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well due to some minor money issues because of a screw up with a certain bank...cough cough commerce....i have to wait for 2 more weeks to get the phone..but yes im getting the storm...not sure what it is..but i played on one last night and it was awesome...i just got attached to it...not sure why....lol and then i went back to my razr v3c ....ewwwww...lol

but yeh. so if i get the premium plan from verizon...with like unlimited mobile web, messaging, etc. thats all i need for the storm right?? someone i talked to yesterday said that since its a blackberry phone like that i would have to get extra stuff and pay for it all each month...how does that work...is just getting the premium plan with all that stuff included fine? or do i have to get like a smart phone package or something??

How long did you play with it for? My boss got one yesterday and he liked it for about the fist hour and now he hates it. He can't type for shit on it. The only reason he got it was because the exchange support for windows/exchange 2000. He doesn't way to go to 03 (Don't know why) and the iPhone requires 03 to higher to work so he went with this and now i'm hearing about it. lol

But I think you have to have the premium plan with the storm, or there is one specifically for the blackberry on verizon that is the same as the premium with unlimited data.

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nah, the premium one is the one with unlimited data. unmimited mobile web, downloading, all that crap...and i used it for about maybe 2 and a half hours...and i acutally like the typing on it...at least in QWERTY mode..i cant type for shit on quicktype...never have been able to.

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nah, the premium one is the one with unlimited data. unmimited mobile web, downloading, all that crap...and i used it for about maybe 2 and a half hours...and i acutally like the typing on it...at least in QWERTY mode..i cant type for shit on quicktype...never have been able to.

at least i think. if someone could double check this on the website i would appriciate it...its http://www.verizonwireless.com
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I tried a friends Blackberry Storm and I honestly did not like it. I personally own the Iphone 3g and it's a godsend for me. I've never found such use for another electronics device before in my life. I dislike the storm not because I'm an Iphone owner, because to me everyone is trying to compete with the iphone by trying to one up them.  Apple has the upper hand and will for a long time in my oppinion. The click screen is kinda stupid it's like a noise maker under the screen. I don't really see a point in it.. if anything it would slow me down with typing in the long run.

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the blackberry storm is not an IPHONE KILLER...i know you didnt mean to say that it was trying to be..but most poeple think thats what it is...and no...its not....  sure i admit, the iphone would be so much cooler. but for my needs and preference i dont want the best phone on the market for everything, i just want a way to get stuff done my way, which is usually the longer more drawn out way...and yes i can see the screen being a problem since you cant type fast on it like other phones,..but hell it takes me like 5 minutes to type a 300 character text message on my razr v3....i was like aahhh thats more my speed and its my preferred company's phone....verizons network...and the net on it...its fine, i have no reason to want the fastest mobile web or whatever. as long as it works for occasional needs...

basically i can go on and on about why i prefer the storm...and honestly it differs from tons of other people..but thats what makes me different. and i sound like a nerd wannabe but who cares, i want the phone and im getting it because its the phone i feel most comforatble with....(at least after using a friends for about 3 days in a row)  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

to each their own i guess...im just usually the odd ball out anyways so its cool  :2funny:

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I personally own the Iphone 3g and it's a godsend for me. I've never found such use for another electronics device before in my life.

Thats the way I feel about the HTC Touch Diamond 500.  And thats the reason there are so many styles of phones. Something i found frickin awesome about the HTC, if your tower isn't strong enough,(or whatever reason)  you can connect to any Lan, by WiFi ( ie:wireless router ) for phone , or internet service, at the same time, access any computer on the Lan. The HTC appears as a HDD on any machine. Just as well connect by bluetooth, use as modem, or just connect via USB and get the same results. After I mess with the ROM in it now, I have the iPhone software ROM modded already to install.

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amen to that mudman....thats why i dont care if others dont like the storm. i do so thats al that matters...i mean im using it not them :P  :cheesy:

It's human nature to react when we hear something that doesn't flow with our opinions, but we learn to feel confident in what we see at the time to be fit for ourselves.

I'm sure you'll get plenty of good out of your decision , hell, I fell on the HTC. I've read where people can't stand it, ( for whatever reason ) and the opposite. But as for myself ? wow, Iv'e had the thing for a week, and I'm wondering how I made it w/out the thing before . lol It does everything that I need a mobile device to do, and more.

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