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Guest thecableguy

want supporting articles

So what is so disturbing about this is since 2001 the debt held by non-governmental agencies has increased by $1.4 trillion. Now, if that were not bad enough, you know how much of it we borrowed from foreigners? Almost 90 percent: $1.16 trillion has been borrowed from foreigners, primarily Asia, China and Japan, who together own over $1 trillion worth of IOUs from Mr. Matheson's little boy and others, me, everybody else in this country that is a citizen.

Quoted from: http://www.house.gov/tanner/press109-062.htm


will post more as soon as I find sources from my readings.

Did some checking on your sources.....nice try....I am always amazed to what degree an organization will go to hide its affiliations.  Get me NON PARTISAN documentation and I will be happy to dialogue with you on it.....neither of your posts could be even remotely called non partisan.

I do appreciate the effort you put into backing your claim though.  It shows you do have the ability to apply logic and reasonable thinking.....the only problem is the sources of the material and their slant.

I also can't help but notice that you have made an effort not to place blame which is a good thing.....

Oh....SOME of the data you posted is correct.  It fails to take into consideration that debt flows both way....our debt would be nothing if we could just get those who owe us money to pay up......lets start with FRANCE, MEXICO, CANADA, SOUTH AMERICA (all of south america), AFRICA, and yes...even CHINA.  If you look at the raw numbers...yes it looks bad....but once you get down to actual facts.....we're still the most powerful nation in the world (both in economy and military) and people die just to come live here if even for a few short months......so before you get so down on the USA consider everything....not just one thing.....and there is one thing that can never be disputed......WE FEED THE ENTIRE WORLD....WITHOUT US A GOOD CHUNK OF THE PLANET WOULD GO HUNGRY!

all you america haters out there:

just sit back and reflect on the fact that america is a free country. there are lots of countries out there where your conspiracy rantings would land you in the slammer or worse.

show a little respect for those that fight and die for your freedom once in a while. if you see a serviceman at the local store shake his or her hand or just wish them a good day.

personally i think it is disrespectful to say that the poeple that died on those flights really didnt, that they were spirited away while "mind controlled robot bombs" or whatever were used to crash into the buildings.

I'd say this has nothing to do with respect to our men and women of the armed forces. I salute them all, and respect them all for what they do. What i can't stand is people who think everyone should sit back and stfu when it comes to american. If our government screws up i believe i, and everyone who wants to has the right to say they screwed up, and demand answers. If i remember correctly thats what are men, and women of the armed forces live, and die for to give us the right to speak up, and say what we feel wether it's criticizing our government for it's mistakes or praising it when it does good.

Did some checking on your sources.....nice try....I am always amazed to what degree an organization will go to hide its affiliations.  Get me NON PARTISAN documentation and I will be happy to dialogue with you on it.....neither of your posts could be even remotely called non partisan.

I do appreciate the effort you put into backing your claim though.  It shows you do have the ability to apply logic and reasonable thinking.....the only problem is the sources of the material and their slant.

I also can't help but notice that you have made an effort not to place blame which is a good thing.....

Oh....SOME of the data you posted is correct.  It fails to take into consideration that debt flows both way....our debt would be nothing if we could just get those who owe us money to pay up......lets start with FRANCE, MEXICO, CANADA, SOUTH AMERICA (all of south america), AFRICA, and yes...even CHINA.  If you look at the raw numbers...yes it looks bad....but once you get down to actual facts.....we're still the most powerful nation in the world (both in economy and military) and people die just to come live here if even for a few short months......so before you get so down on the USA consider everything....not just one thing.....and there is one thing that can never be disputed......WE FEED THE ENTIRE WORLD....WITHOUT US A GOOD CHUNK OF THE PLANET WOULD GO HUNGRY!

