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Is there a way to grab some of my data to send off to Cox? I have been getting around 1Mbps upload speed, instead of 4Mbps. My cable modem rebooted last Sunday (it's actually been rebooting a lot lately) and I was suddenly getting 4Mbps. Yesterday (Friday), it was back to 1Mbps (my download speed is fine). I'd like to dump some data to send them to show them that change, along with my modem log. They keep wanting to send someone out to fix my setup, but the modem and router are new, and the problem is with their equipment. I'm hoping to be able to show them some log data to get them to look at their equipment.


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Is there a way to grab some of my data to send off to Cox? I have been getting around 1Mbps upload speed, instead of 4Mbps. My cable modem rebooted last Sunday (it's actually been rebooting a lot lately) and I was suddenly getting 4Mbps. Yesterday (Friday), it was back to 1Mbps (my download speed is fine). I'd like to dump some data to send them to show them that change, along with my modem log. They keep wanting to send someone out to fix my setup, but the modem and router are new, and the problem is with their equipment. I'm hoping to be able to show them some log data to get them to look at their equipment.


It's tough to say without knowing the specifics of your hardware, but there should be a means by which you can enable logging on either your router (at the very least) or possibly your modem. If you run some consistent tests using whichever diagnostic tools your equipment has and log the results, then download them off of your device (probably via http from their web interfaces, etc.) and email them to Cox, maybe they would take a look.

When you say that you'd like to 'dump some data to send them' -- do you mean data you have already collected? If so, by which means? Testmy.Net?

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It's tough to say without knowing the specifics of your hardware, but there should be a means by which you can enable logging on either your router (at the very least) or possibly your modem. If you run some consistent tests using whichever diagnostic tools your equipment has and log the results, then download them off of your device (probably via http from their web interfaces, etc.) and email them to Cox, maybe they would take a look.

When you say that you'd like to 'dump some data to send them' -- do you mean data you have already collected? If so, by which means? Testmy.Net?

I want to dump the Testmy.net data. Sorry about the confusion. I can get the log off my modem, and it shows the errors and reboots over the last week. What I want to be able to show is the speed difference, and when it got faster, then when it got slower.


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I want to dump the Testmy.net data. Sorry about the confusion. I can get the log off my modem, and it shows the errors and reboots over the last week. What I want to be able to show is the speed difference, and when it got faster, then when it got slower.


Just go to your results page and click "Export to CSV" -- OR click "Share This Query" and give them the URL.


You get these links by clicking "Your Results" >> https://testmy.net/quickstats/dedelano -- I've tried to make it very easy to get this information to your ISP.

Let me know if this answers your question.

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Just go to your results page and click "Export to CSV" -- OR click "Share This Query" and give them the URL.


You get these links by clicking "Your Results" >> https://testmy.net/quickstats/dedelano -- I've tried to make it very easy to get this information to your ISP.

Let me know if this answers your question.

Thanks! That's what I wanted. I misunderstood the use of the share button. I thought that published it to the rest of the forum. I think I can put something together now. The question now is, does Cox have anyone that can figure it out!


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Thanks! That's what I wanted. I misunderstood the use of the share button. I thought that published it to the rest of the forum. I think I can put something together now. The question now is, does Cox have anyone that can figure it out!


No problem :)

Just curious... how do you think I could make it easier to understand?

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Well, "share" in this day and age tends to imply social networking, etc. To me, a technical person (software development), "export data" would be more meaningful. It would also make more sense if it were somewhere with the table, rather than the graph. Don't, however, put it at the bottom of the table, or it won't be found. It needs to be at the top, and yes, it's already crowded up there, so not sure what I'd suggest.

BTW, I love this site. I've used it to benchmark my speeds so that when I went from basic service to preferred service I could see if I was actually getting what I pay for. I'd dropped back to basic service because I wasn't getting any faster speeds. In the mean time, I've replaced by combo modem/router/wifi with a new modem and router/wifi. Thus, I wanted to see if the new equipment would actually help. It appears that it has, at least for download speed. Upload speed, however, is 25% what it should be, except for Sunday through Friday this week, where it was was what I'm paying to get.

The frustrating thing is dealing with Cox support that just returns canned email answers and doesn't appear to read any details in the trouble request.....


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Well, "share" in this day and age tends to imply social networking, etc. To me, a technical person (software development), "export data" would be more meaningful. It would also make more sense if it were somewhere with the table, rather than the graph. Don't, however, put it at the bottom of the table, or it won't be found. It needs to be at the top, and yes, it's already crowded up there, so not sure what I'd suggest.

I took part of your suggestion and put it into practice.


BTW, I love this site. I've used it to benchmark my speeds so that when I went from basic service to preferred service I could see if I was actually getting what I pay for.

Thanks :)

The frustrating thing is dealing with Cox support that just returns canned email answers and doesn't appear to read any details in the trouble request.....


You should try calling them instead of email. I bet you'll get a much easier resolution. :) -- ALSO, when you call, let them know about the inconvenience you've been put through trying the email support process. They may even give you a credit or something for the trouble. Cox always wants to keep their customers happy. They at least need to know that it's not working.

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The frustrating thing is dealing with Cox support that just returns canned email answers and doesn't appear to read any details in the trouble request.....


when you do finally get through on the phone...be prepared to tell them where you've tested...and then be prepared for them to have you test your speeds on their server...on an ookla test...which will definitely show that you have great speeds (which you don't) apparently they think people only surf the web inside cox's server :2funny: ... when it was me i had to show the guy my speeds here...for me it actually was my verrry old modem neededto be replaced...which was a problem that their speedtest didn't detect...at all

just a heads up...

i'm sure they'll listen soon as you show them your logs from here...

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