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Can't we all just get along!  :D:lol:

hell no!  :twisted:

paladin, true, i do put put-downs in my posts. but those are usually personal in nature or ridiculing the persons opinion. i don't go and claim that a person is blindly repeating someone elses opinion.

cholla, i hope you were just quoting the threads beginnings and not supporting the theory of government involvment in 9/11.

bush /was/ looking for a reason to go into iraq. he never proved iraq/s involvment in 9/11. instead he based his actions on their wmd program. (which has been exported to syria before the midden hit the windmill according to some captured iraqi higher-ups).

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In my opinion, the truth is all about money, thats it, politics are simply a way for one to acquire more money, By way of agenda, or vendetta. Men of power have been riddled by this sickness for thousands of years .Something inside them tells them they feel inadequate unless they have full attention and full power in which they will never succeed. So they plot and fortify  , surround themselves with eachother until they kill eachother off , one by one. So in the end I guess I'll have to go W/ our maker sits and waits, watches. All these "things", we discuss and argue ore only temporary. :-|

I'll just say this to those who seem to put the United States first. I think it goes like this (ONE NATION UNDER GOD) not (ONE GOD UNDER NATION) GOD is in first place people, and i'm not saying any particualr GOD whatever GOD/religion you follow although in my case it would be the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

LORD JESUS CHRIST.  This is what i was taught! People don't realize, through all of this mess thats here , confuse you, This country was founded on the firm belief of God , Jesus, now they want to separate , NOT GOOD! :icon_pale:

while we're on conspiracy theories, i cooked up one of my own.

remember the supposed subway bombings in london? well, they were testing a bus and 3 trains with hydrogen power. while britain has good oil supplies they would like to do without as well. seeing this, british petroleum went and sabotaged the trains and the bus, causing them to blow up. causing untold loss of life simply to protect their interests. the reason this didn't come out into the open? the gov'ment doesn't want people to think hs power can be dangerous and they needed a reason to stay in iraq, so they made up the story about the bombers and the h2 part was buried deep in some secret gevernment vault in number 10 downing street.

this is completely made up, completely false. however, just try proving that it wasn't so. you can't. proving the nonexistence of something is very difficult. this is why all the scumbags that come up with a twisted plot to sell in their books, blogs, websites and whatnots continue to make a brisk business. there will always be someone willing to believe in evil/corrupt/incompetent government/industry that will pay to read about it.

as a comparison, take the jew back in the early 1940's that sat in poland and was sitting in front of his house reading the newest nazi hate rag on jews. "the jews are this, doing that, control the other etc." his buddy asks him why he reads the crap. his reply: "i just like reading how powerful i am.".


as a comparison, take the jew back in the early 1940's that sat in poland and was sitting in front of his house reading the newest nazi hate rag on jews. "the jews are this, doing that, control the other etc." his buddy asks him why he reads the crap. his reply: "i just like reading how powerful i am.".

I like that one.

You mean Bush did not cause that war too? ;)

I just finished reading this whole topic from front to back or from start finish which is this post. the only thing I can say about this whole mess is that we can not judge so why argue Let God do his job and we should do ours. I don't know if I am understood by that sentence but if we follow instructions we could live together and be at peace for the Ten commandments are not talking points but rather a way to live and respect each other. The Bill of Rights  are not talking points but rather they are what my father and your fathers paid so that I can say what I mean and mean what I say. Thank You :-)

resopalrabotnick;I know Bush's excuse in the end was WMD's for going into Iraq but this was for the UN & other countries he was trying to get to go with him.The Towers destruction is what got Congress & the country mad enough to accept this.At that time he was & still is blaming the Iraqis for training the terrorists.So yes I'm saying Bush was behind the Towers being blown up.



the only thing I can say about this whole mess is that we can not judge so why argue Let God do his job and we should do ours.

I'm not going to get very far into religion.I have often seen the not judging quoted.It comes from Matthew chapter 7.It really isn't against judging but hypocrisy.In other words before you judge make sure you are not guilty of the sin you are judging.We are called on to judge at times in America if you are called to jury duty.Try telling the judge you are a Christian & aren't allowed to judge.So you want to be excused from jury duty.

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

I'm going to interpret a couple of words here not to insult anyones intellegence .If you already knew then accept there are some that don't.

Mote is a word for straw like hay.

Beam in this case is a support beam like in a building or a board or post.

So it is saying take the post out of your eye so you can see clearly how to remove the peice of straw from your brothers eye.


I like that one.

