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Hold on guy's it ain't free , it's a lo-cal number , the only free bit is in like no contract ,

0845 numbers , works out at around $2.88 per hour , for sub 56K ,

dial up still used in the UK , cheaper than posting a letter , I got several friends that only go online

every other day or so just to check emails ,

and yes I got a no contract dial up in reserve on my box , just in case the fibre goes down ,

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Yes thats right bud..... IF THE # IS FREE TO YOU THAN ITS TOTALLY FREE..

No CA3LE i dont have a way of dialing in biggrin.gif (FOR FREE)

I wonder about the security (privacy) on a network like this... THEY HAVE YOU BY THE BALLS!! (They can watch anything you do (since its free))

I dosn't work like that in the UK , no # is free . apart from emergency , somebody has to pay our national provider for the line use ,

sure sales companies have a "Free # " they pay for the call , I can't see any internet provider making a living paying for your online time

their profit comes from renting the line at trade price , and charging you at retail ,

as it said "All you pay is the cost of a normal local rate phone call for the duration you are online. This means you can easily control the amount you spend and don't have to worry about subscription fees or contracts"

indeed thats so , that works out at $2.88 per hour , and the Subs fees and contracts is total balls there never was for dial up ,

I could pick and choose from a hundred or so dial up providers , I use Virgin , have used care4free , Firetrust ,and others ,

all registered charities , although Dial up is a thing of the past , 90% of the UK will have 20x5 by 2015,

only making the point in case any UK member decides to use the service , and dosn't read the small print ,

(it's happened in the past , ) getting a $600 bill at the end of the month ain't funny,

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How much does it cost to call your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR??

$2.88 per hour , no free lunches over here , that 0845 is the lo-cal comercial rate ,

I pay the extra £4.90 a month for unlimited plan , but it clearly states 0845 # are chargeable ,(they are I tried it ,)

my 40 x8Mbps FTTC + line rental and no charge phone call premium (within the UK ) works out at $48 USD a month ,

BTW, about $1.6 USD to the £1 ,

and don't forget it costs $18.66 a month to watch TV in the UK ,

I guess we don't make many phone calls over here, and in my case "no TV ", we don't drive that far either with gas

at $10.29 for a UK gallon , ( about $8 for 1 US gallon )

need to talk to a neighbour ?, I go ring their door bell , if I time it just right could get a free lunch ,

although nothings truly free , I end up working on their computer / car etc , as cash is at a premium

we use the neighbourhood Barter system , :cool2:

BT price changes

Type Current price New price (from 3 December)

Line rental saver, calls to mobiles, weekend calls and BT Infinity Bundle, Broadband and Anytime Calls Bundle, and entry level TV package prices remain unchanged.

Source: BT

Unlimited Anytime Plan ( UK only )

£4.70 a month

£4.90 a month

Line rental

£13.90 a month

£14.60 a month

Daytime UK calls

7.6p a minute

7.95p a minute

Evening UK calls

1p a minute

1.05p a minute

Call set up fee

12.5p per call

13.1p per call

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