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I'm sorry to ask this, but i have heard it over and over and over again but never knew what it does or whats the purpose of it. I'm talking about PING. Can someone tell me what ping is and whats the purpose of it, because i play my xbox360 online everyday all the time, and i see by their names different ping numbers.. So can someone explain to me please what PING is, if the ping number is high is that good or is it supposed to be low or vice versa or what? Also, how can i find out what my Ping is, because i have no clue how to find out aswell as what it is. So please can someone explain this to me. Thanks


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Pinging allows you to figure out all sorts of things. You can solve internet connection problems, lan (local area network) problems, figure out the route you use when you send info to the net. and detect any problems along the way such as slow servers and such. These are just a few things you can do, but you can get a general idea. I hope this is a good enough answer for ya. If not I will get a little more in depth. Welcome to the forum sirius05! :)

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I'm sorry to ask this, but i have heard it over and over and over again but never knew what it does or whats the purpose of it. I'm talking about PING. Can someone tell me what ping is and whats the purpose of it, because i play my xbox360 online everyday all the time, and i see by their names different ping numbers.. So can someone explain to me please what PING is, if the ping number is high is that good or is it supposed to be low or vice versa or what? Also, how can i find out what my Ping is, because i have no clue how to find out aswell as what it is. So please can someone explain this to me. Thanks


High number is bad.  Low number is good.  You will actually have many pings across the internet because you will be visiting many sites and talking with many servers.  You will have a differnet ping to each server you connect to.  Your ping is the time in milliseconds it takes for the information to travel from you to the server and back.  In your games for instance, if you have a high ping you will get lag.  Ping can be effected by either distance or a problem on either the client or host end.

Hope this clears your question... and Welcome to the site :)

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This is my ping result to TMN    Average =  113ms

from the UK, does this seem about right ?

I get around 25ms to Europe (Holland) 

thats about right

my route from Sweden goes via NL and UK

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  ua-85-226-177-2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se [85.226


  3    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  vlan2.dr2.lul10.se.bredband.com []

  4    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  port-channel3.dr1.lul1.se.bredband.com [195.54.1


  5    1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  ge1-0.cr1.lul1.se.bredband.com []

  6    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  pos3-0.cr2.svl1.se.bredband.com []

  7    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  pos6-0.cr1.svl1.se.bredband.com []

  8    20 ms    20 ms    20 ms  pos6-0-0.cr2.sto1.se.bredband.com [


  9    20 ms    20 ms    20 ms  pos14-0.cr1.sto1.se.bredband.com [


10    20 ms    20 ms    20 ms  pos13-0.cr2.sto2.se.bredband.com [


11    42 ms    41 ms    41 ms  pos1-0.br1.ams1.se.bredband.com []

12    44 ms    45 ms    43 ms  PNI.Bredband.ams1.nl.above.net []

13    43 ms    43 ms    42 ms  so-0-0-0.mpr1.ams5.nl.above.net []

14    56 ms    56 ms    57 ms  so-5-0-0.cr2.lhr3.uk.above.net []

15  132 ms  132 ms  129 ms  so-7-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net []

16  129 ms  129 ms  127 ms  so-0-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net []

17  152 ms  153 ms  154 ms  so-3-0-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net []

18  156 ms  157 ms  157 ms []

19  156 ms  156 ms  152 ms  vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

20  152 ms  172 ms  211 ms  vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

21  154 ms  152 ms  171 ms  gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [


22  153 ms  153 ms  153 ms  55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.

so the ping between uk backbone and testmy.net is

153 - 56 = 97 ms

VanBuren :)

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