You mean Bush did not cause that war too? ;)

not quite. but it was a us ploy. cholla, by your reasoning concerning 9/11, pearl harbor was an attack performed by secret US units. probably the reason why so few units in the regular armed forces had african american members was because they were the ultimate black operations people. the raid on pearl harbor alone would have required quite a few resources to carry out in secrecy. why do such a thing? because roosevelt wanted to go to war in europe and there was no real reason to do so. so an ally of the axis forces conveniently chooses to piss off one of the largest and hitherto neutral countries in the world. how convenient...

YES the Government WAS INVOLVED in 9/11 and they also conspired to kill Kennedy in 1963....there WAS a second gunman ....oh yeah, and men never REALLY landed on the moon, that was all staged in the Arizona desert!!! 

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

You guys are a bunch of Kool Aid drinking PINHEADS!!

resopalrabotnick ;This is not the first time I posted this either.I do beleive Roosevelt knew about the Japanese attack.I don't beleive he planned it but allowed it to procede without warning .& yes for an excuse to enter the war in Europe.Which I do think was necessary for the USA to enter .But without allowing Pearl Harbor to be attacked without warning.The Japanese thought they were invincable & were going to win the war so they didn't worry about attacking the USA.Lokk at how the Japanese violated the Geneva Convention in their treatment of prisoners.Since they thought they were going to win they didn't worry about it.Unfortunatly America has been guilty of this in the Iraq war not to the same degree but still guilty.I am ashamed of this.For some reason it takes a major disaster to get Americans involved otherwise we just kind of watch & see if things will settle themselves.That's the people .The polititions who see dollar signs.American founding politions were not this way but sadly they are now.

I don't use African -American myself because they are not Africans but Americans like every other color here.I would like to have another word other that black but it's the best I have for now.

They were in seperate units because unfortunatly there was still prejudice left over from the American Civil War.The Civil Rights movement of the 1960's hadn't happened yet.


You guys are a bunch of Kool Aid drinking PINHEADS!!

I like Kool Aid but I have a head like George Lopez so I'm not a PINHEAD.I prefer beer though.To the rest yes ,yes,no

The Kool Aid drinking tag refers to the Jim Jones cult back in the 1970's.  The entire cult group committed mass suicide by drinking cyanide laced Kool Aid.  They did this because they blindly followed their radical leader.  In this context it refers to anyone who blindly follows radical ideas and conspiracy theories without truly seeking (or caring about) the real facts.  The fact is most of you "Kool Aid" drinkers hate Bush and you don't really care what the real facts are.

The fact is you either have a pre-911 view of the world or you have post-911 view of the world.  I choose the latter.  Comparisons of Bush to Hitler make me laugh.  What about Saddam Husein as Hitler??  Does that guy just get a pass in all of this?  Have you been following his trial?  There have been some major things uncovered from that.  Like the fact that his own Generals under direct examination claimed that they believed that there was a large stock pile of WMD's that they would be able to use against the impending US invasion!  His OWN GUYS THOUGHT he had WMD's!  In the trial they expressed great disappointment when they found out he had gotten rid of them.  Given that his people thought they existed it seems pretty reasonable to assume that the best intelligence from the US, France, Germany, Russia, and GB would agree!  But NOOOOOO!!  Bush lied!  Kool Aid drinkers unite!!

Right you are but the "I hate Bush" crowd don't care about that.  Their too busy listening intently to the likes of Alec Baldwin, Al Franken, and Sean Penn who are obviously much better informed and far more intelligent then Bush.  BTW, if Bush is so stupid, how did he manage to graduate from Yale University with a higher GPA then John Kerry?  Guess he didn't have to be as smart as Alec Birdbrain.  He just needed to be smarter then John Kerry to get re-elected!

FiosFiend;I'm old enough to remember the Jones incident.It had been long enough ago I didn't even think about it.But I remember there was evidence that some of the congregation was forced to drink the Kool Aid so not all blindly followed.There were also some members still in the USA that didn't commit suicide.But I understand the insult now.I don't think I fit the blindly following type.

As for calling Bush stupid I think if you read what I have posted it will say the Stupid is an act to fool those that will believe it.Because you don't pay as much attention to someone you consider stupid.

For hating Bush yes since I believe he had a part in planning the destruction of the Towers & sent troops into Iraq getting American soldiers killed for no reason.That's the only way I can feel about him.Being a Texan & having had him as governor I've had longer to develop the hate.

As for whether Saddam should have been in power in Iraq that wasn't for the USA to decide.By that logic why don't we attack every country that has a leader we don't approve?Except that this war is breaking the USA so that we can't take proper care of ourselves like fixing the area destroyed by the hurricane & building levies that will stand the next one.How many other things are we letting slide to finance this war?

