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  I bet you two get up at 6:00 am to dont ya? :haha: :haha: :haha:

  grandpa does'nt even sleep :grin2: :grin2: hell tommie, he's got ya beat , now he's goin to get the freakin paper :haha: :haha:

Do I have another hidden camera around here?  :shocked:

4:30 got the paper and read it, got my dogs barking when I was out, feed me. Right now there is 4 inches of snow over the ice crust.  :confused2:

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Do I have another hidden camera around here?  :shocked:

4:30 got the paper and read it, got my dogs barking when I was out, feed me. Right now there is 4 inches of snow over the ice crust.  :confused2:

You luckey, hell, we havent gotten Sh*t, for snow this year.

I went out late last year, got close to the biggest    wheeler Yamaha makes, plow , winch , 27 " ITP tires, and ever since, NO freakin SNOW :cry:  !14 degrees this morning though

Welp im a big catfisher, and love to eat them,they dont suffer long because my handy club does a nice job.the only time i catch and release is if there to small to fillet...if they die oh well fish gotta eat to.. hehe

Smoked cat is my favorite :tongue8:

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You luckey, hell, we havent gotten Sh*t, for snow this year.

I went out late last year, got close to the biggest    wheeler Yamaha makes, plow , winch , 27 " ITP tires, and ever since, NO freakin SNOW :cry:  !14 degrees this morning though

Smoked cat is my favorite :tongue8:

Now up to 6 inches but it is light an fluffy, got rid of the mud. Sun is out and it's about 21 degrees.  :icon_shaking:

Do you skin the cat?  :icon_colors:

Any ice fishing?  :rolleyes:

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Now up to 6 inches but it is light an fluffy, got rid of the mud. Sun is out and it's about 21 degrees.  :icon_shaking:

Do you skin the cat?  :icon_colors:

Any ice fishing?  :rolleyes:

Hey , quit boastin of your snow :haha: :haha: As I am gonna put the plow on and do something .I dont know what..but ..maybe I could shove some horse crap around. :haha: :haha: :haha:

No ice fishin ...... turkey :grin2:

Im gonna skin something if I gotta hear about all the snow everywhere but here. 


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Hey , quit boastin of your snow :haha: :haha: As I am gonna put the plow on and do something .I dont know what..but ..maybe I could shove some horse crap around. :haha: :haha: :haha:

No ice fishin ...... turkey :grin2:

Im gonna skin something if I gotta hear about all the snow everywhere but here. 


I could send you a picture if your desperate.  :computer:

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Anglers rest easy. Fish cannot feel pain, the largest study into piscine neurology has concluded.

An academic study comparing the nervous systems and responses of fish and mammals has found that fishes' brains are not sufficiently developed to allow them to sense pain or fear.

The study is the work of James D Rose, a professor of zoology and physiology at the University of Wyoming, who has been working on questions of neurology for almost 30 years. He has examined data on the responses of animals to pain and stimulus from scores of studies collected over the past 15 years.

His report, published in the American journal Reviews of Fisheries Science, has concluded that awareness of pain depends on functions of specific regions of the cerebral cortex which fish do not possess.

Professor Rose, 60, said that previous studies which had indicated that fish can feel pain had confused nociception - responding to a threatening stimulus - with feeling pain.

"Pain is predicated on awareness," he said. "The key issue is the distinction between nociception and pain. A person who is anaesthetised in an operating theatre will still respond physically to an external stimulus, but he or she will not feel pain. Anyone who has seen a chicken with its head cut off will know that, while its body can respond to stimuli, it cannot be feeling pain."


IMHO does a fish feel pain?


However ripping a #8 hook through a fish's mouth is just plain rude!

I Flyfish and have for several years now using only barbless hooks which are very small in size...down to a 24-28.  1/8 of a inch in length.

I live along one of North Americas finest stocked and native Brown Trout Rivers The Grand River /Ontario / Canada.            http://www.grandrivertroutfitters.com/Aboutus/pagewelcome.htm

Use common Sense./


Just my 2 Cents.


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The biggest i've caught on the Grand  (near Belwood Lake Dam) was a 18" Brown

on what is called a Sanjuan Worm which is no more than a red pipe cleaner wrapped around the middle of the hook,

The Best part was my Daughter made it for me, she was 10 at the time.

I wish kids never grew up sometimes, she used to love fly fishing.

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I learned to fly fish some where on the Grand, but I can't remember where, or when, it had to have been nearly 50 years ago. I would have a hard time to find out since all that went are now gone, but I do have the memories.  :smiley:

My first experiences were on the Niagara River. My dad made a harness, probably similar to a modern fall protection harness, and tie me off so I could just reach the water. That was when the old Lewiston-Qweenston bridge was still in heavy use.

Bring back any memories?

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I spent many hours on that river. I have a black&white picture of the bridge not connected from when my dad worked on it. The low side of the big eddy on the right I spent all night with my uncle the day after our firs was born. We had spears back then. I have water skied t within 1/2 mile below that bridge, fast water.  :idiot2:

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