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This might be linked to the fact that MS had problems with a security update site that would download a trojan that would hijack your computer..  It was a while ago and I never really heard much about it.. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1093&e=2&u=/pcworld/120379

I use MailWasher before I transfur anything to Outlook Express. Plus it lets you bounce mail back to the sender and black list mail you don't want. Its a free download. You can go here to read about it or download it.


crud...maybe a person should have a separate computer just for email...maybe a person should just black list 'em all...awwww...just shoot the damned thing...whack it...and whack the stupid people that have nothing better to do than play malicious games  :angry5:  :whaa:  :angry3: why do people do this??? :confused1:  :roll:  :?:

crud...maybe a person should have a separate computer just for email...maybe a person should just black list 'em all...awwww...just shoot the damned thing...whack it...and whack the stupid people that have nothing better to do than play malicious games :angry5::whaa::angry3: why do people do this??? :confused1::roll::?:

Boredom  :?

Boredom :?

well they say you get what you give...but in this whole internet thing...because of people like that...seems you give what you get and sometimes get what you haven't given...but definately those that have give deliberately will be getting in spades at some point...it's the law (of the universe)...karma karme karma

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