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by the way ... this is Sin0cide ... I am camera dude in all these...

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First of all... this is Fat Man on a Little Bike -- sin0cide on a tiny two stroke... don't give up on this video at the start... watch it, really funny (I should have shortened it a little)

Then of course we have Staple Arm OUCH dude.. NUF said

And we got... Short Guy in a Litlle Dress ~~~ it says nightmare in the start of that video... because that is my little sister and her BF... we went on a quest for SUGAR... and he is wearing a dress... (not sin0cide... but still funny)

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:lol: Jeeessus,

Those 3 clips are amazingly fuc@#$g funny,how the hell did the guy in the dress keep a straight face.....I only have one problem with the 1st clip I think it should be named "A Man and HIS Machine"(rolling on the floor)I dont know what else to say except post more and off the hook....

:D Microwave

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Fat Man on a Little Bike- 7outa10 pretty funny where was the smokeshow lol

Staple Arm- What can I say Fuc#@$ up :!:

Short Guy in a Little Dress- gotta give him8outa10 for that. Man if he would have done that in my neighbourhood he would have got shot :!:

Gotta say thats some funny shit

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