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Look what I just got. The only decent reply of all the ones I have sent in over the years to congressmen. You can tell election time is coming. And now is the time to ask for what you want, They have bent ears right now.  :evil:

Senator McCaskill <[email protected]_.gov>  to me

show details  2:44 pm (6 hours ago) 

Dear Mr. Gorman:

Thank you for contacting me regarding our nation

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Look what I just got. The only decent reply of all the ones I have sent in over the years to congressmen. You can tell election time is coming. And now is the time to ask for what you want, They have bent ears right now.   :evil:

So go ask for what you want.  :twisted: It's been so long I do not remember the letter I even sent now.  :lost:

immigration policy huh ? well you know were i live (right Under Richmond,Va) there pushing to make english the primary laungage  :haha::2funny:
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c'mon keep it clean boys...

everyone knows that i'm all for the english primary bills...i'm also for nixing this shit where u chose ur language...where ever...fuck that shit...i walk away seriously...but i don't care what the other language is...i speak english...this is america...

my point is this...in arizona...we have a very large population of native americans (american indians) of various tribal associations...now what if...and these ARE americans...shit they were the first americans...but what if the navajo  wanted to do there banking in navajo (shit they won the war for us)should we accomodate them...nope...and they don't want us to...it's a secret language hahaha...but u get my drift...

never mind ima stop there...before i go too far...

i love everyone...just learn the language or go where they speak urs...where ever that is...and if i go to ur country i will learn ur language...see ya there... luv ya


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See a big problem with learning english is that a lot of folks aren't young any more.....when you have a person that is 50 and doesn't speak a word of english and all of a sudden they have to, chances are they will either avoid it or struggle with it very much which might depress them.......they arent teenagers any more that you can just throw any language on and they will get it without much problem (hopefully)

As far as saying either learn the language or leave the country, that simply isn't right.  This kind of mentality has been around some folks for a long time, decades for some, but it is not currently enforced nor will it ever be....I find that kind of attitude to be very crude and unwelcoming...personally, I think that it is just as bad as stereotyping or racism

When I came here back in 98 I really didn't speak a word of english and now its like my first language....for my parents thats another story....they came here as old folks, my dad speaks english since he was exposed to it for years while working all over the world while my mom hasnt had that kind of an exposure....she can barely speak any english now, even after almost 10 years.........its partly due to age and partly due to changes in life and depression.....is she worthy of being here ? ...hell yes, just as much as anyone that has lived here their entire lives

enough of me babbling.....you get the idea of where I'm getting at....it just isn't logical to force people to learn something...if they want to and if they realize that they will have a better life, they will..on their own

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whatever u want to think...it's wrong from my point of view, to not speak the language of the country u live in...do u think if i went to any other country in the world that they would accommodate me by giving me english options...NO!...i would have to learn the language to get along...down thru time as people migrated to america...that's the first thing they wanted to do is learn english...but those that speak spanish seem to think they should be treated different...that our society should bend over backwards so that they don't have to be bothered...hmmmmm yet...at the same time we r supposed to treat everyone the same...

lemme tell ya...if ur momma were in an accident and the first responders didn't speak spanish...think about this for a minute...cuz i've seen it happen...she's lying there with internal injuries...maybe in her belly and she can't tell them in a language they understand...the situation becomes one where the patient can't communicate...it's then all guess work...and precious minutes of treatment r lost...then she get to the emergency room and they have to wait for a translator...see what i'm saying she will be at risk by her own choice

why is it that only the spanish speaking can't learn english...it's the only other language option given...it never says french or italian or vietnamese or hindi i guess it must be easier for those nationalities to learn english

i'm just very confused...where is this stereotyping or racism?...it not at all...except by the people that refuse to learn the language of the country that they live in...

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OK, I'll grant you that one in a way disturbed, but even on a larger scale is the US changing things to accomodate other languages. If it weren't for the mexican language being forced upon us older americans as it is your own mother (you should really understand this one then ) then it might not be such an issue in the first place. Your mom has you and your dad to help her out. At least she has that.


