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Epson Hits Online Ink Cartridge Retailers

Martyn Williams, IDG News Service Mon May 1, 11:00 AM ET

Seiko Epson has succeeded in getting four online retailers of printer ink cartridges to stop selling a number of third-party ink cartridges designed for use in Epson printers, the Japanese company says.


The four retailers are in Germany and agreed in out of court settlements to stop selling the cartridges, which Seiko Epson asserts infringe upon its intellectual property.

Rest of story [url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20060501/tc_pcworld/125599;_ylt=AvfsEjTWg11263swtPGBwjCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cjE0b2MwBHNlYwM3Mzg-]here]

I guess we'll still have to keep paying $25-$30 per cartrige.

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I disagree, well except for the ink costs. I've had the same printer, Stylus Color 740 for almost seven years (is that a record?) now and it hasn't failed me yet.

HP printers however, I don't really like.

ive had the opposite experience, epson printers always fail, but my hp's never have a single problem.

personal subjective preference? hp. will feed and print anything but toiletpaper. (and i was so hoping to give a roll of personalized asswiping supplies)

objective preference? none. go buy whatever fills your needs or rocks your boat.

yeah.. hp is where I have been..never tried epson.. but have had a canon.. that thing uses so much ink it was crazy.. I have a few friends with the epson all in ones and those are pretty nice I must admit..

So far this year I have been able to get by on 2 black inks and 1 color.. Not bad for a college IT student..

I definitely like Epson's ink and will pay a bit more for cartridges if I have to. It's saved me twice when I spilled coffee on document I had printed out, somehow epsons ink is water resistant or something so that when it comes in contact with liquid it doesn't smudge and run.

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