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OH MY GOD. i just tryed the new aim 6.0 and its amazing!!! they now offer a feature where you can have your own phone number associated with your aim screen name and when someone calls you can answer through aim and talk with a headset or mic. It also has a drag and drop photo transfer feature and is compattible with all other aims from what i can see. *unlike triton*

this is the FIRST time aim has impressed me. Good job!!! :icon_thumright:


theres where you can download it. The autoupgrade feature isnt available at the moment so its a manual download. Definately worth it.

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Is that like "I approve of this message" in the political ads.  :lol:

Yes, just like that.  I'm a very shallow person, you know that.  :shocked:

When I first saw this thread I thought "First Time For What Now Ryan?"  :grin:

Yeah, the title caught my attention too.  I found that it wasn't what I first thought....

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OH MY GOD. i just tryed the new aim 6.0 and its amazing!!! they now offer a feature where you can have your own phone number associated with your aim screen name and when someone calls you can answer through aim and talk with a headset or mic. It also has a drag and drop photo transfer feature and is compattible with all other aims from what i can see. *unlike triton*

this is the FIRST time aim has impressed me. Good job!!! :icon_thumright:


theres where you can download it. The autoupgrade feature isnt available at the moment so its a manual download. Definately worth it.

so its kinda like skype now

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