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Well some russians, thank you god for the russian!!!, anaylists have found a huge holes in Microsofts latestest and greatest service pack (SP2)... Just to let you know this service pack had more delays, budget problems, and cause havoc at Microsoft.. They were pulling people off the Longhorn project, the next great installment of the Windows operation system, to finish the freaking thing.  They "wanted" to make sure that the firewall and other protection apps were as good as they could be.. Well that failed!! Half of the business world doesnt run the damn thing because it causes huge problems with other programs. and degrades system proformance on many name brand systems.. due to the OEM copy of the os... Either way there is a problem and here is what they have to say about it... "We found two small flaws that a programmer could use to go around the SP2 mechanism Data Execution Protection (DEP)," said Positive Technologies Chief Technology Officer Yury Maximov on Monday. 

So there you have it.. want to read more.. click here

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seems like this will never stop, hackers will always find holes unfortunely  :(

but you can minimize it by using latest patches and also a good virus and external firewall.

those can update their definitions alot faster then microsoft realease a fix

VanBuren :)

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;) Thats just one more reason that I keep saying I'm not a big fan of sp2, I recently had a conversation with someone I have "known" over the net for a few years and he told me that when sp2 is breeched by someone it has allowed more and easier access to everything on a P.C...... I guess it really doesn't matter once someone gets into your puter the party is over anyway. My argument has always been that for many ppl sp2 slows down their connection or freezes the puter............. and my favorite flaw is it doesn't work properly with other pgms........of course there are many ppl that have installed sp2 and it seems to work O.K.......unless they have been hacked and are not aware of it YET. There are always two sides to ever coin or in this case "patch".

8) Microwave

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SP2 is great, and i dont think it has more holes then SP1

i think its reversed  ;)

i suggest to get rid of unwanted services in both SP1 and SP2, then you will have a faster machine, i attach a file describing how

thats all i did with SP2 and i pull 9,2 Mbps from Testmy.net all the way from Sweden, with some cablenut tweaks offcourse  :lol:

VanBuren :)

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yeah you can uninstall it assuming that you chose the option to back everything up before install the damn thing..

I am very anti sp2... you dont need it if you are running the right things and take care of your computer like a ferrari..

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Im running sp2 on this machine ( because i could care less... not my machine :) ) And iv said it before, and will most likely continue to say it. SP2 is absolutely horrid. I will never install it, even if it was a complete nessesity. Id sooner go to mac or linux before i "had" to go to sp2. Same goes for win98SE  :)

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Its funny ppl dissing SP2 but i cant see some solid information why its so bad compared to SP1

The only thing SP2 slowing down is some p2p applications, there is a fix for that here https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1497

it take some more sytem resources, so with lack of RAM and CPU you will slowdown, then disable unwanted Services with the file i attach.

VanBuren :)

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ok first of all my dell... if I install SP2 on my dell it has problems just booting.. something in the SP2 software doesnt like Centrino based stuff... Second,  there wasnt any thing all that great in SP2.. Wow a program to monitor what is being updated and a few fixes.. which i guess were really holes..  That is why you turn on the automatic update for your virus protection and firewall..?!?!  I dont see the advantage of slowing down your system with something that you dont need... Yes you can disable services.. that will help some what but not everyone wants to run around in the service manager and stop them all, you know that they are all running.... 

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