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Guest kamil234

put in windows xp cd, it has a reformat option :-P


go to recovery console (f10) (im assuming you know how to get there...turn the comp off, turn it back on and while its on the first screen press f10)

type "map" (no quotes)

type "format C: /fs:ntfs" (no quotes once again)

if it asks you something press "y"

when it finishes type in "exit" (no quotes....)

and you're done

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how do you do taht...i called microsoft before and i just got to speak to a machine, it says sorry its not valid you may have to reinstall windows to fix this problem, would you like me to repeat that? and it just goes in circle..

ok im going to give everyone the special microsoft secret when you call to activate once you get to the point were you start saying the #'s don't say the numbers just say "collect them another way" it will take you straight to a rep you tell them the # and they give you a key.

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ok im going to give everyone the special microsoft secret when you call to activate once you get to the point were you start saying the #'s don't say the numbers just say "collect them another way" it will take you straight to a rep you tell them the # and they give you a key.

Thank you, because by the time I finish reading those freakin numbers, I want to rip someone's head off  :knuppel2:

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they're broken down into 6 digit groups, or something like that, its not they're just crimbled into eachother :P

Then that is not as bad then. With 50 at once I think something would come loose before I got done reading them. (I think my head would spin loose)  :angry5:

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