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I was hunting UFOs, says Pentagon's UK hacker

I found this to be a pretty interesting story from Reuters UK.

Gary McKinnon says he is just an ordinary computer nerd who wanted to find out whether aliens and UFOs exist, but put the nation's security at risk by committing "the biggest military computer hack of all time".

U.S. officials claim he caused $700,000 worth of damage and even crippled vital defence systems shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.

Surprisingly, he found it was easy despite being only a rank amateur who "couldn't even programme at the time".

Using the hacking name "Solo", he discovered that many U.S. top-security systems were using an insecure Microsoft Windows programme and had no password protection at all.

So do aliens exist? Yes, according to McKinnon.  :asmile:

He said he came across a group called the "Disclosure Project", which had expert testimonies from senior figures who said technology obtained from extra-terrestrials did exist.

"I saw what I'm convinced was some kind of satellite or spacecraft but it was manufactured by no means I have ever seen before -- there were no rivets, no seams, it was like one flawless piece of material. And that was above the Earth."


Simple hack to disable USB drives in XP - Perfect for public machines

haha yeah.. this guy just slapped everyone in the IT world that works for the US government..  Now he is afraid of going to Guantanamo Bay.. umm.. hello DONT hack then you dont have to worry about Guantanamo :roll:

But either way.. the fact that he was able to get into the systems that he did, NASA, Army, Navy, DoD, Air Force, and The Pentagon's, really makes you wonder how secure these network are?!

hahaha once he severs his jail sentence.. my guess is that he will make tons in the security sector.. I am sure that he is not going for 70 years, the max sentence.  There is just no way...  He know to much..

KcKinnon is a guest speaker this week at the Infosec show in London's Olympia.

"What I did was just unauthorised access," McKinnon told vnunet.com "I'm p*ssed off that six months' community service has turned out to be 60 years in a foreign jail."

[don't they have something like the ACLU over in Brit?]

McKinnon claimed folk overreact in cases of hacking that do not match the level of the supposed crime.

[True, we should have just paid him to keep his mouth shut and an added bonus for telling the US Depts. how he did it!! ~ lol]

Super-hacker McKinnon speaks out

[i can't wait 'till he 'really' speaks out!! ~ glad we didn't pay him off]

Honestly it sounds like the same jibberish we have been hearing for the last 40 or 50 years.  ;)

"I saw what I'm convinced was some kind of satellite or spacecraft but it was manufactured by no means I have ever seen before -- there were no rivets, no seams, it was like one flawless piece of material. And that was above the Earth."

"He describes a cigar-shaped object surrounded by domes, which looked like it was made from a single piece of metal without any seams."

I mean big deal! Some TOP SECRET INFO. Just read  some of the Rag Mag's, they already write about some of this stuff.  :laughing7:

Banned from using the internet, Gary McKinnon spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read (and watch) what he had to say here.

Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up'

In the interview he talks about how he accessed machines by using default passwords and a conversation with a NASA network engineer using Wordpad. He also talks about how he found information about anti-gravity, UFO technology, free energy and how UFOs are regularly airbrushed out from high-resolution satellite images.

UK hacker Gary McKinnon should be recommended for extradition to the US, a district judge has ruled.

In quoting the BBC story;

"The US in its case for extradition said Mr McKinnon caused more than $700,000 (

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