where is proof for your statements !? i didnt see any !? - if your proof is that 80% of americans share the same opinion - u better start making that argument from scratch

not to be a real pain in the ass, but if you put aside the attitude and denial, you will actualy notice that a lot of people base their facts on news and politics based tv programmings - which with all due respect is 3% information and 97% entertainment - people belive what government wants them to believe - the fact that u.s. owes a crap load of money to china is not known because it is not talked about - why would u.s. government want the rest of the nation to know that they are in huge debt .... would u share the same info of you were the government !? .....no, you would zip your mouth and try to cover it up with a different story

u.s. government does not spend 5% of their well earned money on humanitarian purposes, they spend it to pay off their debts and make a quick buck

did you know that the u.s. spent ~50 times more money on this terrorist situation since it started 10-15 years ago (....i might be wrong on the time frame) than they did in their lifetime on finding out cure for infectious disseases !? ......probably not - i call that a waste of money - there is a perfect example on money well spent ....not

the debt might be two way - but china does not owe any money to u.s. - u tried to bring down my arugment that u.s. did not owe any money to china - basically by saying other countries owe money to u.s. - well yes, they do.....but that wasnt my thought to begin with

Guest thecableguy

not to be a real pain in the ***, but if you put aside the attitude and denial, you will actualy notice that a lot of people base their facts on news and politics based tv programmings - which with all due respect is 3% information and 97% entertainment - people belive what government wants them to believe - the fact that u.s. owes a crap load of money to china is not known because it is not talked about - why would u.s. government want the rest of the nation to know that they are in huge debt .... would u share the same info of you were the government !? .....no, you would zip your mouth and try to cover it up with a different story

u.s. government does not spend 5% of their well earned money on humanitarian purposes, they spend it to pay off their debts and make a quick buck

did you know that the u.s. spent ~50 times more money on this terrorist situation since it started 10-15 years ago (....i might be wrong on the time frame) than they did in their lifetime on finding out cure for infectious disseases !? ......probably not - i call that a waste of money - there is a perfect example on money well spent ....not

the debt might be two way - but china does not owe any money to u.s. - u tried to bring down my arugment that u.s. did not owe any money to china - basically by saying other countries owe money to u.s. - well yes, they do.....but that wasnt my thought to begin with

Actually I think this is going way beyond a friendly argument....we have lost focus of the original beef with the thread creator....not to be a pain but lets stick to the issue that originally got us worked up to begin with.....if you want to debate economics some time IM me and I'd be happy to throw some stuff together.....Cheers!

Actually I think this is going way beyond a friendly argument....we have lost focus of the original beef with the thread creator....not to be a pain but lets stick to the issue that originally got us worked up to begin with.....if you want to debate economics some time IM me and I'd be happy to throw some stuff together.....Cheers!

My sentiments exactly, BTW once again, whats kedwon stand for? We all have opinions on this ,Some much more educated than others, and all  should express them. At the same token this will be our downfall, Just go back and read each post, all of us may get along just fine , until these things that REALLY don't have anything to do W/ the way life should be, I understand "things cant be perfect", Or these posts now were bickering like a bunch of pissant anarchists. Shit ! one more thing ..take 5 seconds from your opinions . just five... stop and think of how YOU felt around noon , 9-11-01, I know it occurred before then, but once it settled W/ you , and your girl was crying or guy.  Not to dwell, but answer youself this question. really think....... Did it feel good? yes?

there is also a theory that a ufo actually hit the building - and a video to show for it lolz

No theres a video of a ufo circuling the wtc 2 munths before 9/11

Just like there was a video out there of a millatry plane circuling the pentegon moments afterv the attack

Dark yer a good kid by what I can see and being curious and questioning things is a good thing.  Don't fall prey to your teachers or anyone for that matter who spews nonsense like this....there was no conspiracy unless of course you consider stupidity to be a conspiracy...that I can assure you of.  You will do yourself a huge favor by considering the source(s) of your information.  Traditionally newspapers and media of almost all types are extreme liberal and extreme anything isn't good.  Study all sides of an issue before forming an oppinion and always be sure that the information you getting is accurate.  Just because somebody says it is doesn't make it so especially anyone associated with higher learning.  They tend to be left wing fanatics who will say just about anything to get their points across.  Any doubts....do a google on the Colorado prof. who got himself into big time hot water.  I guess my point is....people like the spineless clown who posted this spew in this thread tonight are not to be trusted and you can be sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that there isn't a shred of truth to any of it....have doubts...google will help you find the way!

