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I have a ADSL connection of 256/128 with a leading UK commercial provider,

and phone line from our national Tel co,  (BT )  today I have upgraded to the ISP's

( nameless  in case they follow this forum , lol ) to their 8Mg service with a cap of 2GB, I have been assured that after their check , I will receive at least 4.5Mb , in the mean time my exciting service has been upgraded to 2Mbps , and indeed I am getting 1836Kbps  ave. from testmy. net test , but I know my line will not support more than 2Mgbps,having been given the Tel co (BT) test procedure from a BT engineer,

so why am I doing this, knowing that I cant get more than 2Mbps, well I am tied into a contract for another year with my ISP,(expensive )so if they cant deliver the 4.5Mgps as they promised ( recorded ) I will move on to a  rival uncapped 1 Mg service for $6.00 a month cheaper, 

I Will update this thread , as the saga continues 

Most UK ISP are selling their services as up to 8Mb. and many customers are very unhappy paying for 8Mb and only getting 1.6Mb due to line age and length  ,the ISP's  falls back on the "UP TO 8Mg " so I am making my protest, 


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Someone's bored. Don't wait to be deported, just take an extended vacation. Didn't you know Brit's retire in Florida? Would choose a different state otherwise, but that is what I have heard. Even Bin Laden is hiding down there  :oops:no-one was supposed to know that.

*ducks back behind the bush*

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Someone's bored. Don't wait to be deported, just take an extended vacation. Didn't you know Brit's retire in Florida? Would choose a different state otherwise, but that is what I have heard. Even Bin Laden is hiding down there  :oops:no-one was supposed to know that.

*ducks back behind the bush*

You are right again Tommie (bored ), yeah Florida sounds a nice place , but full of winging Brits it would appear, so I will give that a miss , But I would like to see mid America , real hometown stuff,

maybe I have seen too many Westerns as a kid,  :lol: maybe it isn't like that anymore  ?

personally I dont enjoy holiday destinations very much, full of people desperately trying to have fun , many Brits go to Spain for their holiday, sit in a bar drinking beer and having Fish and Chips for dinner, and go to a English club in the evening, they come back and say Spain was great  :roll:

Altough I have traveled in Europe  a fair bit , it was not at my cost (work ) the thought of buying my own ticket, comes as a bit of a shock,  :lol: so I was hanging on in the hope of deportation,  :lol: ,  Then if I wished I could come back using a assumed name as a refugee ,

and be given free housing and money to spend for the rest of my life  :angry5:

:lol:winging Brits  :lol: I think I got out of the wrong side of bed this morning  :lol:

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No Roco, there is still a lot western land for sale. Not just in the movies.

But remember the old saying, it always appears greener on the other side of the fence. There is no place like home. Other than that, there is a lot more freedom it appears. Not just personal, but also elbow room.

In the year 2000 there were 81.2 persons per square mile in Missouri.

(And some other facts)


I could not find the conversion for you, or an English comparable. But I am sure you wont have any trouble with it.  :oops:

There are still a lot of places folks do not even lock their house or car at night. I would not, except my wife feels she still needs to. I never lock my truck at night. And it is loaded with tools. Now at work in the inner city, I won't enter the rental house unless the truck is locked!  :shock:

I figure it this way, as far out in the country as I live, the neighbors usually know what I have. And they have better stuff, so why would they bother stealing mine.  :lol:

And yeah folks still trust folks in the country. And a handshake is how a deal is done. Done a few roofs that way. No money down, just a handshake and paid on final.

Try that one in the city!  :laughing7:

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interim update on my 8Meg upgrade (on Wed.3 Oct )

I now have a 2.2Mbps temporary connection and getting near to my phone line limit , I will have to wait to see the amazing 5Mbps, I just hope I am wrong on this , but I think this is the best I am going to get , time will tell

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1859 Kbps about 1.86 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 227 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 176 Kbps about 0.18 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 21 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 2)

Test Time:: 2006/09/27 - 11:47pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BZ6IUE8ST

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YDR0Z67M9

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon) [!]

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just a update to my post #6, the start date for my 8Mb sevice came and went ,

nothing changed , still running at around 1800 Kbps , more or less what I expected,

I will hold fire till the weekend , as tests to the USA, are all running very slow , not just Testmy.net, although my tests to Europe and UK (home ) are OK , but they are just confirming my current speed 1850Kbps, no doubt my Isp will say I have a computer problem, malware etc , so just reformated and did a clean install of my spare puter ,

still got the same results ,  :roll:  

P.S. to the guys reporting slow speeds on Testmy.net, are you getting the same results from other sites ?, coz I am,  :angry2:

all seems OK at the moment  23.45  hrs Gmt

but I was getting this earlier on the forum

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hey roco wazup

i got NTL 4mb

i was fed up of paying for a bt line plus the internet on top of it

so far getting a good speed test out of it

as well has my 400kb upload

used to be a ntl customer

back to them again after 1year or so and still happy :)

