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My dad has been renting out a house now and he is getting on my case lol. He wants me to write a paper up explaining that rent will go up $100 due to the price of living going up. How would I right a paper on that? I am confused. If no one can help I understand. Thanks.

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:haha: Ok first I'm gonna guess that he has never raised the rent and that you said dad well of course the rent goes up as time goes on and he never havng done this says well write me one then?

First of all all tenants should be aware of it in the first place. I have never had trouble just tellng them. And usually it should go up like 2% per year. Doesn't sound like much but it really is.

But a letter, I've never realy had to write one.

Simple explanation of Taxes go up, insurance costs go up, and in general the worth of the house climbs annually.  So really you just need an explanation letter. And give them 30 days before the change becomes effective in all fairness. OK. sort of:

Dear tenant,

  Due to the cost of living increases due to increased taxes, insurance, and in general fees and upkeep on the home that you reside in we will now be increasing the rent on this particular unit accordingly by______ and as of now giving 30 days advanced notice of this action. If there are any questions please contact me at 1-800-555-1212.

                        John Henry

                        Property owner.

I hope that helped and let me kmow if my guess was close.  :azn:

By the way there was a thread on this many moons ago.   [nerdly]

Also he should get a decent contract that has this in it already. Their cheap and available on the web for free  if nothing else.

First of all all tenants should be aware of it in the first place. I have never had trouble just tellng them. And usually it should go up like 2% per year. Doesn't sound like much but it really is.

Damn 2% I got ripped off then. My rent went up 5% last august.  :tickedoff: Maybe its really different in florida....

That was a minimum and debateable. It can be what ever, but through section 8 thats the best one ccan hope for. And thats with the same tenant staying and not causing any problems. (no, not you Dlewis, never  :wink2: ) But up here that is rule of thumb. And when they move out a big raise is in order. Plus a NEW coat of paint.  :evil6:

That was a minimum and debateable. It can be what ever, but through section 8 thats the best one ccan hope for. And thats with the same tenant staying and not causing any problems. (no, not you Dlewis, never  :wink2: ) But up here that is rule of thumb. And when they move out a big raise is in order. Plus a NEW coat of paint.  :evil6:

Yep, No problems here. even with the stripper pole  :haha:

Always get a lease. I even gave my own brother one. Its the best way to do it always. that way no heart aches or misunderstandings later.


Well we kind of made a deal, he does the repairs needed and we will give him rent cheap. He is renting a whole house for $400. YET he has not done repairs to get the insurance renewed. It needs new railing in front and back and siding patched. He didn't do any of it, so that's why were really raising it.

in that case i would be like ok you been leaching off of us for _____ months

the agreement was you fix it and cheap rent since this ha not been done we desrve the right to raise the rent $150 a month effective next month the ____ of ____ when your bill is due

if in that time we see improvements the rent will only be increased by $75 or $100

That will make him do a quick trip to home depot

Still $600 to rent a whole house is like giving it away in my side of the contry  (austin, Tx)

also make sure to specify what you want repair so theres no misunderstandings

make a checklist of everything u want done

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