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::::::::::.. Upload Stats ..::::::::::

Upload Connection is:: 778 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 95 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/11/30 - 4:20am

Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 10.78 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 31.485 seconds to complete

Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 225.52 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LUPEOFTHB

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071115 Firefox/

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:angry:  Just did a test with testmy and speakeasy, the score with speakeasy is, DL 118 Kbps, UL 20 Kbps, yes, I also have Wild Blue out of Dallas and am in northeren Arkansas along the Missouri border

Welcome to the forum sweetie1989 :hello: It looks like a few people are having some speed issues with wildblue. You also want to make shur your pc is clean from spyware, adware, and such  http://www.testmy.net/t-2097

We are sorely dissappointed with service from Wild Blue.  At 3 o'clock in the morning it runs at 1596 Kbps, however at 6:30 p.m. and later it runs anywhere from 212 to 351 Kbps.  Upon receiving our e-bill, we could not even view it online, because the system is so overloaded from too many users. I, myself, am not making one more payment until the system operates as it was represented. Our service tech has made repeated calls, but our service is still lousy.

today i was at my father in laws house he has wildblue, and damn it ran slow. I did a speed test i was able to pull a little over 1.5 and almost 200 up @ 3pm. The latency  was horrible i was getting average 1200ms. It almost felt like i was on dial up

I got wb and i am faster with dialup at most the day. It constantly drops connection and the tech support has got to be the worset bunch of liars ever. I have proved them wrong on numerous issues. They are in breach of contract in many ways. I even asked for a new modem and they said they would. The tech came and didnt have it. Now a month has passed another tech came and he didnt bring it either and the guy was loud and lippy with me. They can tell any person your email and password and the tech is announcing it all over my house. Not only that the tech was such a smart guy it took him over 30 min to sign into my account and treated me very unprofessional. The only pleasent thing about wild blue was when they got out of my home and never will return again. Why should people have to pay for what they are not getting and when you reach 80% they cap you. In the fap they have to email you but they never will. So you only can download 80% of what you pay for before you get capped. And to check there web site to see how much you are at it is never updated i swear i didnt use the pc for 10 days and it didnt change. This company is wrong and someone will stand up to them and they will fail in the end. I dont care if i am under contract or not they can talk to my lawyer if they wana collect. I am gona build a solor powered access point and get better net from somone else. [nerdly] They say i cant get net from anyone else ware i live but i found a way around it and others can to dont take the trash that they throw at you stick up for yourself. And never call the tech support it is just a waiste of your time and energy. Use your brain take your time with research and beat the system. Or get mad and uncap there modem lol jk jail is not fun  :police: I am glad to know i am not the only one who is just plain fed up with there horrible service.

I got wb and i am faster with dialup at most the day. It constantly drops connection and the tech support has got to be the worset bunch of liars ever. I have proved them wrong on numerous issues. They are in breach of contract in many ways. I even asked for a new modem and they said they would. The tech came and didnt have it. Now a month has passed another tech came and he didnt bring it either and the guy was loud and lippy with me. They can tell any person your email and password and the tech is announcing it all over my house. Not only that the tech was such a smart guy it took him over 30 min to sign into my account and treated me very unprofessional. The only pleasent thing about wild blue was when they got out of my home and never will return again. Why should people have to pay for what they are not getting and when you reach 80% they cap you. In the fap they have to email you but they never will. So you only can download 80% of what you pay for before you get capped. And to check there web site to see how much you are at it is never updated i swear i didnt use the pc for 10 days and it didnt change. This company is wrong and someone will stand up to them and they will fail in the end. I dont care if i am under contract or not they can talk to my lawyer if they wana collect. I am gona build a solor powered access point and get better net from somone else. [nerdly] They say i cant get net from anyone else ware i live but i found a way around it and others can to dont take the trash that they throw at you stick up for yourself. And never call the tech support it is just a waiste of your time and energy. Use your brain take your time with research and beat the system. Or get mad and uncap there modem lol jk jail is not fun  :police: I am glad to know i am not the only one who is just plain fed up with there horrible service.

Well WOW!! lol..  Welcome to the forum :hello:. Well its like ive told others have you tired if EVDO is around your area??

