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Why the Propaganda?

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As a network admin I don't know why you lie to people. I literally just tested your site and watched my network throughput on both your site and speedtest.net and your site gives a false reading.



ISP: Frontier FiOS (35Mbps/35Mbps - Advertised)


Your Site Down: 35.27

Your Site Up: 23.1Mbps


My PC Down: 36.1Mbps

My PC Up: 35.2Mbps


Speedtest.net: 35.91Mbps

Speedtest.net: 35.72Mbps 


How is it that your site is showing an incorrect value for upload (verified via my NIC), about 12Mbps difference. 


It's constantly the case. 


I typically only use this site after a speedtest.net test and yours is always, ALWAYS wrong. 




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It might be worth your time to research OOKLA and how they measure throughput. OOKLA (Speedtest uses the OOKLA FLASH based speed test) drops out of the calculation the top and bottom 10% - claiming they represent outliers. Then they drop another 20% off the bottom - assuming those values represent ramp-up. That leaves the 30% to 90% group for the measurement. I find the testmy.net large file size test to provide the most representative evaluation of my service provider. I see the ramp-up, then the surge (that my provider utilizes) and then the leveling off at my paid for throughput rate. 

Aside from all that it seems bad form to begin a conversation by calling people liars. OOKLA is showing the speed during what they perceive as the optimum 60% of the throughput speed. I suspect you are comparing apples and oranges.

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Mine reports lower too.  But if you take everything into account, from start to finish.. it adds up.


Sorry you're not getting the results you'd like to see.  If you think I'm wrong... use the other guys.


There are no lies going on here.  Calling it how I see it.  Others see it differently.  TMN isn't as easy.


If you show me actual evidence that proves that the numbers reported are incorrect I'll take the time to make it right.  But the only instance I've seen where it's not spot on (with the upload test) is when a client has over 300 Mbps upload speed.  The max 33MB upload test is too small for connections that fast.  I'm working to make it better.


Other tests out there are shooting to give you the best number so they do things like multithread and adjust the worst out of the result.  I feel my method is more realistic, it uploads files the same way you'd upload a file to any site and times the process.  Not much to go wrong.


If you want to know your best case scenario you're not in the right place.  I'm not here to stroke your ego.  If you want to be realistic and see numbers that represent what you can expect to really see, then TMN is the right test for you.


Like I said, I upload faster than my results show too.  But TMN is taking more than the middle of the result after it's rapped up into account, it's calculated from initiation to end.  From the moment that orange box disappears till the page changes.  If you're able to initiate the test faster, you'll score better.  Outside of the test I notice that I'll upload much faster at first then in time it will drop down closer to the reading that TMN shows.


Stream casters (e.g. twitch.tv users) love the upload test here because it represents their single thread speed to be expected, the real streamable bandwidth.  I've heard them say (in many how to stream tutorials across the net) that numbers from other speed tests like speedtest.net will cause their stream to lag and have issues because the numbers they report are higher than the connection can actually handle.  I read them saying, "only use TestMy.net."  -- and "as long as I set my stream quality slightly lower than TMN reports, no issues."

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Totally accurate.


I was pulling 3 MB/s in the middle of that test but the score was dropped to 2.6 MB/s after accounting for the entire process.  See the upload graph in Activity Monitor?  That tiny blip and slight curve at the start dropped the score, as it should.  It affects the quality of the connection and I think it should be included in the final result.


jrtcjrjr has a good point, your comparing apples to oranges.


BTW, I'm working to bring the TiP readings, larger sizes and multithread to the upload test.  I hope that having more options and seeing more details of what happened during the test will clear up confusion in the future.  ...always developing.

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Stream casters (e.g. twitch.tv users) love the upload test here because it represents their single thread speed to be expected, the real streamable bandwidth.  I've heard them say (in many how to stream tutorials across the net) that numbers from other speed tests like speedtest.net will cause their stream to lag and have issues because the numbers they report are higher than the connection can actually handle.  I read them saying, "only use TestMy.net."  -- and "as long as I set my stream quality slightly lower than TMN reports, no issues."


A post just came in from a twitch user related to upload speed - A lot of odd issues with streaming video game footage.


I cannot for the life of me stream beyond 100kb/s.




Results maxing out at 94 kB/s back up the fact that he can't stream faster than 100 kB/s.

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For the sake of getting this off my mind I decided to go ahead and say it; as simple as I can to avoid a technical conundrum... 


As a network admin, one would surely be well aware results shown locally will not always match gateway results. We know packets are differentiated between one another on various levels throughout the route, once said packets reach any 'destination' (which there are many in it's travels) header bits may or may not be included / stripped, reordered ect. 


Therefore the possibility of catching an exact real time congruent match on throughput is very thin. As well as variations between calculations performed (after the fact) locally. (machine dependent latency / local filtering due to firewalls, routers, OS specific settings and load across a plethora of levels not to even mention QOS on more levels imaginable)


Stopping eons short of any technicals here, when we alter the very data we seek to explore in any way, or it's resulting computed findings, on any level, this defeats the very reason we initiated the test to begin with, since altered data within the flow is exactly what we were looking for to start with. And should be considered null and void.


Therefore we look for "real world" results. What is actually happening. The entire process as a whole while surfing, uploading or downloading, streaming, basically every day usage, never distorts , never alters or flaunts, it just is. 


If i look at myself in the mirror, and choose to not see the grey hairs on my chin in the morning, and try to convince myself they are still their original color, I would call that mental masturbation , not reality. 

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It never ceases to amaze me how some folks immediately jump to unpleasant accusations if they disagree with someone. What happened to the days when people had differences of opinion and actually discussed it in a productive and polite way,



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It never ceases to amaze me how some folks immediately jump to unpleasant accusations if they disagree with someone. What happened to the days when people had differences of opinion and actually discussed it in a productive and polite way,



I'll have to agree. 

However I fail to find how this relates to this thread.

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