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Toilet Lid Sink

A Sink in the Top of your Toilet

You already know why it's good!

-- Jeff Hoover

[After you flush the toilet, incoming water cycles up through the sink before going down to refill the toilet tank. Water is used twice: Once for hand washing, and a second time for the next flush. -- CP]

Toilet Lid Sink


Available from Real Goods

Manufacturer not listed.

Seems like it would be a good thing for airplanes, to save space or something.

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Kind of solves something I have posted before.The seat & LID should be put down .Not just the seat.With the toilet lid sink you would almost have to do this.Kids would have to stand on the lid to use...Great use of gray water.The only problem I see is being the next guy real soon & having to take a dump into hot water.That takes light a match to a new level.  :haha:

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mudmanc4;If I put in a sink specially in the restroom it's going to have hot & cold water to it.

Here's a little plumbing lesson .There are toilets that have warm water supply.This is because the area has high humidity & the tank sweats excessively if it only has cold water.This requires a special mixing valve but this system would have hot & cold already at the toilet.

I have never used one but I understand bodets(I hope spelled it correct) are plumbed this way.)If there not it would be a chilling experience.Now there's your new way to drink beer.   :haha:

I think I'll stick with the old fashioned way.

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mudmanc4;If I put in a sink specially in the restroom it's going to have hot & cold water to it.

Here's a little plumbing lesson .There are toilets that have warm water supply.This is because the area has high humidity & the tank sweats excessively if it only has cold water.This requires a special mixing valve but this system would have hot & cold already at the toilet.

I have never used one but I understand bodets(I hope spelled it correct) are plumbed this way.)If there not it would be a chilling experience.Now there's your new way to drink beer.  :haha:

I think I'll stick with the old fashioned way.

thanks cholla , I guess I could have known of the "bodet" but I never heard of the humidity thing, It would work wouldn't it. You learn something a couple times a day.BTW As far as the beer enema , I'll pass!!!!!!  But do you remember the guy that died , when his wife gave him an enema W/ brandy or conac or something?  Nice !      EXIT ONLY!!

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I never thought about the effect of hot on the wax ring but I could definatly see how it could melt.The one I was talking about just regulates to warm.

mudmanc4 ;I think I will pass on the beer enema too.Sounds funny though.Too bad about the guy who was killed with the hard liquor one.I guess there are worse ways to go.I wonder if they charged his wife with anything?

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