I live in the stick litterally in town you can get wireless internet and dsl. Dsl will only push 4 miles and i am not even close to that range. The wireless you have to be able to see the tower and you cannot from my home. I will build a solor powered access point that will cost me about 700$. Then i will be able to have something reliable. It has to be solor powered because there is no way to get power at all ware i live. I will look into evdo but my guess is i cannot since everything else doesnt work. Good news is that in 2 years they will be running fiber optic down a highway that is about a mile from my house then i will have to pay them lots to get a cable run to my house. Around here you cant even get cable in town :cry2: Just got my bill from wb and let me tell you it sends a fire into my soul  :evil2: I guess i jsut gota beat the system. At least when i am done i will be able to brag around cause i will be the only one with net that works correct around here lol

right now im currently on a wireless isp, but you could also get none line of site. I also had verizon edvo and i was pulling a -80dbm that was the lowest my blackberry could read. I was a mile from the tower and a big hill in between me and the tower, and i was getin almost a meg down, and always got 132kbps up. This was rev.0, rev A will pull way better speeds up and down.

Hope that all made sence. I have a cold and kinda tired. To lazy to read it though lol

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 210 Kbps about 0.21 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Download Speed is:: 26 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 125 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 15 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/12/06 - 7:28pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-R7S2GT9PV

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SXAWO9UE7

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/ [!]

Its actually 8:30 pm and this is the latest test the previous one was 190 download speed.

People please if your having the same issues with Wild Blue internet come and complain and post your speeds. Don't let them rip off anyone else with their lousy service contract that they don't honor.

Try this test sorry dishes and use disk clean up and defrag before clicking on this link please.


Then post your results.

why would you tell me to do these things before I show my speed results?

Is there something in there that makes you think that I do not maintain my computer at optimum level?

First most who complain of bad speeds do not keep it optimum.

Second the small test on satelite will absolutely show slower speeds, It does not give it time to warm up.

In reality it up to you, No skin off of my nose. Just trying to help.

Is there some reason you don't want to?

I'm Sorry Tommy, you are just trying to help.

As in earlier posts I stated that when ever dealing with the tech support they had me jumping through hoops in all the spy ware and optimization things to delay the fact that they have over sold their network.

I am a dedicated researcher who protects my data and research that has taken years to compile. I am very computer savvy in protecting my work. I run all ad spy ware and optimization programs starting about 5 am on my computer everyday. Don't get me wrong I know that MS does not have the best defrag system but not nervy enough to try another one.

Thank you 

How is the snow today?

I believe he asked you to take a larger test is that they are more accurate!

It might be more accurate but does not reflect reality.

For browsing and email with typical attachments the smaller tests give "real life" results.

If my typical work involves U/Ding several MB at a clip I can see using large files to test.

The question here is not whether a Ferrari is faster than a Vespa but rather which can get across town in rush hour faster.

I still say try the higher test, it will show better results. It needs a load. I was on satelite for a while also. Small tests gave worse scores. Really.  :wink2:

So go with the 2992 file test instead of the smart test. It sends you to different tests, giving you cached results right off.

So yeah using what I asked will help. You can forgo the defrag, but do the disk cleanup for each and every test for optimum results.

Just my thoughts.

It might be more accurate but does not reflect reality.

For browsing and email with typical attachments the smaller tests give "real life" results.

If my typical work involves U/Ding several MB at a clip I can see using large files to test.

The question here is not whether a Ferrari is faster than a Vespa but rather which can get across town in rush hour faster.

Satelite is  way different than most internet services.  :grin2:
Small tests gave worse scores.
I agree with that in principle.

But when the "system" is operating properly both small and large tests give similar results, browsing and email are snappy. When there are problems at the Gateway the discrepancy between small and large tests become apparent and obvious in painful browsing and email errors.

As for dfrag it is an non issue. With GHz CPUs and journaled HDs it is like farting in the wind.

hi ppl

just like to join in as i was also having this same problem but i like to play games not download but my download speeds was crap and my ping to my isp was stupid. I know im not with the same ISP as you guys or even in the same contre but i know what its like and its completly there fult for putting too many customers on one line/server and there should be some type of law because we all should get the chance to play on-line games or download from the web at a speed and quality better than dial-up.

I gave up and now filed a complaint about Wild Blue with FCC ... here is the link to them if anyone should need it.  http://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/cib/fcc475.cfm

My email program has been trying to download email for more than 3 hours tonight and my email still stays at a percentage and won't totally download.

I'm at the end of my rope with these people.  :angry:

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