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whatever u want to think...it's wrong from my point of view, to not speak the language of the country u live in...do u think if i went to any other country in the world that they would accommodate me by giving me english options...NO!...i would have to learn the language to get along...down thru time as people migrated to america...that's the first thing they wanted to do is learn english...but those that speak spanish seem to think they should be treated different...that our society should bend over backwards so that they don't have to be bothered...hmmmmm yet...at the same time we r supposed to treat everyone the same...

lemme tell ya...if ur momma were in an accident and the first responders didn't speak spanish...think about this for a minute...cuz i've seen it happen...she's lying there with internal injuries...maybe in her belly and she can't tell them in a language they understand...the situation becomes one where the patient can't communicate...it's then all guess work...and precious minutes of treatment r lost...then she get to the emergency room and they have to wait for a translator...see what i'm saying she will be at risk by her own choice

why is it that only the spanish speaking can't learn english...it's the only other language option given...it never says french or italian or vietnamese or hindi i guess it must be easier for those nationalities to learn english

i'm just very confused...where is this stereotyping or racism?...it not at all...except by the people that refuse to learn the language of the country that they live in...

I never said that Spanish is my native language - you just assumed it - isn't that stereotyping ? ...I'm from eastern europe....

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I never said that Spanish is my native language - you just assumed it - isn't that stereotyping ? ...I'm from eastern europe....

huny i didn't say anywhere in my post that spanish was YOUR first language...i wasn't just speaking to u...i like interesting conversations too

it really doesn't matter what the native language is where a person is from...what matters is the predominate language where ur going...that's what u speak... :)

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depends on where in the country you live in the country. if you live in the country in louisiana french would probably serve you well. most of the northeast english should do. in the southeast you should be fluent in at least NASCAR if not moonshine. in the plains and rockies states i guess english and an assortment of native american dialects will serve best and for the west and southwest spanish is probably a mst along with fair english. for the northwest english should suffice.

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depends on where in the country you live in the country. if you live in the country in louisiana french would probably serve you well. most of the northeast english should do. in the southeast you should be fluent in at least NASCAR if not moonshine. in the plains and rockies states i guess english and an assortment of native american dialects will serve best and for the west and southwest spanish is probably a mst along with fair english. for the northwest english should suffice.

LMAO. guess that is partlyright.

English first then whatever means survival.  :evil:

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I'm a Puerto Rican I moved to the US in 2001 and i totally agree if you are here you should speak English. Yes Spanish is my 1st language and sometime I have trouble speaking Spanish and the only time I speak Spanish is in my house or next to friends that I know they also speak the same beside that English all the way. If you move to this contry learn it or move back to whenever hell hole you come from. also I support the freedom of speech but because we have 14million + immigrants doesn't mean we have to establish a dual language crap. English is the Official Language and have to stay that way.


sorry if I offended any one

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Actually no offence should be taken. If I visit Mexico I expect to speak spanish. Same goes for france, greece. japan, china, etc...

I believe in respect. For others as well as our selves.

  ANDWay back on topic, it really is time to ask for what you so desire. So go get them.  :evil:

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Actually no offence should be taken. If I visit Mexico I expect to speak spanish. Same goes for france, greece. japan, china, etc...

I believe in respect. For others as well as our selves.

  ANDWay back on topic, it really is time to ask for what you so desire. So go get them.  :evil:

if you visit mexico ?  :haha: whats the point there is no one left there........... :grin:
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jypagan...thank you...it's good to hear...i have hispanic friends that feel the same way...and they have family in mexico, some of them do anyway...

Actually no offence should be taken. If I visit Mexico I expect to speak spanish. Same goes for france, greece. japan, china, etc...

:iamwithstupid: yep...wel maybe not for just a visit (but i'll give it a try)...but if i'm gonna live and work there...yeh then i need to speak the local language

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