What to you think im trying to do? I ask for the police report to them Because i even had conformation from a cop that it happen but now those are classified info. I can acces any other Department of Public safety Or austin police department Document except for things on 9/11

Oh by the way the us is borrowing money from china and other countries

What to you think was the whole deal with leting another country use the ports?

to pay off debt and gain oil

Bush admited to borowing money from the chinnese  in the presedental debate against Kerry

Oh by the way the us is borrowing money from china and other countries

What to you think was the whole deal with leting another country use the ports?

to pay off debt and gain oil

Bush admited to borowing money from the chinnese  in the presedental debate against Kerry

Umm, the deal with the ports is nothing unusual. look around now. the company the uae people would have taken over from is british. and there are a bunch of ports run by companies from many other countries.

it's not the countries that would be running the ports, but private enterprises. just like a us company running a us port is just another company. and all they run in any case is the moving of containers etc. the security is in the hands of the coast guard, border patrol, immigrations etc. etc. etc.

Guest thecableguy

No theres a video of a ufo circuling the wtc 2 munths before 9/11

Just like there was a video out there of a millatry plane circuling the pentegon moments afterv the attack

What to you think im trying to do? I ask for the police report to them Because i even had conformation from a cop that it happen but now those are classified info. I can acces any other Department of Public safety Or austin police department Document except for things on 9/11

Oh by the way the us is borrowing money from china and other countries

What to you think was the whole deal with leting another country use the ports?

to pay off debt and gain oil

Bush admited to borowing money from the chinnese  in the presedental debate against Kerry

Um Dark....I wouldn't go around talking about the things you described above in public....people won't think too highly of you or worse...they will think you are on drugs or "have issues".....just some friendly advice from someone who has quite a few years on ya.  Peace!

ps: Even mentioning Kerry didn't help you much......oh my god Kerry is such a tool!

Bad we've done to the rest of the world??  Are you crazy....tell ya what pal....we'll stop giving money to every Tom, Dick and Harry country....while we're at we'll also stop all humanitarian food and medical supply shipments and since we've gone that far aww the hell with it...lets call in every loan that we ever extended that has yet to be paid by the rest of the so called angry world....YOU HAVE 30 DAYS TO PAY UP OR WE'RE COMIN IN....and then lets see how long the rest of pissed off world survives......the rest of the world enjoys a much higher quality of life because of US...and I'm sick and tired of hearing people b^tch about it.....and if you live here you have some nerve whining......may I suggest Canada.....I hear its nice and toasty in the winter.....oh wait...thats Florida.....(how could I forget.....half of Canada invades us for half the year because THEIR country sucks).....

I don't usually take offense to ppl dissing the country I live in, but I do resent the fact that you feel you have to divert criticism directed at you and your country.  You seem to have a habit of committing fallacies.


What happened on 9/11 was terrible.  Will the truth ever be revealed? Not likely.  Was the attack provoked?  Probably.  Will we ever discover the truth about that?  Not likely.  I find it a pointless, tiresome, and circular debate.  There is not enough evidence for either side where everyone will stop and say "Oh."  It's just another blemish scarring the history of a nation.  Every one has them.

I would just like to say that it is the ppl, not the leader, who drive a country.  If you don't agree with the leadership?  Great, don't support it.  You don't have to personally throw out the government, but don't be afraid to uphold your position when asked, by anyone.  You don't have to go on a crusade to change the world either.  Simply lead by example.  Someone is always watching.

Guest thecableguy

I don't usually take offense to ppl dissing the country I live in, but I do resent the fact that you feel you have to divert criticism directed at you and your country.  You seem to have a habit of committing fallacies.


What happened on 9/11 was terrible.  Will the truth ever be revealed? Not likely.  Was the attack provoked?  Probably.  Will we ever discover the truth about that?  Not likely.  I find it a pointless, tiresome, and circular debate.  There is not enough evidence for either side where everyone will stop and say "Oh."  It's just another blemish scarring the history of a nation.  Every one has them.

I would just like to say that it is the ppl, not the leader, who drive a country.  If you don't agree with the leadership?  Great, don't support it.  You don't have to personally throw out the government, but don't be afraid to uphold your position when asked, by anyone.  You don't have to go on a crusade to change the world either.  Simply lead by example.  Someone is always watching.

