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Now this is what you do! Get the can and turn it upside down so the cold liquid can come out the other end. Find someone sleeping and spray it on the back of their neck. Would be more funny at a drinking party when someone is drunk off their ass and sleep. If you find a way to spray on that persons ass while they are still sleep its even better !

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Now this is what you do! Get the can and turn it upside down so the cold liquid can come out the other end. Find someone sleeping and spray it on the back of their neck. Would be more funny at a drinking party when someone is drunk off their ass and sleep. If you find a way to spray on that persons ass while they are still sleep its even better !

Yeah, I want to be the one that caused the skin damage. And also caused my friendship group to suddenly shrink.  :roll:  ( It was just a joke? )
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Now this is what you do! Get the can and turn it upside down so the cold liquid can come out the other end. Find someone sleeping and spray it on the back of their neck. Would be more funny at a drinking party when someone is drunk off their ass and sleep. If you find a way to spray on that persons ass while they are still sleep its even better !

that's the most retarded thing i've heard anyone propose doing...how many friends do u have??...zero after a retarded prank like that...sounds like something a 12 yr old would do...kinda like the lighting farts thing...RETARDED

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Hey, Momma ..he may be a new member of Jackass ..ya know with Johnny knocksville and Bam Margera.. :grin:  retarded and insane . ...Didn't Steve-O swallow a goldfish  and then make it come up unharmed  :icon_thumright:  and snort an earthworm??....Gross! ... he also stapled his ass shut too.... :booty::wtf:

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that's the most retarded thing I've heard anyone propose doing...how many friends do u have??...zero after a retarded prank like that...sounds like something a 12 yr old would do...kinda like the lighting farts thing...RETARDED

I wonder how much of anything I say you really think I do? Let see, whenever I bring something up random like this to my real friends they either laugh at it or go with it by adding more to it. You seem to take everything I say to heart.

Calm down these are jokes

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he may be a new member of Jackass

Funny you say that, one of the guys I know in college would mainly call me an Insatiable Jackass. Cause I would give him random answers to questions he would ask me. Sure its all fun and games but yea I tend to give out crazy random ideas.

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I wonder how much of anything I say you really think I do? Let see, whenever I bring something up random like this to my real friends they either laugh at it or go with it by adding more to it. You seem to take everything I say to heart.

Calm down these are jokes

yeh well what if one of the kids in here that are members tried one of these dangerous things...doesn't matter if it was a joke...it's not funny if someone actually tries it...and gets seriously injured...so if ur gonna post something where somone that doesn't know that it's dangerous could try it...it would be great if u...stated...that it's a joke and that nobody should actually do it...

and yes i do think that this is something that u actually did or saw done...or were planning on doing...

when i was a child my dad and i used to play with liquid freon (dichlorodifluoromethane) in jars (he was a refrigeration serviceman)...and we'd put various things in there...a flower, a leaf, crack an egg, some milk, piece of meat, etc) just to see what it would do...so i know first hand the damage that this could do...

so get as pissed as u want...but if ur gonna post something that someone could get hurt if they did it...post also that they shouldn't actually try it or they might be seriously injured...

OF course---We love to pick on ya and tease ya...chill.. :cheesy:   I thrive on new victims....Sharpening my fangs now.. :evil:  I guess that would make me a pixiepire.  LOL...pixievamp???

pixie...i'm not picking on him...i'm telling him.. that posting instructions to do something that could cause serious physical injury is not going to be tolerated...and i'm dead serious...no joking intended or implied...it's a warning...one and only...

i'm not waiting til later to find out that someone got physically hurt because they followed the twitty instructions of one our members

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yeah...your right as always... :angel:

got that right :cool:

u have kids...u know i'm serious as a heart attack...we have 9 yr olds in here...as a matter of fact my grandson comes here sometimes...he's 8...not very often but he does come...

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Actually compressors aren't that expensive, they are good for so many things.  :evil6: and you don't have to worry about a liquid that could destroy what your working on.


Ive been using can air forever. I can usually find a pretty good deal on them for about 3 bucks a can. An air compressor would work just as good, but them tanks can build up water vapor

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Ive been using can air forever. I can usually find a pretty good deal on them for about 3 bucks a can. An air compressor would work just as good, but them tanks can build up water vapor

thats why when you see a smart person using a compressor using they always fire it twice before using it at there work. That removes anything that is in the tank that could harm what your using the air on.

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...kinda like the lighting farts thing...
Wait now, those are "FUNNY"  :2funny: :2funny:

Ive been using can air forever. I can usually find a pretty good deal on them for about 3 bucks a can. An air compressor would work just as good, but them tanks can build up water vapor

There is a drain plug on the tank and can always add a moisture trap if you want to.
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