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dark i never said i did block port 80 i said i can block port 80, but i don't because people have to use the internet. and i am a system administrator, as well as a 3D artist + installer + many other things. , for acousticinnovations, we are a small company we only have 34 computers, so being the system admin is just a small portion of my job its not all the time.

dark06. you can play cat and mouse all you want.

if you are working in a company that has outlawe skype then that company can scan the comps they own (which in that case includes the one you work on) for files they don't want. if they then find skype installed on their system or a history of a skype file being run from a thumb drive or other site they can decide to fire you. you are in breach of contract for installing unwanted software even though you signed a contract that you would abide by the employers rules. and i know that a lot of people holding down a job would not want to risk it for something like that.

the admin may not be able to block skype reliably (which is the basis of the whole problem) but they can detect it on their net, if only as installed and/or executed files.

So, um, has anyone other than me discovered that Skype is great for prank calls? I mean, as long as you don't have a SkypeIn number, there is absolutely no way for the person to trace the call back to you!! It comes to their phone as 000-123-4567

So, um, has anyone other than me discovered that Skype is great for prank calls? I mean, as long as you don't have a SkypeIn number, there is absolutely no way for the person to trace the call back to you!! It comes to their phone as 000-123-4567

HEHE never thought of that Hmmm could be interesting.....time to have some fun.. :haha:

So, um, has anyone other than me discovered that Skype is great for prank calls? I mean, as long as you don't have a SkypeIn number, there is absolutely no way for the person to trace the call back to you!! It comes to their phone as 000-123-4567

Yeah Im Thinking Bomb Threat May 25th Last Day Of school

We had one last year on the last day of school

it was kool

I know some1 will call it in and will probably use skype 2 do it

cause i know 4 a fact thats what i would use if i needed AN UNTRACABLE NUMBER

ofcourse i would run it through a proxy and add some encryption to it

then u just turn off your comp and router get a new ip address and your all set

Americans don't have the right to use software such as Skype if it doesn't support mandatory backdoors for wiretapping.


The Federal Communications Commission thinks you have the right to use software on your computer only if the FBI approves.

According to the three-page document, to preserve the openness that characterizes today's Internet, "consumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement." Read the last seven words again.

Nowhere does the commission say how it jibes this official pronouncement with, say, the First Amendment's right to speak freely, not to mention the limited powers granted the federal government by the U.S. Constitution.

What's also worth noting is that the FCC's pronunciamento almost tracks the language of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Almost.

But where federal law states that it is the policy of the United States to preserve a free market for Internet services "unfettered by federal or state regulation," the bureaucrats have adroitly interpreted that to mean precisely the opposite of Congress said. Ain't that clever?

i know one things 4 sure its much harder to tao into a voip service

than it is to get into a landline that an b done so easy its amazing any1 with a secound phone can just plug it intio the line and hear the conversation while voip to another voip is a lil harder

btw i messed up i read the article they were talking more avout pc to pc calls those are almost impossible to track if u use some precations first

Yeah Im Thinking Bomb Threat May 25th Last Day Of school

We had one last year on the last day of school

it was kool

I know some1 will call it in and will probably use skype 2 do it

cause i know 4 a fact thats what i would use if i needed AN UNTRACABLE NUMBER

ofcourse i would run it through a proxy and add some encryption to it

then u just turn off your comp and router get a new ip address and your all set

Yeah i dont recommend a bomb threat..You and BIG BUBBA _)_)ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZD might get to know each other... :haha: :haha:

Secure Voice over IP: Zfone

"Zfone uses a new protocol called ZRTP, which is better than the other approaches to secure VoIP, because it achieves security without reliance on a PKI, key certification, trust models, certificate authorities, or key management complexity that bedevils the email encryption world. It also does not rely on SIP signaling for the key management, and in fact does not rely on any servers at all. It performs its key agreements and key management in a purely peer-to-peer manner over the RTP packet stream."

CALEA, the thing that allows wiretaps under warrant, is in place for all previous communications methods, including paging. What government wants is CALEA type access to new communications types. HOWEVER: Neither the constitution, any ammendment, any subsequent law, or even terms of use, specify that your communications have to be made in an open unenctrypted manner. In fact, in the US, if there is no evidence, there is no crime, and no way to know the criminal. Its all part of that innocent until proven guilty mindset.

If all your telephone calls, emails, etc. are encrypted by you and the other intended party or parties involved, there simply is nothing the government can do about it. With probable cause, they can 'try' to compel you to divulge the encryption key, but then you don't have to testify against yourself in the U.S. ... at least not yet.

NETGEAR WiFi Phone for Skype

NETGEAR's WiFi Phone for Skype (SPH101) is the world's first wireless Internet phone that can make free calls to other Skype users anywhere in the world, anytime you have WiFi access, without a PC.


Bomb Threats are NOT Kool.  Think one thing - that if it's real and a lot of you friends and classmates go flying thru the air and all the super glue in the world can't put them back together again. Will you look at all the pieces of human flesh and say " Gee, That was Kool?"

Dark06, here are some Cool things we did in high-school.

Go up to Sirloin Stockade and steal there mobile Bull on a trailer, and park it out front of the school.

Take 77 old tires and launch them onto the flag pole, for everybody to see the next day.(1977)

Park a V.W. Beetle body on top of the school building( they got caught on that one).

Put the Vice Principal's V.W. Bus up on blocks just high enough that it would burn rubber, and not go anywhere.

White wash graffiti on the square streets.

Run wide open headers on a certain day.

Senior skip day.(Maybe two)

Park cars sideways in parking spaces.(Honda's were prime target's)

Let a greased pig loose in the school, and see how long it would take them to catch it. (And take bet's)

Cut the Principals paddle almost in half, bust on impact.

Order Pizza for the principal. Lol

Drag racing with the cop's on purpose.

Lot's of parties.

Spirit Day.(Dress up like you were going to a football game. Just crazy looking.)

Grow a beard.

Look up the dresses of girls.

Looking down the dresses of girls.

Just before my time. Girls streaking in front of the Principal and hauling a*s.

Blowing up the crappers.

Taking peaks over the shower walls into the girls showers.(Got a few swats for that when we got caught).

Whoopi behind the bushes.

Whoopi under the bleachers.

Opposing sports team fights.

Putting a whizzer in the principal's tailpipe.

Building street rods in auto mechanics.


But no bomb threats.

You get the jist.  :laughing7:  :laughing7:

Have some fun. :occasion14:

NETGEAR WiFi Phone for Skype

NETGEAR's WiFi Phone for Skype (SPH101) is the world's first wireless Internet phone that can make free calls to other Skype users anywhere in the world, anytime you have WiFi access, without a PC.

thats pretty cool

Skype uses SIP, Session Initiated Protocol, so it's using ports 5060 and 5061, for connecting the calls. Actual encrypted conversation is going thru from ports 10000-20000. Not only is securing the network a issue, but also is wiretapping.

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