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Wait does'nt 100/100 connection in sweden cost around 580sek which is around 80 usd, live here for a bit lol its worth it i would pay 100 bucks a month max maybe 120 for 100mbps both ways.  :shock: thats somethgin americans dream about, we all jumping for joy when we could get 15=30mbps and like my buddy said up there, its 200 usd a month for 30 mbps lol. hmmm

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My dad would max pay prob 250 dollars a month for a line as fast as yours....damn 100/100....jesus christ...I would love that line so much....upload yay...

lol no shit. i wish they had custom connection caps. Like id get a pricing for  3 down, 25 up.  :-D

Sure, i COULD say 3/100 , but US bandwidth is extremely expensive lol

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ya that kinda got fixed allready, u see i have a freind that works for verizon in the fios department i should say, he said he was gettign 30 mbps for 50 bucks since he works there i miss understood him :) and i might be able to aswell. i will order a 5mbps line and i have a feeling things might get all confusing down there and they end up settign me up for a 30 mbps instead. happens all the time :haha:

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It will happen cost will go down, speeds will go up, everyone wants to beat everyone, my ISP likes to claim they have the fastest Connection around, so maybe they will upgrade again u never know, i believe things will work out for the better. :)

I agree... sooner or later they will offer other packages / plans.  I would suspect that once SBC comes out with their Project Lightspeed Verizon may need to add a couple of more levels... it's all good for us!!  :D

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yes i beleave all these ISP company competeting means only good things for us, and i hate verizon too, my first high speed internet was DSL, but guess what they messed up and i wasnt suppose to get it i was to far away, but they already accepted it so they had to give it to me, but i was the one gettign screwed i think i was paying 39.99 for 350kbps great deal eh :angry5: ? so ya verizon been on my shitlist for awhile i had a freind inside that tried to help me out verizon spent over 3000 to try to make it faster for me tech and all, then they were goign to disconnect me cause i was costign them to much money but my freind took those papers and ripped them right up, but i canceled wasnt gogin to pay that much for crappy DSL, so i got 3.5mbps cable then 10mbps cable i am happy here :):D

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So... I have to ask... what do they charge for 10meg cable.... what is your upload? 

I was paying $54 for my 6/768 with Comcast.

What type of speeds are you hitting.  That is one thing I liked about Comcast when it worked.... they had a 6.8M cap on their 6M package... so most of the time I was getting around ~6200-6300 down... which wasn't bad.  They are bound to have 10.2 to 10.6m cap on yours.  :shock: :shock:

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  • 5 weeks later...

The guy who played CS and ur son played HALO.

I've had 25 people LANing on it without a problem. Pinging 1-15 in CS the whole time. AND browsing websites on the 5/2 package

It had to of been the sickest LAN ever. And the tech said that FIOS should be avalbable in my area in 3 weeks.

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It pisses me off seeing you Americans saying USA bandwidth is expensive.

Here, yes, I have 10 Mbps cable (Download) and only 128 Kbps (Upload) but my speed is slown down to 64 Kbps down and up once I hit 10 GB (10 GB quota per month), I pay $47 USD per month for that, that's considerd rather cheap here compared to our DSL services.

I could go on a  20 GB per month plan where instead of being slown down after 20 GB, they charge me per the megabyte, this is where you will see how expensive bandwidth is in Australia, it's 12 cents per MEGABYTE over the 20 GB monthly quota. The 20 GB plan costs $78 USD per month (just for the 20 GB). If I were to go over that by 10 GB I'd be paying $1228.80 USD EXTRA! That would mean my bill for using 30 GB would be $1306.80.

And yes, 20 GB is the highest plan available.

Now stop your bitching, USA bandwidth is dirt cheap, be thankful! :(.

Note: I converted all the currencys into USD so you people in America can know what I'm going on about.

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Then move?  seriously if you dont like it move..

And bandwidth IS expensive here. For a 8/512  line here its $78.00+ a month , more depending on your area.

In swe, you coulod get a 100/100 line for that. Just *NOW* is verizon changing that. But still.... only 0.5% of the people who want fios have it. When i called they could care less and say " do you see digging around your area?" and " we dont know when itll be avaliable for you."  So if your on FIOS, your lucky, but as for the rest of us $80 bucks a month is REALLY expensive..... Mabey moreso for you in AUS, but then again you gotta figure the income differences in each state/country/whatever.

We can get servers in America with 2 TB bandwidth for just like $230 per month (which I do get), if I was to get one here in Aus it would be about $1000 and with about 80 GB if I'm lucky. :(.

And hell no I'm not moving, Australia's great! I can live with expensive bandwidth. Just showing the comparision.

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