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first off, since this is a tech forum, mods/admins feel free to delete this if it is too off topic to keep here.  :wink2:

ok, i bought a new airsoft gun. its a WELL M16-A4 rifle with laser and flashlight attachments. ok, well there is a switch on it for SAFE, SEMI, and AUTO. it all is fine on safe and semi. but when i switch it to auto it is still semi. i can't find the right info on google so this is why im asking here. can it really go full auto or is it just a switch that does nothing? either way it only cost me 15 bucks so im not too worried since its still cool on semi. but im curious to see if it can go auto or not.

btw, its spring loaded not CO2,....they didnt have any c02 guns so i bought this cheap along with a pistol.

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ok thats cool no problems.. i was just curious. still fun since it was only 15 bucks....and i also got 15000 bb's with it  :haha:

im looking into a better one now though. and another pistol....

thanks for the replies.  :grin2:

Those are just starter kits to get you into the real thing. :wink:

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starship the switch is broken. There is a small lever in there for the switch and the auto one is broken or missing.

if the switch was broken, wouldn't it not shoot at all? if i switch it to auto, it still shoots, but on Semi. i think that usspecialarmycadets is right that spring loaders won't shoot auto...but of course, you probably know more about it than me since i just got it... :grin2:
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if the switch was broken, wouldn't it not shoot at all? if i switch it to auto, it still shoots, but on Semi. i think that usspecialarmycadets is right that spring loaders won't shoot auto...but of course, you probably know more about it than me since i just got it... :grin2:

i'm assuming its a battery powered spring loader if it is then it can do auto, if not then there is no auto.

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If u want full auto, u must get an AEG (automatic electric gun); otherwise, ur stuck at semi.  Even if the switch says "FULL" - i had several spring MP5s with the FULL written on it, but they are just eye candy ;)

There are several dealers with good starter LPAEG (low powered AEG) at excellent prices.  I got my stash of M4s and HK GP36s at dirt low prices.  But stay away from spring and gas powered stuff; those are made for kids and newbies.  If u want to get hardcore, get an AEG (or a LPAEG).

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i would suggest you to go for an ACM(All China Made) AEG's...

many brands are out in the market now and the most promising

now are the JingGong makers... almost the same replica as the

Tokyo Marui for both looks and performance. They specialty are

the AK47 series... enjoi!  :ar15fire:

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