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Jeez. You think that's bad. I pay $90 a month for my 34,000/1100 cable connection with only 25GB data transfer (uploads counted)

In australia, we have the faster speeds than the americans, but we have cumbersome download limits.

Shoot that aint bad 25GB> I am only allowed 5GB here. And I pay $60 a month, and rarely see 1000 down.

Jeez. You think that's bad. I pay $90 a month for my 34,000/1100 cable connection with only 25GB data transfer (uploads counted)

In australia, we have the faster speeds than the americans, but we have cumbersome download limits.

25GB thats just wrong. You could eat through that in no time. What is the overage charge?

ISP's are going to start to do that here, with monthly limits, and its not going to fly. Companies are going to start suing ISP's if they put in monthly limits here, it will just kill so many of there products. The FCC needs to say "no way" to monthly bandwidth limits.

Well, If I was on a lower plan I would have to pay $150 a GB, not the $1 you americans have to pay.....

Thats fucked up. Bandwidth is so cheap now. But I guess down under its hard to get it, since it doesn't seem very many bandwidth providers go down that far.

sprint is caping their service now?

They have had them for a little while now. as far as I know AT&T is the only one that doesn't have a cap now.

sprint is caping their service now?

Yep, starting last sunday.

Well, If I was on a lower plan I would have to pay $150 a GB, not the $1 you americans have to pay.....

I wish. Americans. You mean city slickers. Not us country folk. We are still getting the shaft.  :haha: :haha:

I am sure way higher than $1 per GB. That would not bother ime in the least if thats all it was. But according to the partioa plan its

This plan includes

Additional data usage is $.001/KB (Maximum monthly charge $99.99 on the 40MB plan)

Data usage without a plan is 3

hey i have a question...so in australia does bandwidth go the opposite direction too???...

is the download really going up?? and ur upload really going down? that in mind...what is it they r really capping?

and if i haven't said it before...welcome :welcome: Zolandor and matt231...to the testmy.net forum...enjoy urself and come back often...make urself to home :)

hey i have a question...so in australia does bandwidth go the opposite direction too???...

is the download really going up?? and ur upload really going down? that in mind...what is it they r really capping?


I think download is still download and up is up, just the left to right is different,..........and capping is when the sun is out, you put one on your head, "capping"   [nerdly]

:haha: but water swirls in the opposite direction...

Of course the polar extremes are opposite there. And so molecular activity will be depolarized at certain times of the evening only. That is where Batman comes into play.  [nerdly]

:haha: but water swirls in the opposite direction...

You only think so because you no the bottom looking up :roll:

Of course the polar extremes are opposite there. And so molecular activity will be depolarized at certain times of the evening only. That is where Batman comes into play. [nerdly]

Sounds batty to me but  :iamwithstupid:

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