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My old computer died a tragic death. Been using the GF laptop pretty much as the family computer. So I was bored and went and Built my own computer at CPU solutions. Just goofing off to see what it would cost. Have always done my business with CPU solutions. Trust them.

So I thought it would be cool to build a decent computer. I wanted Liquid Cooled, I wanted a Solid State Drive, Comes with 8 gig of ram, I have more ddr3 ram around so will up it to 12 gig no problem.

Not really ready for the 8 core but wanted to try the 6 core AMD. Just LOVE amd, Always have. Wanted AMD FX 6100.So I put that in there, Went with 120 gb Intel Sold state drive, and for motherboard I went all out, The Ausus Sabertooth 990Fx Mother Board. Love the Ausus Motherboards.

For graphics card I wanted A Gforce, So I went with GTX 560, Again, Love the cards. Just my personal Preference.

With the case, I went with this one. Just cause it looks cool.http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Dark-Fleet-DF-35-Gaming/dp/B003M8I1RQ

It comes already assembled, Which I wanted, That way liquid cooling goes bad, or anything else, Its on them, They can not blame Assembly done on my part as the problem.

So I got all this loaded, Cost was 1500 bucks with shipping. Just laughing thinking wow I want this setup. Its just to much right now. Go to the bathroom, come back and the GF says you want the receipt printed? Um HUH?? You didn't?? Yep she did. She got quite a bit back on taxes, But its her money imho. I about fell down. It will be here in a week. She just laughed, I am truly a lucky guy.

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When I get it, I will try to give you guys IMHO a real world review of Liquid cooling and Solid state drives. Let you all know if they seem t be worth the cost. The liquid cooling has me completely baffled. So thats gonna take some research and lots questions. Not sure on what the temps of the cpu should be, bla bla bla.

Will put a Sata slave drive in it so I can compare the Sata with the solid state.

Yea your right about one thing, she probably wants her laptop back, lol. I miss my monitor. Got a 23 inch sitting in my closet just waiting for a computer. For sure glad I let them assemble it, Don't think putting in a liquid cooling system is real easy. Sad part is, in 6 months my computer will be middle of the road setup, lol. Im cool with that.

You can bet once I get it set up and running I am gonna play a game, thinking the new batman again. Maybe the new call of duty. One or the other. If I can figure it out, may put a video on youtube of it. Kinda give my thoughts. If If I do I will give you guys a link. Stay tuned...........

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Bet you slept a bit restless last night. Hell I'm excited for you, thats a nice setup ! Maybe you can take a few snapshots of the thing while it's still smellin all fresh and new like. Nothin like the smell of a brand new motherboard . Kinda like a 100 year old book , when you open it , there's just that smell. Ok too far into my likes lol

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If the water cooling is a close loop system [ like the Corsair H 70,80 or 100 ] , you do not have to do anything to it accept blow the dust out of the radiator. If the intake fan have filters on them, you will not have to do that too often.

If you are running a regular water cooling system I would change the distill water once a year and blow out the radiator when it get dusty. All you need in the loop is distill water and a silver killcoil. None of the special fluids that are for sale will work any better then distill water and a silver killcoil.

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Yea, I am officially geeked out. I posted some youtube links to the setup I went with. Cant find it, But then again I could not find this one earlier? I have learned so much from this build. Most people research then buy, well I bought then did the research.

Think the most important lesson, Dont go cheep on the motherboard. Which makes sense. Something I never really thought about. Seems like most believe 8 gig is still almost to much. 16 is just overkill. Cutting costs on other things so you can go big on your motherboard is wise. Upgrading the ram and other stuff is pretty easy, Upgrading your motherboard can be a bit of problem.

Think installing a liquid cooling system can be super tough. I am thankful I let them do it. They ran into a small snag, a 20 dollar part then ended up being free fixed the issue, If I had to have done it, LOL, I can see that new computer being a SWEET paper weight and not only spending quality time in my yard, But I would be replacing a window.

Not sure if I will tackle replacing the cpu down the road, I have done it, but not with a water cooled system. Will say my local computer dude is super cool. Has no problem you bringing in the part and him putting it in. He does not have to worry about the part warranty itself, and he makes money.

Its official. I am simply geeked out now. Just gotta wait on the computer, Get it up and running and updated and software installed then backed up. Once that is done, I am so gonna play a game and stop thinking about computers for awhile.

Oh my liquid cooling is a sealed unit, So keep it dust free is about all I have to do.

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Yea Triran, I did some more investigating on that. If and when I decide to swap out the cpu I have no fear. I THINK I am gonna try the overclocking after all. Just to see if I can do it. What difference it makes. I still have my amd quad core.

Went through and thinned out some of my old computer parts. Picked up a adapter at amazon for 10 bucks so I can hook up some old harddrives through usb. Not sure whats on them, will get them dealt with so I can get rid of them. There just some old IDE drives.

I did give thought to the 8 core. In time I may jump it up.

IMHO the processors from both Intel and AMD are getting a bit silly. More cores, faster speeds, problem with it is software has not even come close to catching up so they can utilize them to there full potential.

Sure you have benchmarks on both, In the real world would a normal person notice I difference? I have my doubts. There are to many other factors that dictate the speed of your machine. In the end I think its simply bragging rights. The ability to say wow its so much faster. Thats my 2 cents.

Edited by ninjageek
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Going with Both the Best Motherboard I could buy at the time, Going with the Liquid Cooled was 2 of my better ideas. I know with AMD you can upgrade the Cpu pretty easy, Not sure about Intel.

They are all getting so fast and so many cores I am just not sold on the idea that simple fan cooling is the best.

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WOW!! Order Late tues, Few details worked out wends morning, Sat Fed Ex dude is here with my puter. Nope, No overnight. Live in the midwest. When I first opened up I about cried. I thought OMG they did not assemble it. Thats why I got it so fast. MAN!!! Looked further, Yep, its assembled and ready to rock. Solid state drive looks so tiny!! Will say it just smokes. Cool thing, The solid state and my 2 Sata Drives install by side loading them. Super easy, super fast. Little problem with software not working with liquid cooler. Google helped me fix it. Kept saying could not connect. Little scary. Thought they are gonna get this back. Nope.

Spent the rest of the day, Updating, Software, Router, bla bla bla. Got it just the way I wanted, Backed it all up.So tomorrow night, works done. Time to play a game. New batman sounds good. Few days I will Push the cpu.

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