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Hi Just, I dont have a real problem as such , just winding my ISP up, as I am tired of the up to 8Mb broadband speil, all the adsl providers have leapt on this bandwagon, mine came back with congratulations you can get 5Mb on your connection, so I upgrade and get 1.8Mb, I know full well my line is only good for a max of 2Mb, after a short argument they have let me keep my 3 mail boxes and no download limit , and the 2Mb speed , LOL for the same price of my 256Kb service , I didn't think they would roll over that easy  :lol:

There was a interesting article in the Times newspaper abouit rip off 8Mb adsl broadband in the UK,  the average speed is 2.4 Mb

Ntl  the 4Mb sevice is

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roco, if you need more emails or a domain and webspace, check out www.1and1.co.uk their prices are pretty good. ( www.1and1.com for us. even better prices.)

thanks Reso....

happy enough with 3 email addresses,

my ISP has moved me up to a connect speed of 3.8Mbps , and UK speed tests indicate I am getting 3.5Mb down and 330 Kbps up , but my telco ( British Telecoms )exchange is listed as being updated soon , so I guess this makes my prediction of no more than 1.8 Mb was wrong, Thanks, Pipex.com , my ISP, never had a problem with them in 3 years,  only used their support once , by email , the responce was excellent, and they kept me informed daily of the problem (telco) and a free dial up connection for the duration ,



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Hi Just, I dont have a real problem as such , just winding my ISP up, as I am tired of the up to 8Mb broadband speil, all the adsl providers have leapt on this bandwagon, mine came back with congratulations you can get 5Mb on your connection, so I upgrade and get 1.8Mb, I know full well my line is only good for a max of 2Mb, after a short argument they have let me keep my 3 mail boxes and no download limit , and the 2Mb speed , LOL for the same price of my 256Kb service , I didn't think they would roll over that easy  :lol:

There was a interesting article in the Times newspaper abouit rip off 8Mb adsl broadband in the UK,  the average speed is 2.4 Mb

Ntl  the 4Mb sevice is

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Hi Just , Yes you are right about phone line cost from BT, and yes BT has a poor record,that is what becomes of being a monopoly for so long,

I am sure cable is the way to go,  but I I still havent found a referance to NTL

doing phone and broadband Without TV,  If they do that I might give it a go,

My prediction of no more than 1.8Mb on my line has been proved wrong , I am pleased to say, although the speeds have been all over the place for the last few days , but have now seemed to have settled at

  :::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 2905 Kbps about 2.91 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 355 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 151 Kbps about 0.15 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 18 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/10/10 - 5:11am

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OX50BR2VQ

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LN70AVG6C

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon) [!]

in the UK I have seen 3.6Mb also  the same to Germany

once the smoke has cleared I will try some changes to rwin currently set to 128480 with mtu 1500,

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2 years ago i had NTL 2mb with telephone service only

i find their website not really good

if u are really intrested give them a call

i got a deal 12 months internet and free phone for a year, like the 10 pounds u pay bt sort of thing

basic package with nothing included

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Sounds like a very decent ISP there Roco.  :read:

Yeah , I was about to agree with you Tommie , But the Bars**%ds  have slapped the 2 gig limit on, but I have kept my 3 email addresess , I normaly use 1.8gb a month, but with all this new found speed and testing everywhere, I am going to go over this month, so another $5 for a additional 3Gb , I normaly only go over when reloading someones puter (updates and drivers etc,) so I guess I will have to start charging them ,

BTW I am not getting email notification from Testmy net since the problems, any one else getting that ? my email is working ok apart from that ,     

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yeah... that's on the list of stuff to be fixed ;)

Ok , thanks for that php.

this all happened at the same time as my ISP upgrade, and they are letting me keep the extra email adds. I thought they had gone back on there word LOL as if they would ?

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tommie ;A lot of dial-up is limited on the amount of hours time they allow per month .This is even ones that advertise unlimited .You have to check the TOS for the ISP.You probably really didn't need the info I just thought I would through it in.

Roco;Probably not much you can do about line quality outside you house.Inside I bet you already have installed the best you could.Where I live we have an in the air drop from the pole the phone company will not replace this unless its damaged.It will almost always meet minimum requirements.So if I ever think mine needs replacing its going to snap in a wind storm .We do have high wind here some of the time.

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Limits on dial-up is a little silly today.

Anyway, one way I got a power line replaced one time was to build a bonfire underneath it. For some reason after getting it red hot and burning the remaining insulation off of it, they decided it might need replacing. Go figure.  :oops:

:lol: :lol:

Just make sure it is broken, not cut.  :twisted:

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tommie ;The only power line I was ever involved with getting replaced was at my grandparents house several years ago.The power company just looked at it & said OK no charge.

For the not cutting .A good rope hooked to the back of a vehicle & the line should do the trick.I would just wait till we had one of the days we get a 60 or 70 mph strait wind.Then claim the wind did it.

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