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Welcome!  :hello:

Knowledge is power so let these be known!

Heres a small list of great programs I was recently introduced too:

All of these programs are around 1MB or less(great for thumb drives!)

All available from Micro$oft's technet website.

Some of you may know them as sysinternals. Most of them were created by a guy named Mark Russinovich.

Process Explorer: Provides ALOT of insight to how applications work, or if you just want to know what DLL's are doing what.  :afro: (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx)(replaced it with my task manager  :headbang:)

Autoruns: Shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them! (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx)(Great for removing pesky 3rd party services/startup crap  :ar15:, show those 3rd party'rs whos in charge!)

Process Monitor: This is an advanced monitoring tool that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity! (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx)

I know all the default programs that can be used to view some of this information but these programs are much more advanced and show you MUCH more information, even every read and write to the HD. I learned about these in my network engineering class recently and these are just a few that I use, you can get a full list at the website, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx.


Thanks in Advance! Also I hope someone will really find these as useful as I did!

edited: private info removed

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those are some handy things there.  :grin2:

but isnt it against our forum rules to ask people for game accounts and stuff. that wouldnt be legal.  :wink:

What isn't illegal? This is America! We're we love to have our freedoms stripped from us!

But anyways man, ghandi once said "If an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind.".

Asking isn't illegal either man!

Edit: If its brought to my attention with some proof that its against forum rules to talk about that I will be glad to remove it.

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What isn't illegal? This is America! We're we love to have our freedoms stripped from us!

But anyways man, ghandi once said "If an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind.".

Asking isn't illegal either man!

Edit: If its brought to my attention with some proof that its against forum rules to talk about that I will be glad to remove it.

Woah woah, calm down there.

You misunderstood what i meant.

I just meant that in the public forum, trading account information is against the rules for games. just like we do not post keygens, crack serials, etc.

I didnt mean it was against the rules to post something about it.  :wink2:

No need to be hasty.  have a good night  :wink2:

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Edit: If its brought to my attention with some proof that its against forum rules to talk about that I will be glad to remove it.

asking for cd codes is illegal in this forum...and has been removed for you...please read the forum rules here... http://www.testmy.net/t-13204

...asking for key gens, cracks and cd codes is against forum rules and is a bannable offense...these are illegal if they don't belong to you

[r.2.15] Any posts that encourage illegal intent will be removed and the account disabled.


[r.2.06] You may not post to instruct users to check their e-mail' date= check their PM, or inform them that they've got mail or a new PM, or any variant thereof.

thx fiber optic for the heads up...i was typing to fast...corrected typo

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yeh...i too was in a hurry...fingers got stuck in fast forward...i didn't even catch it on the proof read...thx fiber for letting me know...

Oh.. No worries.. I was just wondering what they were.. "Gen gens" as I thought they were some new invention or something  :haha:

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