel really stoopid telling you this since your trying to con someone....but oh well - think about it before doing it again - ....in other words, dont do it

Bad plan brother. If your parents are smart and just take it to Best Buy for a free check up they will more than likely quickly find the problem. All you will be doing is depriving yourself of a comp for a while. I would instead tell your parents of your problem while in BB looking at the mid level nicely priced pc's and hinting at your upcoming birthday/sweet 16/anniversary with your gf/the possible brain tumor you have due to your blurred vision and headaches. ;)

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