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All right, the first one is with Firefox. I don't know why or even when it started, but it doesn't allow almost any forms of Javascript to run. I've checked all my settings and all my extensions to see if I just had a setting wrong or an extension I could uninstall/disable. Long story short, I couldn't find anything, so any suggestions would be nice. I don't particularly feel like starting a new profile.

The second one is more complicated. Maybe. My router keeps dropping my Internet connection every 5-15 minutes it seems. It drops it, which I'll find out because a 600+ megabyte download or a loading webpage will just stall, so I'll look at my modem and the cable light is off, then slowly flickers, then rapidly flickers, then it's steady and my download will resume, that is, if Firefox hasn't decided to be gay and say "Hmm... No Internet connection... Well, whatever, I'm lazy- I'm not gonna wait for it to come back. I'm just gonna declare the file completed and hope he doesn't notice halfway through the video that it gets an error because it's unfinished."

It's really annoying, and I hope I don't need a new router, because that probably means contacting Cox, and that conversation will probably run along the lines of this:

"Well, what's wrong with the router? ...It doesn't work? Have you tried resetting it? ...Still didn't fix it? ...Are  you sure? ...Did something happen to it, like something hit or whatever? Because if it's damaged as a direct result of you, then it'll cost you. ...No? ...Are you sure? ...Well, I don't believe you, so you're going to pay for it. ...Uh, yes, you are. ...Fine, then you aren't getting a new router. ...Hey, man, whoa! Put down the knife! PUT IT DOWN! AHHH!!!!"

Anyway, it's a Toshiba PCX2500, if that makes any difference. Here's a screenshot of uTorrent to illustrate the problem better.

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If your cablemodem is flapping (and by your own description it is), check the coax back to the wall and remove any splitters/surge protectors that may be on the line.  If the problem goes away then you need a new splitter, if not well....sorry you gonna need to call Cox.  Your first and most important clue is that your cable light starts to flash which means your modem has cycled or flapped (flap=abnormal reinsertion to the network).  This is not a router problem (guess thats good news) ...Good Luck!

The second one is more complicated. Maybe. My router keeps dropping my Internet connection every 5-15 minutes it seems. It drops it, which I'll find out because a 600+ megabyte download or a loading webpage will just stall, so I'll look at my modem and the cable light is off, then slowly flickers, then rapidly flickers, then it's steady and my download will resume, that is, if Firefox hasn't decided to be gay and say "Hmm... No Internet connection... Well, whatever, I'm lazy- I'm not gonna wait for it to come back. I'm just gonna declare the file completed and hope he doesn't notice halfway through the video that it gets an error because it's unfinished."

the same problem here dudes

            i will be using opera browser for downloads from rapidshare and mine is a having dynamic ip address (i think) as of now.

            for the past 1 week or more i am facing this type of problem . i' ll be downloading a big file(some 300 MB for my connection, its very big;)) and i used to start my download and go to sleep thinking that there will be no problem.

              but after the stipulated time when i switch on my monitor thinking that download will be complete i will be there for a surprise the browser will show me a error downloading file

                so one time i myself sat to check what is happening while downloading those type of files. during the last 1 hour of my download i saw the download speed to be gradually decreasing and it dropped to zero. showing me the above mentioned ERROR

                  again i switched on my modem and it took some 2 minutes to connect me to the internet, for that AMBER LIGHT to be lit.by the way my modem is Sterlite SmartAX MT 841 and the company is Huawei.

                    i used to check all my physical connections(cables) before connecting it again.then only it used to work otherwise, it will show me "NO CONNECTIVITY OR LIMITED CONNECTIVITY"

                    it 's really sucking dudes and the reply told by ISPGeek is correct for me, i think coz my modem is at the same level as that of monitor on the desk and the CPU  is at the lower shelf of the desk so the coax cable which connects my modem with CPU pulls itself down due to its own weight and thus the cable become somewhat loosely fit to the backside port of the modem WHERE IT IS CONNECTED and so after my check of physical connections they were all rightly set and as time passes the problem comes again

                      now i m gonna relocate my modem and check whether this problem persists?????????

                        and thanks cobra for starting the thread. in fact i was thinking of starting a thread for this problem

attaching some fotos(sorry for the poor quality,since i shot them with my mobile) of my comp setting(from backside) due to which all problems rose

@ ISP Geek

        is it a splitter problem????????????

        for me too the LED will just go off and when i switch off and switch on again slowly the LED lits and connects me to net. these all i am doing after checking the physical connections.

@ ISP Geek

        is it a splitter problem????????????

        for me too the LED will just go off and when i switch off and switch on again slowly the LED lits and connects me to net. these all i am doing after checking the physical connections.

Splitters are one of many things that can cause a modem to constantly cycle (or flap).  You should always check this first yourself since its the thing that you have the easiest access to (and since they commonly fail with these symptoms being the result).  Simply removing the splitter and checking the levels though the modems diagnostics (or calling your provider) may resolve your problems.  If not then your problem may be something that requires that a tech be sent.  Good Luck...

the same problem here dudes

            i will be using opera browser for downloads from rapidshare and mine is a having dynamic ip address (i think) as of now.

          for the past 1 week or more i am facing this type of problem . i' ll be downloading a big file(some 300 MB for my connection, its very big;)) and i used to start my download and go to sleep thinking that there will be no problem.

              but after the stipulated time when i switch on my monitor thinking that download will be complete i will be there for a surprise the browser will show me a error downloading file

              so one time i myself sat to check what is happening while downloading those type of files. during the last 1 hour of my download i saw the download speed to be gradually decreasing and it dropped to zero. showing me the above mentioned ERROR

                again i switched on my modem and it took some 2 minutes to connect me to the internet, for that AMBER LIGHT to be lit.by the way my modem is Sterlite SmartAX MT 841 and the company is Huawei.

