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I keep getting connections from a few IP's, but i block them but they can still connect, they are connecting 100's of times too




does anybody have anything to try?

Check out this WHOIS on the first IP :shocked:


Look at the location and its description

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Check out this WHOIS on the first IP :shocked:


Look at the location and its description

I get completely different information from my routers WHOIS.

TMN makes it looked like its spoofed.

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i did a little more digging and the ip with the most connections is coming from a school in china, i even got the room #  :haha: :haha: god i love my host.

role: CERNET Helpdesk

address: Room 224, Main Building

address: Tsinghua University

address: Beijing 100084, China

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i did a little more digging and the ip with the most connections is coming from a school in china, i even got the room #  :haha: :haha: god i love my host.

role: CERNET Helpdesk

address: Room 224, Main Building

address: Tsinghua University

address: Beijing 100084, China

How the hell? Isn't that a security issue? :haha:

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i did a little more digging and the ip with the most connections is coming from a school in china, i even got the room #  :haha: :haha: god i love my host.

role: CERNET Helpdesk

address: Room 224, Main Building

address: Tsinghua University

address: Beijing 100084, China

:2funny: :2funny:

Now attack!!!!! :knuppel2:

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'll block him from my site as well then..I dont know if he can be going through mine and into yours.. :undecided:

yours is on the same server, so when he connects to my site he connects to urs.

How the hell? Isn't that a security issue? :haha:

Probably  :haha: i fell like going to room 224 at Tsinghua University and puch the guy in his face.

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yours is on the same server, so when he connects to my site he connects to urs.

Probably  :haha: i fell like going to room 224 at Tsinghua University and puch the guy in his face.

Definitely go punch him in the face :evil6:

You= :knuppel2::tickedoff:                  He= [geek-small]:uglystupid2:

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i still can't block this guy "" he has over 300 connections open right now. Anybody have any thing i can try?

Obviously , I am not an expert on this particular subject.

I have been following this thread, and cannot conceive, how one cannot block an IP.(most likely due to ignorance on my part).As I dont deal in internet servers, please as easily as you can , explain to me how an IP, can pass through a router when blocked?Even if he's scanning ports, you could close those ports in wich being compromised,and switch applications to other ports ,  If you have the time.

what about mac filtering?or is he got it blocked visually, bouncing?

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