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New to testmy, and to fiber so excuse any lapses in my knowledge


Just signed up with Zen Internet, and I'm on the 80/20 to the cab, 



Speeds, when they are stable are fantastic around 74Mbps/17Mbps


However I'm getting some packet loss and at 19:30 the speed drops down to single figures

really slow until around 22:30 when it goes back up to normal, (albeit with a little packet loss)



My research leads me to think this is over congestion / over subscription of the PON card, or a faulty card.


Anyone have these peak issues

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Hi from SW Ohio in the US

Yes, I have issues like this. They don't always persist longer than a few 10s of seconds, then there are better speeds. But then another slowdown will happen. It's intermittent. Most of the time, mine doesn't clear up until 1-2 AM. It's usually worse on the weekends. I'm on Time Warner's 50/10 plan. When I get these slowdowns though, if I run another speed test, the problem is usually gone. If I run another test an hour later, I may or may not have the slowdown. The bottlenecks don't always happen during the same segment of the speed test either, so there doesn't seem to be one particular location as the offender. Seems like just random events where somebody is really hogging bandwidth for a short time.

Ignore my mention of that "card" me getting confused with American FTTPremisis/Home


Anyhoo, thanks for the reply, glad your drops are not bad.


Unfortunately mine last 3-4hours and right when I'm wanting to sit down at the PC to do some work.


BT tests show a fault, and Zen have got some fault tracking and ping tests ongoing, as well as an engineer booked for tomorrow, so we should see some improvement soon.


Shame to see that congestion / contention / oversubscription is an ongoing problem, even when moving to fiber, I guess its just the luck of the draw as to how congested your individual connection is/gets during peak.

Just an update, and thanks for the owner of testmy.net, as the monitoring has been most useful


Engineer, knew it was a congestion issue 3 seconds after arriving and seeing my computer screen with the graph on it.


So we have a hot Virtual Path (VP)

Contention in the pathway  between ? and ? because really it could be anywhere between my local exchange through to my ISP and back out to the internet.


Hopefully now they know, they can test for it at peak times and find where it is and effect a repair, replace, upgrade of equipment or even switch me to a less congested route.

Just another update - and yes I realise I'm probably talking to myself (nothing new there.)


Passed to the 21C Capacity Management team



Upgrade work planned for completion on the 6th


Although going by Fridays tests, it may have already been done.





Small dips that are insignificant, and no more of the peak 4hour troughs from thursday

Just another update for you, yes you know who you are, (imaginary friends are so fickle if you don't mention them)




Although it's only been a few days since BT did some backhall work, it seems (not much data yet) that while there is improvement, its not really that great. maybe the peak contention has just moved up the network a bit, or the ISP is still oversubscribing there I/O paths


I don't really think that a 20Mbps is acceptable for the main hours of usage between 19:00- 23:00, not when you have been sold 80/20 and you know none peak is stable well above 50Mbps for as long as you like. (usually 74Mbps for me)


As for that 20Mbps, that's kind of a hard floor on the test the past 48hours, no sure of the reason for that... please speculate.




As an aside, this is what downloading a file (UE4 game engine in this instance) is like during peak, and offpeak



Just an update, and thanks for the owner of testmy.net, as the monitoring has been most useful


You're welcome.  Thank you for visiting.


Just another update - and yes I realise I'm probably talking to myself (nothing new there.)




Just another update for you, yes you know who you are, (imaginary friends are so fickle if you don't mention them)


:shrug: I thought your imaginary friend had responded and I just couldn't see it for some reason.




Although it's only been a few days since BT did some backhall work, it seems (not much data yet) that while there is improvement, its not really that great. maybe the peak contention has just moved up the network a bit, or the ISP is still oversubscribing there I/O paths


I don't really think that a 20Mbps is acceptable for the main hours of usage between 19:00- 23:00, not when you have been sold 80/20 and you know none peak is stable well above 50Mbps for as long as you like. (usually 74Mbps for me)


As for that 20Mbps, that's kind of a hard floor on the test the past 48hours, no sure of the reason for that... please speculate.




As an aside, this is what downloading a file (UE4 game engine in this instance) is like during peak, and offpeak


So, first... are you positive that you don't have something going on during those hours.  Something within your network that might be drawing bandwidth at that specific time each day??  


The 2nd picture with the more variable graph... is that during peak?


What kind of result do you get on the multithread speed test while you're having the issue (also get a baseline multithread score when it's running great).


Hopefully this website helps you accurately illustrate the issue to your ISP and they do something about it.  :icon_thumleft:

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