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Ryan knows All :haha: :haha:

Hi Ryan

During the Disc-ourse of our Disc-cusion , I was Disc-combobulated

and Disc-omforted , that you Disc-losed my Disc-rededitable situation,

this is something I must Disc-laim, as it is causing Disc_rimination and  Disc-omfort to me

totaly unexpected from such a Disc-cerning fellow member,

So I will Disc-ount your in Disc-reet  Dis-course , and Disc-ard it, I put it down to not enough Disc-ipline at home ,that is responcible for this Discreditable  Disc-ord,

I feel Disc-ouraged  by this, and will Disc-onnect from this  Disc-ussion feeling Disc-onsolate and Disc-ontented


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Hi Ryan

During the Disc-ourse of our Disc-cusion , I was Disc-combobulated

and Disc-omforted , that you Disc-losed my Disc-rededitable situation,

this is something I must Disc-laim, as it is causing Disc_rimination and  Disc-omfort to me

totaly unexpected from such a Disc-cerning fellow member,

So I will Disc-ount your in Disc-reet  Dis-course , and Disc-ard it, I put it down to not enough Disc-ipline at home ,that is responcible for this Discreditable  Disc-ord,

I feel Disc-ouraged  by this, and will Disc-onnect from this  Disc-ussion feeling Disc-onsolate and Disc-ontented


You read my mind.

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