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goodbye terri.....rip

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Common sense tells me its wrong. If somebody on death row has rights why would an unborn child not have rights. Seems odd to me the parent has a right to kill or murder an unborn fetus. The government gives no punishment for this at all, however a bearing mother has government enforced rules to raise/discipline it. Strange.

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This is a debate that can eat up a whole lot of server space...  I am not sure there is any right or wrong.  It is very tragic and everyone looses in this deal... except Teri... who, I am sure, is in a lot better place.

Both my wife and myself have been very specific on our wishes of not being kept alive in that type of condition... and have it documented in living wills.

My two cents....

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I think we cannot confuse the term fetus with child.

Fetus: the unborn young from the end of the EIGHTH WEEK after conception to the moment of birth.

So would you be ok with abortion before the fetus stage?

I believe we have to consider the term viability; the ability of the fetus to survive outside the mother

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i have to multitask all the time in the chatroom with my lag... people are well on a new topic by the time my post gets there... :haha:

we can talk about terri and abortion at the same time...

i believe abortion is wrong for the same reason as murder... if a murderer kills a pregnant woman, doesnt he get convicted with two sentences of murder?

as for Terri, even if she lived, she could barely function... she only moved her eyes slightly when someone entered the room... it would just put her through more misery of being helpless if she was alive...

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Sentencing a murderer of a pregnant woman with 2 counts of murder is like sentencing a murderer of a person with a parasite of 2 counts of murder.

I would beat most people who think abortion is wrong trust in a dogma followed god.

Shut up peepnklown...that is the most ridiculous analogy I've ever heard...and I think you are smart enough to know it...and I'm surprised that you didn't edit this after you posted it...it just sounds plain stupid. The abortion issue is not a subject for this forum...pro or con...it just could get too heated...just like the gun control issue...too much opinion and too many hot heads.

As for Teri...she had the right to die...she just shouldn't have had to be tortured to get there...it's just too bad we aren't evolved enough to do for our loved ones the same mercy we do for our pets and murderers on death row...imagine what would happen to us if we starved our animals to death...or how about our death row inmates...hey maybe that WOULD be a fittin punishment for those on death row starve/dehydrate them to death...they say it's merciful and painless.  K...well drop it...she's gone...she's at peace finally...or would be if her family would just let it all go...

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Sentencing a murderer of a pregnant woman with 2 counts of murder is like sentencing a murderer of a person with a parasite of 2 counts of murder.

I would beat most people who think abortion is wrong trust in a dogma followed god.

If I'm reading this right, you consider the life of an unborn child no more important than the life of a parasite??  I can't even come up with words do describe how disgusting and disturbing that is!!

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How do you know that I am not relaxed and or not smiling as I type up these posts? Typing words over the internet really have no emotional basis.

Claiming to know what all so-called staunch abortionist or so-called learned biologist would say or think is just a fallacy and shouldn

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okay pee pee clown (for the record that is a term of endearment that I've given you :) )...have it your way (do you need a tissue for all that snot?...hahaha  :haha: )...I have no need or obligation to prove anything to you...I, like you, can make comment and state opinion without any need to make further comment or prove a previous comment's fact or to explain my opinion...the one thing I do know for sure is that your opinion pro or con, good, bad  or indifferent doesn't effect me and mine should not effect you in the least...it's all just so much rhetoric here in this anonymous forum and all just for fun...so I lay it all to rest...so keep smilin...I am...RIP  ;)

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