                    i used to check all my physical connections(cables) before connecting it again.then only it used to work otherwise, it will show me "NO CONNECTIVITY OR LIMITED CONNECTIVITY"

                    it 's really sucking dudes and the reply told by ISPGeek is correct for me, i think coz my modem is at the same level as that of monitor on the desk and the CPU  is at the lower shelf of the desk so the coax cable which connects my modem with CPU pulls itself down due to its own weight and thus the cable become somewhat loosely fit to the backside port of the modem WHERE IT IS CONNECTED and so after my check of physical connections they were all rightly set and as time passes the problem comes again

                    now i m gonna relocate my modem and check whether this problem persists?????????

                      and thanks cobra for starting the thread. in fact i was thinking of starting a thread for this problem

attaching some fotos(sorry for the poor quality,since i shot them with my mobile) of my comp setting(from backside) due to which all problems rose

Your issue is somewhat different and the "limited or no connectivity" is a great clue.  There are really only three things that cause this message. (1) a bad ethernet cable, (2) a bad ethernet port in the modem, router or pc, (3) a failed ethernet driver (simply uninstalling it in device mgr and rebooting should fix this one).  If the problem is 1 or 2 then you will need to address the issue through troubleshooting those devices.

Your issue is somewhat different and the "limited or no connectivity" is a great clue.  There are really only three things that cause this message. (1) a bad ethernet cable, (2) a bad ethernet port in the modem, router or pc, (3) a failed ethernet driver (simply uninstalling it in device mgr and rebooting should fix this one).  If the problem is 1 or 2 then you will need to address the issue through troubleshooting those devices

It could also be that his computer can't recieve an IP from his routers DNS. In that case the computer would assign itself a random? IP address.

Sounds like you almost answered that one yourself.

Does it also do this when you bypass the router??

I haven't tried, nor know how, to bypass the router.

If your cablemodem is flapping (and by your own description it is), check the coax back to the wall and remove any splitters/surge protectors that may be on the line.  If the problem goes away then you need a new splitter, if not well....sorry you gonna need to call Cox.  Your first and most important clue is that your cable light starts to flash which means your modem has cycled or flapped (flap=abnormal reinsertion to the network).  This is not a router problem (guess thats good news) ...Good Luck!

I'm probably about 85% certain there are no splitters or surge protectors on my cable line.

Great. So I guess I have a fun call to Cox to look forward to. :roll:

I've found that most of the time "limited or no connectivity" is a DHCP problem.  And when it does, Winders assigns a 169.* address.

In the case where his connection just ceased and he was getting the error msg that "might" be the case, but his connectivity is fluctuating between connectivity and no connectivity with the limited or no connectivity msg.  I'm sure if he checks the things I suggested he will find his problem in no time.

Karthic You don't have a splitter your ISP is DSL. Make sure all phone jacks excluding the PC connection has a filter attached. Also the Cat5 cable can be replaced they are very cheap. after checking the obvious then call your ISP if you still have trouble it may be a bad DSL Modem or connection to your ISP.

Simply removing the splitter and checking the levels though the modems diagnostics (or calling your provider) may resolve your problems. 

an you please explain me the above statement?  after removing the splitter what should i do??

There are really only three things that cause this message. (1) a bad ethernet cable, (2) a bad ethernet port in the modem, router or pc, (3) a failed ethernet driver (simply uninstalling it in device mgr and rebooting should fix this one).  If the problem is 1 or 2 then you will need to address the issue through troubleshooting those devices.

  surely i try to do all the above said and reply again!!!

        i have already tried to get rid of that modem but was told by my ISP  that "no stock for new modem and contact us later" and for my information they too told that above 99% of these types of modems work without any fault and surely there would be no problem with mine and for my satisfaction they even tested it in their office infront of me



    i am thinking that the telephone connection(cable) from my home to their exchange may be the whole cause!!!!

Karthic You don't have a splitter your ISP is DSL. Make sure all phone jacks excluding the PC connection has a filter attached. Also the Cat5 cable can be replaced they are very cheap. after checking the obvious then call your ISP if you still have trouble it may be a bad DSL Modem or connection to your ISP.

            i have a adsl connection(256kbps) you can see the splitter at the bottom right(small white box) corner of the picture. fyi, i have marked it in the picture below

Peeps. please be understanding that Karthic's first language is NOT English so be patient with his posts. Thank you for listening to this public service announcement!

(karthic, I am amazed at your command of the English language, but others don't have the ability of seeing your home country - be patient with them k?)


an you please explain me the above statement?  after removing the splitter what should i do??

   surely i try to do all the above said and reply again!!!

         i have already tried to get rid of that modem but was told by my ISP  that "no stock for new modem and contact us later" and for my information they too told that above 99% of these types of modems work without any fault and surely there would be no problem with mine and for my satisfaction they even tested it in their office infront of me



     i am thinking that the telephone connection(cable) from my home to their exchange may be the whole cause!!!!

Wait a second...I thought you had cable...not DSL...please specify the type of broadband service you have......never mind...I just saw your last post....

            i have a adsl connection(256Kbps) you can see the splitter at the bottom right(small white box) corner of the picture. fyi, i have marked it in the picture below

Sorry He was talking about Coax. He has no coax. I simply stated the problem could be caused by bad cat5 cable, or filters missing in the house. What changes were made in the house before the connection went bad? New phone added? Was the splitter added before the problem arose? I was simply trying to help, sorry for the confusion.

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