Not even worth responding to considering the source....

Guest thecableguy

Umm, the deal with the ports is nothing unusual. look around now. the company the uae people would have taken over from is british. and there are a bunch of ports run by companies from many other countries.

it's not the countries that would be running the ports, but private enterprises. just like a us company running a us port is just another company. and all they run in any case is the moving of containers etc. the security is in the hands of the coast guard, border patrol, immigrations etc. etc. etc.

Couldn't have said it better myself....

When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the people ... and ... becomes an instrument in

the hands of evil rulers for their oppression ... it is a ... sacred obligation to their posterity to abolish such government

and create another in its stead. -- Sam Houston

I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away -- Thomas Jefferson

Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the

preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for

that freedom. -- John F. Kennedy

Our forefathers had the brains to realize that our government might become corrupted to a point where it trys to enslave the rights of it's people, and would need to be overthrown.

They gave us the right to bare arms for this reason they knew that if the government stoped being for the people by the people that it might have to be taken back by the people.

Even JFK a later forefatherseemed to realize this.I'm going to put in a speech by someone I consider a patriot.Not all will & it will probably draw some fire.If it draws too much I will have this post deleted or remove the speech by modifying.I can only delete from the dial-up section myself.

Speech by National Rifle Association First Vice President Charlton Heston Delivered at the Free Congress Foundation's 20th Anniversary Gala

December 7, 1997

I like it when the party of Lincoln honors our free heritage. This nation has been blessed by the minds and mettle of many good people, and indeed Abe was among the best. A man of great moral character... a trait often lacking among our leaders. This is disturbing, but not without remedy. One good election can correct such ills.

Above all, I hope those of us gathered here tonight have more in common with Mr. Lincoln than just party affiliation. Better that we grasp a common vision than simply wear the cloak. Even our President pretends to be a conservative when it suits him. We must be more than that.

I know, I know... it is not easy. Imagine being point man for the National Rifle Association, preserving the right to keep and bear arms. Well, I ran for office, I was elected, and now I serve... as a moving target for pundits who've called me everything from "ridiculous" and "duped" to a "brain-injured, senile, crazy old man."

Well, I guess that goes with the territory. But as I've stood in the cross hairs of those who aim at Second Amendment freedom, I've realized that guns are not the only issue, and I am not the only target. It is much, much bigger than that—which is what I want to talk to you about.

I have come to realize that a cultural war is raging across our land... storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are and what we believe, where we come from.

How many of you here own a gun? A show of hands? How many own two or more guns?

Thank you. I wonder—how many of you in this room own guns but chose not to raise your hand? How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then thought better of it?

Then you are a victim of the cultural war. You are a casualty of the cultural warfare being waged against traditional American freedom of beliefs and ideas. Now maybe you don't care one way or the other about owning a gun. But I could've asked for a show of hands on Pentecostal Christians, or pro-lifers, or right-to-workers, or Promise Keepers, or school voucher-ers, and the result would be the same. What if the same question were asked at your PTA meeting? Would you raise your hand if Dan Rather were in the back of the room there with a film crew? See? Good. Still, if you didn't, you have been assaulted and robbed of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are, and what you believe, has been ridiculed, ransacked, plundered. It may be a war without bullet or bloodshed, but with just as much liberty lost: You and your country are less free.

And you are not inconsequential people! You in this room, whom many would say are among the most powerful people on earth, you are shamed into silence! Because you embrace a view at odds with the cultural warlords. If that is the outcome of cultural war, and you are the victims, I can only ask the gravely obvious question: What'll become of the right itself? Or other rights not deemed acceptable by the thought police? What other truth in your heart will you disavow with your hand?

I remember when European Jews feared to admit their faith. The Nazis forced them to wear six-pointed yellow stars sewn on their chests as identity badges. It worked. So—what color star will they pin on our coats? How will the self-styled elite tag us? There may not be a Gestapo officer on every street corner yet, but the influence on our culture is just as pervasive.

