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Happy Saint Patrick's Day...to all our TMN members

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Sorry for the late reply , it's that durned  8 hour time shift thing,

indeed the Irish problem is part religious , and it's sure beats me how 2 Christian Religions can hold so much hate in their hearts , 

A peace plan was brokered around 12 years back , it has held so far , and with luck it still is , I don't think either side wants to go back to blowing school children to bits on their way to

Sunday church ,

Well, they nearly got this old pagan about 25 years back !!!

I was due at a company meeting in Central London at 10 am ,

The building got bombed 3 hours before I was due there ,

Moving on to our UK food , a subject close to my heart ,HeHe ,

The good old Yorksire pudding ? ,  very hard to describe ,

and cook right, so I have been told ,I have never tried ,but they can be brought ready made now , http://www.auntbessies.co.uk/products/products_yp.php



Spotted dick


Btw I just read that a Yorkshire pudding must rise 4 inches  to be able able to claim the title ,

next time I eat out I will take a tape meassure  :evil2:

LOL must go , I need to eat ,

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