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testmy.net has been compromised and for over the past week I've been having headaches dealing with these stupid hackers that have nothing better to do than mess with an honest American guy who's trying to run a free service that helps people get important information... they are truly complete low life losers who most likely live in their parents basement (sorry, no offense meant toward people who live in their parents basements :evil6: you're not the same as these punks).

Anyway, even though I'm ridiculously tired right now and on vacation I'm now forced to tear shit down and make a complete fresh install of everyting to make sure I have no insecure permissions or scripts.  So please bear with me tonight, there may be portions of the site that will go offline intermittently.

And a note to the punk ass warez group that's doing this shit, I have lots of logs and I do plan on using them to make sure you pay for the time you have wasted me and my users.  You are truly pieces of shit and I seriously hope you rot in hell...

Sorry for the language to anyone that's sensitive to stuff like that but as you can imagine I'm not in the best mood.

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I think i speak for us all when i say do what you gotta do man. Temporary site downtime is better than someone hacking in and erasing everything or something.

Goodluck and dont work too hard!  :D


Best part is knowing it is about to happen. Sorry about the vacation CA3LE.

Do what you can when you get done.

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Alright, if I get any more hax I'm seriously going to be stumpped, lol

Should be cool.  The forum is still light a couple of features that TMN normally has but as soon as I get a chance over the next few days I'll be restoring these tiny things... most of you will notice nothing missing ;-)

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Alright, if I get any more hax I'm seriously going to be stumpped, lol

Should be cool.  The forum is still light a couple of features that TMN normally has but as soon as I get a chance over the next few days I'll be restoring these tiny things... most of you will noice nothing missing ;-)

good to here you fixed it.  ;)

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Good work cable...

I hope you nail the little kiddies to the wall....It's time people started payiing for this crap.

To me breaking into someones website, is no different than breaking into someones car/house.

Problem is these little kiddies can hide behind a pc screen, and don't need to actually get off their asses.

I hope they were dumb enough to hack the site from their own pc's, without masking their ip...I would nail their undropped testes to the wall!

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