Now, I am not really here to talk about the Second Amendment or the NRA, but the gun issue clearly brings into focus the war that's going on.

Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning, increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens. After enough breakfast-table TV promos hyping tattooed sex-slaves on the next Rikki Lake show, enough gun-glutted movies and tabloid talk shows, enough revisionist history books and prime-time ridicule of religion, enough of the TV anchor who cocks her pretty head, clucks her tongue and sighs about guns causing crime and finally the message gets through: Heaven help the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle class, Protestant, or—even worse—Evangelical Christian, Midwest, or Southern, or—even worse—rural, apparently straight, or—even worse—admittedly heterosexual, gun-owning or—even worse—NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff, or—even worse—male working stiff, because not only don't you count, you're a downright obstacle to social progress. Your tax dollars may be just as delightfully green as you hand them over, but your voice requires a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly mister, you need to wake up, wise up and learn a little something about your new America...in fact, why don't you just sit down and shut up?

That's why you don't raise your hand. That's how cultural war works. And you are losing.

That's what happens when a generation of media, educators, entertainers and politicians, led by a willing president, decide the America they were born into isn't good enough any more. So they contrive to change it through the cultural warfare of class distinction. Ask the Romans if powerful nations have ever fallen as a result of cultural division. There are ruins around the world that were once the smug centers of small-minded, arrogant elitism. It appears that rather than evaporate in the flash of a split atom, we may succumb to a divided culture.

Although my years are long, I was not on hand to help pen the Bill of Rights. And popular assumptions aside, the same goes for the Ten Commandments. Yet as an American and as a man who believes in God's almighty power, I treasure both.

The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of those wise old dead white guys who invented this country. Now, some flinch when I say that. Why? It's true...they were white guys. So were most of the guys who died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic pride" or "black pride" a good thing, while "white pride" conjures up shaved heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated in the media as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I'll tell you why: Cultural warfare.

Now, Chuck Heston can get away with saying I'm proud of those wise old dead white guys because Jesse Jackson and Louie Farrakhan know I fought in their cultural war. I was one of the first white soldiers in the civil rights movement in 1961, long before it was fashionable in Hollywood—believe me—or in Washington for that matter. In 1963 I marched on Washington with Dr. Martin Luther King to uphold the Bill of Rights. I'm very proud of that. As vice-president of the NRA I am doing the same thing.

But you don't see many other Hollywood luminaries speaking out on this one, do you? It's not because there aren't any. It's because they can't afford the heat. They dare not speak up for fear of CNN or the IRS or SAG or the ATF or NBC or even W-J-C. It saps the strength of our country when the personal price is simply too high to stand up for what you believe in. Today, speaking with the courage of your conviction can be so costly, the price of principle so high, that legislators won't lead so citizens can't follow, and so there is no army to fight back. That's cultural warfare.

For instance: It's plain that our Constitution guarantees law-abiding citizens the right to own a firearm. But if I stand up and say so, why does the media assault me with such a slashing, sinister brand of derision filled with hate?

Because Bill Clinton's cultural warriors want a penitent cleansing of firearms, as if millions of lawful gun owners should genuflect in shame and seek absolution by surrendering their guns. That's what is now literally happening in England and Australia, of course. Lines—long lines—of submissive citizens, threatened with imprisonment, are bitterly, reluctantly surrendering family heirlooms, guns that won their freedom, to the blast furnace. If that fact doesn't unsettle you, then you are already anesthetized, a ready victim of the cultural war.

You know, I think, that I stand first in line in defense of free speech. But those who speak against the perverted and profane should be given as much due as those who profit by it. You also know I welcome cultural diversity. But those who choose to live on the fringe should not tear apart the seams that secure the fabric of our society.

Now I've earned a fine and rewarding living in the motion picture industry, yet increasingly I find myself embarrassed by the dearth of conscience that drives the world's most influential art form. And I'm an example of what a lonely undertaking that can be. Nobody opposed the obscene rapper Ice-T until I stood at Time-Warner's stockholders meeting and was ridiculed by its president for wanting to take the floor to read Ice-T's lyrics. Since I held several hundred shares of stock he had no choice, though the media were barred. I read those lyrics to a stunned audience of average American people—the stockholders—who were shocked at the lyrics that advocating killing cops, sexually abusing women, and raping the nieces of our Vice-President. True, the good guys won that time though: Time-Warner fired Ice-T.

