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The new site is much better. The smart test was broken on fast connections in the past as it would just get stuck on the biggest test and constantly do it over and over again without giving results. I also see that the speed test server is finally on gigabit so I no longer reduce other peoples connections when I do a test from my server:


:::.. Download Test Results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 206514 Kbps about 206.5 Mbps (tested with 200 MB)

Download Speed is:: 25814 kB/s or 25.8 MB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/P4NMR9VAL

Test Time:: 2011-02-09 20:45:51 GMT -7

1MB Download in 0.04 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~1 Minutes - 3601X faster than 56K

Tested from a 200 MB file and took 8.124 seconds to complete

Running at 121% of hosts average (Houkouonchi.jp)

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20101130 Firefox/3.5.16 [!]

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The new site is much better. The smart test was broken on fast connections in the past as it would just get stuck on the biggest test and constantly do it over and over again without giving results. I also see that the speed test server is finally on gigabit so I no longer reduce other peoples connections when I do a test from my server:

First, thank you and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately I was unaware of that problem for a while. But yes, I've fixed that. And yes, we've been on gigabit for about 6 to 8 months now. Much better :)

First, thank you and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately I was unaware of that problem for a while. But yes, I've fixed that. And yes, we've been on gigabit for about 6 to 8 months now. Much better :)

Some other observations... I noticed that the upstream results are very low (15-20 megabits) vs the 200+ down. If this is a linux server it could be caused by a low rwin setting. Have the settings on the server been tuned on the receiving side?

I personally use a web100 kernel on my machine to help with tcp/ip tuning:


I am also a bit curious what /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_reordering is set to. I have two 35/35 connections that are bonded over VPN at my home but I get very bad results to this site even though the bonding via the VPN is routed through the same network I got 200 megabits to this server. One side-effect of the bonding is the packets are more out of order than usual but I can still get very high speeds to the majority of the servers out there. To this server it was < 1 megabyte/sec but for example to speedtest.net's TX server I got over 60 megabits (7+ megabytes/sec).

Some other observations... I noticed that the upstream results are very low (15-20 megabits) vs the 200+ down. If this is a linux server it could be caused by a low rwin setting. Have the settings on the server been tuned on the receiving side?

I personally use a web100 kernel on my machine to help with tcp/ip tuning:


I am also a bit curious what /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_reordering is set to. I have two 35/35 connections that are bonded over VPN at my home but I get very bad results to this site even though the bonding via the VPN is routed through the same network I got 200 megabits to this server. One side-effect of the bonding is the packets are more out of order than usual but I can still get very high speeds to the majority of the servers out there. To this server it was < 1 megabyte/sec but for example to speedtest.net's TX server I got over 60 megabits (7+ megabytes/sec).

I do have my server tuned but I'm always open if you know of a better way. I'll hit ya up in PM.

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