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hey DJ :)

I would get a XP Pro cd with SP2 installed on the CD

there is a offline installation package for SP2 aswell, you can download it somewhere on microsofts homepage

Do not use windows update online installation! Cos before its done you have computer hacked

also check this thread and disable the services you dont need


good luck

VanBuren :)

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:) IMHO I say no wait.............I still haven't installed sp2, I have heard and still do hear horror stories. If I was going to install it I would rather install a OS that came with SP2 installed. If a person is able to lock all the doors for intruders and stop Poop-Ups etc then it may not even be necessary to use sp2. Of course as with most issues of this nature there are people on both sides of the issue and some like me straddling the fence. I have always waited some time b4 I install patches from micro-sloth or really from most except for my A.V. pgm just as a matter of routine, my reason is I have been burnt along with others over the years and seen many worthless patches and patches that slow down the computer and this may not be apparent at first.But thats just me I could be wrong.... :)

8) Microwave

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i was also very sceptical to SP2 for a while, i did a online installation and it work good pc is just abit slower, but i think its more likely a matter of hardware hehe

I followed this  subject in some other forums and the ppl that use the CD version including SP2 thinks it work great.

Next time i reinstall XP i will try a cd version with SP2, if im lucky it might bring up the speed

VanBuren :)

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Ok well good thing i havent done anything yet,this has got me to wonder what to do,and btw how exactly do I get the cd that comes with sp2,eventhough im skeptical of installing sp2 on my laptop,because i already have it on my pc :?

You can get the cd free here :http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/sp2/cdorder/en_us/default.mspx

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:)  netmasta,

Thanks I just sent for it,even though it takes awhile I will have it when and if I need it for myself or friends..... :)

8) Microwave

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So this cd will come with XP Pro and sp2 in one?

If so thanks ,and I also  want to  thank all who helped me try and get through this problem

Also is there anyway i can get a cd with XP pro alone or is that how it comes bundled up together?

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Well like I said this is on the laptop where I dont p2p anyway,too small of a HD,and the reason im reformatting is because I think somethings wrong.Everytime I try to go to My Computer,My Documents or anything else besides the internet I would get a message saying "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be shut down" and then everything on the screen will disappear for a few secs. and then go back to the desktop

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lol :P  mine did the same thing haha :lol:

but an easier way would be;

Go to control panel , and user accounts.

Create an account called ...anything,....um.. "testing"

Once your in the testing account, logoff your current account.

Go back to the testing account, save any of the needed documents from the other account ( by going to my computer and copying them) 

Completely delete your old account while on the testing account ( delete files too?  -> Yes )

Then reset up a main account for yourself and drag the files there. Then delete the testing account.

This is much more time friendly then formatting completely. Also, may be a good idea to run a defrag after doing this.

Have fun :)

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Well like I said this is on the laptop where I dont p2p anyway,too small of a HD,and the reason im reformatting is because I think somethings wrong.Everytime I try to go to My Computer,My Documents or anything else besides the internet I would get a message saying "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be shut down" and then everything on the screen will disappear for a few secs. and then go back to the desktop

:) Those things may be fixable without a format, do you have the same problems if you log on as a different user?? I just usually try and format as a last resort although it can be lots more time consuming to trouble shoot the problem. On the other hand trying to fix stuff is how I learned everything (not that its alot ) and I dont mind doing it ,actually I enjoy it although I do get pissed sometimes...LOL..... I keep a good copy of everything on CD, unless I made a copy of a corrupt file or pgm I can load it back to my drive after a format and Im back in business. either way good luck..... :)

8) Microwave

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It is REALLY a longshot, but if you go into c:windowsprefetch and delete all of the .pf files, THEN reboot, the danged problem just might fix itself, but --you will experience slow boots for the next two or three times until the prefetch gets filled back up again with the usual info on what you use/launch the most.

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