But on the other hand, I find my blood pressure rising when Clinton's cultural shock troops participate in homosexual-rights fund-raisers but boycott gun-rights fund-raisers... and then claim it's time to place homosexual men in tents with Boy Scouts, and suggest that sperm donor babies born into lesbian relationships are somehow better served and more loved.

Such demands have nothing to do with equality. They're about the currency of cultural war—money and votes—and the Clinton camp will let anyone in the tent if there's a donkey on his hat, or a check in the mail or some yen in the fortune cookie.

Mainstream America is depending on you—counting on you—to draw your sword and fight for them. These people have precious little time or resources to battle misguided Cinderella attitudes, the fringe propaganda of the homosexual coalition, the feminists who preach that it's a divine duty for women to hate men, blacks who raise a militant fist with one hand while they seek preference with the other, and all the New-Age apologists for juvenile crime, who see roving gangs as a means of youthful expression, sex as a means of adolescent merchandising, violence as a form of entertainment for impressionable minds, and gun bans as a means to lord-knows-what. We've reached that point in time when our national social policy originates on Oprah. I say it's time to pull the plug. Americans should not have to go to war every morning for their values. They already go to war for their families. They fight to hold down a job, raise responsible kids, make their payments, keep gas in the car, put food on the table and clothes on their backs, and still save a little for their final days in dignity. They prefer the America they built - where you could pray without feeling naive, love without being kinky, sing without profanity, be white without feeling guilty, own a gun without shame, and raise your hand without apology. They are the critical masses who find themselves under siege and are long for you to get some guts, stand on principle and lead them to victory in this cultural war.

Now all this sounds a little Mosaic, the punch-line of my sermon is as elementary as the Golden Rule. In a cultural war, triumph belongs to those who arm themselves with pride in who they are and then do the right thing. Not the most expedient thing, not the politically correct thing, not what'll sell, but the right thing.

And you know what? Everybody already knows what the right thing is. You, and I, President Clinton, even Ice-T, we all know. It's easy. You say wait a minute, you take a long look in the mirror, then into the eyes of your kids, your grandchildren, and you'll know what's right.

Don't run for cover when the cultural cannons roar. Remember who you are and what you believe, and then raise your hand, stand up, and speak out. Don't be shamed or startled into lockstep conformity by seemingly powerful people. The maintenance of a free nation is a long, slow, steady process. And it is in your hands.

Yes, we can have rules and still have rebels—that's democracy. But as leaders you must—we must—do as Lincoln would do, confronted with the stench of cultural war: Do what's right. As Mr. Lincoln said, "With firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in... and then we shall save our country."

Defeat the criminals and their apologists, oust the biased and bigoted, endure the undisciplined and unprincipled, but disavow the self-appointed social engineers whose relentless arrogance fuels this vicious war against so much we hold so dear. Do not yield, do not divide, do not call a truce. Be fair, but fight back. It's the same blueprint our founding fathers left to guide us. Our enemies see it as the senile prattle of an archaic society. I still honor it as the United States Constitution, and that timeless document we call the Bill of Rights.

Freedom is our fortune and honor is our saving grace.


<edit> justification of text

Guest philp

Thanks, cholla. That was a very good read.

I am a responsible gun owner. By that I mean that I learned how to use and handle guns properly before I ever bought one. Guns aren't a problem in this country. Ignorance is.

Can anyone tell me why some states limit the amount of bullets a semi-automatic handgun can legally hold to a maximum of 10 bullets while other states will allow the same model to hold 15? Are the first 10 any less deadly than the last 5 in the magazine?  :whaa:  :whaa:

philp ;I'm glad you enjoyed it.Heston is no longer the NRA president I guess because of his age but I beleive he has been given the honorary title of lifetime president.As an actor I enjoyed his movies but I thought he really excelled as the NRA president.In reading the speech I found out he was also involved in the Civil Rights movement in the early 1960's something I didn't know.

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