Now multiply that by going to war with every country that did not have the leader the USA wanted them to.That would be the road to bankruptcy.

The point is why decide who will govern Iraq if not all the rest?The Iraqis' should have controlled their destiny themselves or died trying.

Then if Saddam used WMD's most of the rest of the world would have been with the USA instead of so many opposed.

If Iraq or any country has WMD's against invasion whats our problem so do we.It is only using them for an offensive attack that I have a problem with.

To put it simply we should mind our business & let the other countries mind theirs.If we had been doing this since WW2 then I don't think we would have been attacked by The Middle Eastern terrorists.And hopefully wouldn't have had Bush for a President.

As for beating Kerry if Bush hadn't fixed the first election he probably wouldn't have been running again.

amc11890;I agree God is in control but it is evident that God lets mankind control our own destiny for the most part.He would probably step in before the whole planet was destroyed.I believe God will eventually come & establish His kingdom on Earth.Some say soon I personally leave this up to Him.For those that believe in the Holy Bible then think about The Lord's Prayer "Your kingdom come" I do believe prayer is awnsered but sometimes the answer is no.

"As for beating Kerry if Bush hadn't fixed the first election he probably wouldn't have been running again."

I don't believe there has been an election run in at least 20 years, that was not decided by who steals the most wotes. Yes they all buy votes form wino's etc... But we hope the best man wins.

Not to start another argument, but I truly believe that in my heart. And no i don't have any proof, but can anyone proove me wrong?

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ wins elections!

tommie gorman ;It's hard to disagree with $$$$$$$$$$$$$ wins elections!.

I could be guilty of believeing the propaganda about this but Thousands of black votes were thrown out & black voters falsely denied the right to vote by being falsly called ineligable.Like having a felony when they didn't.This was in Florida.

I didn't like Kerry or Bush.I don't know about Gore I have heard him speak since & think he had possibilities.I didn't like Clinton .I guess the last president I liked was Nixon & he was dishonest too.Carter was a good man but didn't do much as President.

I guess we need to bring Washington or Jefferson back from the dead.Maybe Sylvia Brown or James von Prague can get ahold of them.  ;)

Don't forget J.F.K., I actually studied him for a large book report in high school. My research told me that most of his mistakes were actually affected by his vice president Lyndon Baines Johnson.President only by JFK's demise. Yes almost every thing JFK tried to do was stopped by LBJ, or ruined by LBJ. No LBJ did not personally shoot JFK, but he had a lot of motive to have it done. And the reason he was chosen to be JFK's vice, was because he had so much power in congress. VERY powerful. And if my memory serves me correctly, he was on Airforce 1 immediatly after JFK's shooting. No he did not stay long enough to see if JFK was OK. Think what you want, but that is what I sermised back in school, and we did have internet to do quick research. Only libraries. So any work you did back then would stay with you a long time.

And i got an A+ on my report.  :D

JFK did some good things & anyone that says anything bad about him is probably in for an attack.I was in third grade in class when they announced JFK had been shot.Since I'm a Texan I'm going to comment on LBJ another sorry oilman that bought his power with money.

I have enough conspiracy theory to defend without saying anything about LBJ's part in JFK's assassination.LBJ was definately a very powerful Senator before becoming vice-President.LBJ was elected to the term after he finished JFK's.

I too have spent time in the library & have used the card catalogs many times to research.And them stone tablets are heavy.  :haha:

Since were doing some quotes now here are a couple.At the risk at them turning back on me.

'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all

doubt. Versions attributed to Mark Twain ,Abe Lincoln,Samuel Johnson,& Albert Einstein

It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer.

- Albert Einstein

Why do you Yanks and to a lesser extent,us Brits,value "our boys lives",so much higher,then say an Iraqi or Palestinian's.You Yanks have just taken the nefarious torch of imperialism,from the rancid dying fingers of the British esablishment.The difference is you guys have real power,not just old fading memories------shit thats so scary.Islam isn't the enemy---it's the American right with it's Bushes amd christian fundamentalism,(the western twin of Al Quaeda).Keep left and maybe there might be a future of some kind.By the way the links were a bit like tabloid sensationalism.There was some truth there,oil and Bushes right-wing agenda took us into Iraq.It was just taking 9/11 as an oppotunity, to fool the people.I don't think he ordered the bombing of the twin towers.If I wasn't an atheist, I would think Bush to be Satan himself and Blair his little lap dog

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