ninjageek Posted January 16, 2013 CID Share Posted January 16, 2013 I am so sick of hearing the debate on new gun laws. Really, do people think new gun laws will have any effect??? All kinds of drug laws and that has done no good. IMHO, we need to put armed security in every school. Its the only way I think our kids and parents will feel secure. What really scares me is another colimbine type attack that may succeed. Did you know that that attack was a failed bombing attempt??? They placed propane bombs in various locations that would of taken many more lives. Thank goodness they were not smart enough to make them right, they never went off. If they had, Oh may the death toll would of been so much worse. We need to stop debating the gun issues, and start dealing with this new threat to our kids. Lets fix the issue instead of talking about it. Before its to late. dn0 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 16, 2013 CID Share Posted January 16, 2013 I have one question I seldom voice here, why do we need other than guns to hunt with? Except military and police etc ... of course. Pistols and AR-15's are not good to hunt with really. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ybnrmalatall Posted January 16, 2013 CID Share Posted January 16, 2013 I have one question I seldom voice here, why do we need other than guns to hunt with? Except military and police etc ... of course. Pistols and AR-15's are not good to hunt with really. I like to go to the gun range and shoot ar's and ak's and various high end weapons It is an awesome "fun time" activity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted January 16, 2013 CID Share Posted January 16, 2013 Why do we need yellow cheese or green lettuce ? Why do we need coins of all sizes and denominations ? Why do we need different styles of compound bow ? I mean really why do we allow stamp collections or pez dispenser collections ? Why bother having any hobbies at all, more than one car ? More than one toilet in the house ? What about more then 8 planets ? Oh wait , they already did away with one of those.. Until we fix what is wrong with the country and planet, no banning of anything will prevent even one death anywhere. This whole lot of tripe is nothing more than to create a shitstorm of bullshit for the people to slurp up , while the incompetent in washington allow God , and all morals to be dealt away with, let alone allow a very small handful of men to decide what we eat , wear and what it will cost us. Control. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 Why do we need yellow cheese or green lettuce ? Because green cheese and brown lettuce are discusting. Why do we need coins of all sizes and denominations ? So the checker can make change. Why do we need different styles of compound bow ? For different price, quality, and efficiency. I mean really why do we allow stamp collections or pez dispenser collections ? To help keep kiddies off the streets at night. more than one car ? So we can fart in it without the wifey complaining. More than one toilet in the house ? With women in the house that is self explanatory. What about more then 8 planets ? To kee balance in the solar system. Until we fix what is wrong with the country and planet, no banning of anything will prevent even one death anywhere. Well maybe on the next pres election we will get it right for once. ... while the incompetent in washington allow God , and all morals to be dealt away with, .... hard to argue with that one. ... let alone allow a very small handful of men to decide what we eat , wear and what it will cost us. Wait, that is my soon to be ex wifes job. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjageek Posted January 17, 2013 Author CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 I believe in people's right to own guns. I have known people that had to hunt to help feed there family. IMHO, people seem to forget its congress that has to pass the laws, even if they do pass it, and president signs it,the courts could over turn it. The sad reality is, the news is giving these sicko's there 15 min of fame. What bothers me the most, is there is some sick person just waiting to "become famous". There are just to many guns out there, many more show up every day, gun laws are like drug laws, all kinds of them, but the U.S. Dont have room for the bad guys now, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 For the record, green cheese on a bed of brown lettuce is some of the best eats available -- ya Ninja, too many guns out there, thats like saying there are too many people out there, no ? Think of it this way, yes, there are millions of guns in the US, I believe 3.5 per each citizen. Knowing this, we have a very safe environment don't we ? The real threat does not come from firearms. It comes from dissidence, which is born of fear. No ? Example might be how young people are moulded by authority, a percentage of young people will not conform and find this obtrusive, changing their mental vision of life and perception. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 Right, a mans right to hunt should never be gone. I agree. And believe me if I want to kill you I can do as well with a shothgun at any decent range. What I said does not eliminate guns, only concealed and auto ones. Not necesary really. IMHO again of course. If I want a thrill there are guns which have enough kick to make one stagger without those two types to enjoy, if I want to enjoy auto I can easily join the military and use one often when needed ........ and that should be the legal way. If I want to shoot a pistol why not be a cop with a badge and liscense. IMHO again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 Right, this is the same idea so many seem to have taken from the 2nd amendment. Which was intentionally placed in the document to prevent the concentration of authority and power strictly in the hands of government. The history channel is currently running a special 4 part series on presidents, which holds a good bit of 'other' information as well. Nothing to do with hunting or a thrill. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HubCity Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 You are absolutely right, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or having a thrill shooting guns. It has to do with the right of the people to insure there will never be another tyrannical government dictating our lives. Look at history and every time there was a tyrannical dictator, you know who they were, the first action they take is to disarm the populace. Those who continue to push the socialist/communist agenda want to take away the guns are now using children as their political shields because of the actions of a psychotic madman. A gun is nothing but a tool, an instrument, not unlike a vehicle, knife, club, axe, etc. The problem is the social degeneration of the people with violent movies (Hollywood) , violent computer games, poor parenting, resulting is a total lack of respect or feeling for the lives of others. Just my two cents….. mudmanc4 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted January 17, 2013 CID Share Posted January 17, 2013 I just wanted to quote what you said. And ask a question........ What is this that stands before me, shadowing the realities of so many, serially blocking the ability for so many to think rational, even when shown documents founding the country , or when preached over and again from so many source , the truth. It is simple. How did we get to the point , after spoon fed for a couple generations lies and gulps of treasonous messages in ever form of the most serious propaganda. How can we as a people , a nation or a race of humans be so blind , to even allow the argument to begin with. How is it even a reality that we consider breaching the trust of innocents, in the name of a few pukes ? Remove natural freedoms from those that have done nothing wrong , in fact quite the contrary , followed any and all silly little quirks to continue to stay 'legal' although illegal in itself. Instead , press more rules and regulations on those who have done nothing derogatory to their fellow man , and likely never will. And how can so many not see this ? And what the consequences are. You are absolutely right, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or having a thrill shooting guns. It has to do with the right of the people to insure there will never be another tyrannical government dictating our lives. Look at history and every time there was a tyrannical dictator, you know who they were, the first action they take is to disarm the populace. Those who continue to push the socialist/communist agenda want to take away the guns are now using children as their political shields because of the actions of a psychotic madman. A gun is nothing but a tool, an instrument, not unlike a vehicle, knife, club, axe, etc. The problem is the social degeneration of the people with violent movies (Hollywood) , violent computer games, poor parenting, resulting is a total lack of respect or feeling for the lives of others. Just my two cents….. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ybnrmalatall Posted January 19, 2013 CID Share Posted January 19, 2013 I don't know about you guys I just like to shoot guns every once in awhile if it becomes illegal I will still own one, and so will many people Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted January 23, 2013 CID Share Posted January 23, 2013 Yes shooting for sport is one of the only sports I participate in. To me it's a goal to get my patterns tight , regular. At different ranges as well as conditions or devices. I've done this fairly heave for the better part of 30 years, more so as I get older. Hey, you do football or hockey, I do target shooting for entertainment. I've been around firearms for all of my life , literally. My family owned a sporting goods store for more than one hundred years, which ended up predominantly firearms. They do not scare me , I am not worried what they may do on their own on some drunken rampage or psychotic episode. They are nothing more than stamped , pressed ground and shaped by the hands and machines of men. Inanimate objects that will sit quietly wherever left , even corrode and rust back into their carbon based core compound. Amazingly enough, society simply needs something to blame , something to be angry with , and someone to call out, tar and feather. Even so, most people are reasonable, at the same time , many are not their true selves. Propaganda is something much more than a poster to scare children and force their parents to react. That is old school. Todays propaganda is much more infiltration into every aspect of the mind. Slight and subtle images in all media, television is key, so many people do what they do , then come home and sit dumbfounded in front of the tube, they are easy targets, very easy. Images can be manipulated so slightly to represent a piece of the puzzle, sounds and feelings within commercials and during the 'programming' << what 'program' do you prefer to watch ? For instance, I sat down last night to watch a new cooking show, hey don't laugh I do all the cooking daily, and i could always use a little something new on the menu lol I don't normally watch but at times i do, I realized how mad this whole thing really is. Soon as I sat I noticed flashes with symbols i could not recognize even paused ( lots of flashing ) , interesting the program was called 'the taste' , before breaking to commercial from the fodder it already is, the graphic is a circle with blue and red, something splashing around, and soda looking splashes around the circle, soon after the new symbol on air force one is stretched out along the right side. This all happens in just under three seconds. I played it slow several times. Just one teensy example of programming. The wife says, ' I would have never noticed that' , no likely not, at the same time , you did see it, you just did not realize it. As these 'things' , are put together in sequences until the entire message is in your subconscious. For later use to assist in collective opinion , as thought controls the future, because thoughts lead to actions or inaction in some fashion. How does this all play in with this topic, considering sidearms and such have been a part of the USA since it's inception, the procedures to change the status quo must be a wide based set. In other words feelings must be provoked, images that tug heart strings , worry and mostly fear of the unknown possibilities. Notice the succession of events over the last 12+ years. Think about it. The reality is we should begin to change our thoughts, change the way we look at things, be more positive, because even when it all seems to be falling apart, everything passes. And we grow stronger from this. When has drastic measures knee jerk decisions ever been a tactical part of any long term solution. I don't mind entertaining the latest idea's of slowing down the mass amounts of hatred in media, between sex, murder, fraud and extreme violence , the entire industry is chock full of desensitizing compounds. Sure , we can say , don''t like it , don't watch, sounds good in theory yes ? Does not work, as what we are becoming is what we are filling our thoughts with the most , right ? Goes to say , who we surround ourselves with , shows who we are , or who we are striving to become , no ? XANAVirus 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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