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Said product to launch at midnight. Said product to become infected with virus by 12:10 and crash by 12:20. Updated by 12:30 with 20 patches, then rereleased by 1 am with a new improved design that will cost 3 times as much and be just about as useful.

Guest kamil234

Said product to launch at midnight. Said product to become infected with virus by 12:10 and crash by 12:20. Updated by 12:30 with 20 patches, then rereleased by 1 am with a new improved design that will cost 3 times as much and be just about as useful.

:tickedoff: MS hater.

Said product to launch at midnight. Said product to become infected with virus by 12:10 and crash by 12:20. Updated by 12:30 with 20 patches, then rereleased by 1 am with a new improved design that will cost 3 times as much and be just about as useful.

:haha: :haha:

:tickedoff: MS hater.

:haha: :haha:

I dont like MS much  but they put out some cool shit.

Eh, MS has some cool stuff. i LOVE office 2007 corporate. and i would DIE without MS Streets and Trips and my GPS locator. just an awesome prog and utility. list goes on. and so far, despite the flames i might get for saying it, i really really like vista. works awesome on my laptop, actually runs better than XP ever did.

Eh, MS has some cool stuff. i LOVE office 2007 corporate. and i would DIE without MS Streets and Trips and my GPS locator. just an awesome prog and utility. list goes on. and so far, despite the flames i might get for saying it, i really really like vista. works awesome on my laptop, actually runs better than XP ever did.

You wont get flames here, that I promise. If you do the one flaming will be handed a flaming ban.  :grin2:

i will say that i really like windows live local too. really great imagery. the interface works well and its right in the browser too, so you dont need to DL and install a prog to use it.


You like windows live local.. what a dumbass.  :uglystupid2:

:evil6: :evil6: just kidding man. Your pretty wired into tech man.  :icon_thumleft:

well, i travel a lot, and the maps and streets and gps help a ton. i  dont get lost as much. and being able to stop somewhere and get imagery of where i am or where im going too, by using google earth or windows live local, is truly awesome. a tremendous help. just things that make my life a lot easier every single day.

another cool thing you can try if you have you have maps and streets and a wifi capable laptop, drive around your neighborhood, and create a map of all the wireless networks, secure and unsecure. might come in handy some day.



well, i travel a lot, and the maps and streets and gps help a ton. i  dont get lost as much. and being able to stop somewhere and get imagery of where i am or where im going too, by using google earth or windows live local, is truly awesome. a tremendous help. just things that make my life a lot easier every single day.

another cool thing you can try if you have you have maps and streets and a wifi capable laptop, drive around your neighborhood, and create a map of all the wireless networks, secure and unsecure. might come in handy some day.



Sounds great, Im kinda anti tech at times. I dont even own a cell phone. There are times I like to be "out of touch."

YEAH! I CAN RELATE!! that. the past year and a half i have had a cell, and i resisted before that. didnt want one. then i went all trendy and got a moto Razr. and you know what? it has the options i want, it metal so i can beat on it a bit, reliable, and handy. and i can turn it off and not be reachable when i dont want to be reached. nice thing about puters, and laptops especially, you can shut em off and pretend you arent in the loop.



Damn.. surface looks pretty sweet..  Wonder how much it is going to cost to implement.. 

I remember seeing this a while back.. not sure if was the one who posted it or not..

The Intel laptop is sweet also.. again with something that small and thin.. it is bound to cost 3x as much as its heavy weight counterpart.

:tickedoff: MS hater.

I really was not that way until vista hit the market. I just really think gates really put it to your average user with this release. For 50 bucks I can turn xp into vista. Winowblinds and several free aplications and you would never know the diffrence. As far as securiy of vista. People are already turning off uac. Everyone hates thoes nag screens. Lets just hope with microsofts next release they can redeem themeselfs.

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