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well since no reply yet I guess I will out myself. Im the "Oh Shit" driver in the video and I created it, I do not have permission from the person who rolled so I made an edited version. I gave the version you are all seeing to about 6 close friends and Im wondering who spilled it. If any of you have the video on you computer if you could delete it or make sure it dosent get hosted I would greatly appreciate it. Im really concerned that this was released and if you all could please help me out I would appreciate it.

Thank You,

Roy Dietsch, Lucky Kid, dawiz

[email protected]


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Actually i think ( i cant remember what the video contained... iv seen alllott of vids..) you just had an open directory. Its public property then. :-s


Oh yea, the rolling over mazda lol. Hell the directory is STILL open.. Should fix that.

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Hey philp, is this part of the ASE Certification?

:whaa: :whaa: :whaa:

Or mabey his engine was "turning" too quickly? :rolleyes:

GG Phill, GG.

Anywho Iv personaly SEEN this  reverse wheely done with an 85 mercury sable. "gravity" isnt holding this damn thing to the ground with 10 tons of force.... -_-..  l


Speaking of it, a funny thing i saw the other day...  Somebody with an older model toyota corolla... Every time they would hit  a bump , not a BIG bump mind you, but just a dip in the road would do it,  their drivers side rear wheel would literaly "hop". once it came off the ground ( not alot, but still noticable. ) I was scared to drive behind them :lol:

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