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Today I replied to an off topic post on TMN , and found I had that annoying fly along with my normal signature , on checking, indeed it had been added to my  forum profile ,

am I right in thinking somebody now has access to my personal account on TMN forum ?,  anyone else getting this problem ? ,  :evil2:

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Today I replied to an off topic post on TMN , and found I had that annoying fly along with my normal signature , on checking, indeed it had been added to my  forum profile ,

am I right in thinking somebody now has access to my personal account on TMN forum ?,  anyone else getting this problem ? ,  :evil2:

  my bug kept disappearing and so i kept  pasting the link in my signature and got fed up and posted 2 ..now i'm back to one again...i have no clue what's up. :knuppel2:....yet..
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Not  that I know of. Maybe a screen shot? I only see the normal sig.  :undecided: I hope we do not need Raid to rid of that critter.

And if someone is in them, I'd like to know too.  :knuppel2:

OK , I posted a reply to the topic " brokeback mountian "  and found I had the fly  :evil2:

under my sig , so I did a check of my profile , and indeed the code had been added , so I deleted it , and modified my post , so it is now not showing , but how the hell did it get added to my online profile ? , without my knowledge ?

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OK , I posted a reply to the topic " brokeback mountian "  and found I had the fly  :evil2:

under my sig , so I did a check of my profile , and indeed the code had been added , so I deleted it , and modified my post , so it is now not showing , but how the hell did it get added to my online profile ? , without my knowledge ?

  wasn't me , sugar...my 2nd fly came up missing 2? day's ago..my one still crawls so i still have him...i am starting to suspect something....hhmmmm.
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So some gain little critters and others lose critters? One does have to wonder who's messing. Where the heck is CA3LE or momma when you need them. I mean who else has that kind of access anyway? Anyone seen the other mods?  :cheesy:

Hey Roco did you hit the report to moderator button like a good member is supposed to do??  :haha:  :haha:

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So some gain little critters and others lose critters? One does have to wonder who's messing. Where the heck is CA3LE or momma when you need them. I mean who else has that kind of access anyway? Anyone seen the other mods?  :cheesy:

Hey Roco did you hit the report to moderator button like a good member is supposed to do??  :haha:  :haha:

  :2funny: never thought I was that good a member to hit the button and complain , anyway snr. adim have to sleep sometime ? , just done a password change and all seems well  ,

and anyway

  wasn't me , sugar...my 2nd fly came up missing 2? day's ago..my one still crawls so i still have him...i am starting to suspect something....hhmmmm.

the last honey to call me sugar  :lol: was a 392lb  transvestite hells angel guy ,

so things are looking up ...........maybe  :wink2:, ....... :2funny:

missing fly's , well I ain't tech minded , but maybe missing a shower for a month or two ,

may help ,

I still cant figure out how my profile got modified ,


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  :2funny: never thought I was that good a member to hit the button and complain , anyway snr. adim have to sleep sometime ? , just done a password change and all seems well  ,

and anyway  the last honey to call me sugar  :lol: was a 392lb  transvestite hells angel guy ,

so things are looking up ...........maybe  :wink2:, ....... :2funny:

missing fly's , well I ain't tech minded , but maybe missing a shower for a month or two ,

may help ,

I still cant figure out how my profile got modified ,


        :cheesy::angel:...all woman here.

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if so  :smitten: , and please excuse this old Brit for thinking different , :wink2:

good to have you along anyway , and thanks for not screaming at me , my English humour is often misunderstood ,

Regards Roco ...UK

  my feather's don't get ruffled easy..i am not your typical woman..a catagory all my own...and yes all woman..no added or subtracted parts here..i know your undecided..but thanks..sugar.
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Something about folding at home. I am wondering if the bugs might have gotten messed up in the code somehow in here. Its in here right? Or is it. Ok I have no idea, just putting things out there.  :undecided:

Mudmanc had them first, I do know that. Might ask him.  :idea:

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There's nothing in the gif of the pecker gnat, there's only a couple of people that could have put that in anyones sig besides the user themselves, there is a hint in this thread if you pay close attention.

  And the only reason it might  " go away " is just like any other item you place in your sig that is hosted elsewhere, that is the site is , or was being rebooted at the time of the refresh.

The " pecker gnat " is to raise awareness of the folding at home thread ere at testmy.net. In hopes people get more involved.

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There's nothing in the gif of the pecker gnat, there's only a couple of people that could have put that in anyones sig besides the user themselves, there is a hint in this thread if you pay close attention.

  And the only reason it might  " go away " is just like any other item you place in your sig that is hosted elsewhere, that is the site is , or was being rebooted at the time of the refresh.

The " pecker gnat " is to raise awareness of the folding at home thread ere at testmy.net. In hopes people get more involved.

Hi Mudmanc4 , not sure on your hint

but I did not add it to my Sig. and I cant see the other 2 feeling the need to do that either ?, my guess now  is my account got jacked , it was a easy password and a bit obvious , :idiot2:

( now changed )  so I will leave it at that ,

good luck on the "folding " I would love to join in , but I have a monthly bandwidth cap of 2Gb ,  :cry2:

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  my feather's don't get ruffled easy..i am not your typical woman..a catagory all my own...and yes all woman..no added or subtracted parts here..i know your undecided..but thanks..sugar.

Thanks on that pixiepistlz , I am convinced , (it's in the writing style and content )   :wink2: ,  " my feather's don't get ruffled easy..) well if you ever feel the need for a bit of feather ruffling ,I am available ,  :evil6:

BTW, I now take the "Sugar " as a compliment  :lol: but just one in my coffee , as I am sweet enough  :angel:


Roco..UK  ( have passport , can travel )

i could join in but im not allowed to keep my comp. on all the time...  :undecided:

Me too starship_troopers  , I cant afford it  , I got 5 spare puters, and a UK cap  :evil2: , lots of folk over here have that , to go unlimited would mean I could not afford to eat  ,

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