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i tried to change it and everytime i try it just goes back to the old one i was using already.  any idea's how to fix this

I just tried to chagen my avatar on my test account and it worked just fine.  Are you using one off your computer or linking to one off sire (one on another server) -- you may want to try clearing cache,

If you still have problems PM me and I will get it done for you, you can email me the avatar and I'll take care of it for you, or maybe you can setup a temp password and PM me the password so I can log into your account so I can check to see if there is something going on with your account.

worked fine on my end though.


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i got it and didnt know what it was but i'll try to chage it again too see if the problem happens again so it can be fixed.


just tried it and it didnt change again but i'll wait a few to see if it changes and try clearing my browser if it doesnt.


it changes after a few minutes by itself so is that ok cable?

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