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Technically, on your system it would be 4.37 GB for DVD-5 (commonly called 4.7 GB media), 8.75 GB for DVD-10 (double sided single layered) which is what movies are placed on, 7.95 GB for DVD-9 (commonly called DL or 8.5 GB media), then 15.9 GB for DVD-18 (double sided dual layered).

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I'm just wondering, is there a difference between CD-R and CD-RW drives or just the discs?

Wow, they still sell drives that are just CD-R??  :evil6:

If I were you I would just get a DVD Burner, any of them will burn both for ya :)... I personally love LITE-ON --- They make very nice drives, I had never heard of them a couple years ago when I got my first drive with them... but it turned out to be the best CD burner I ever owned, never even once gave me a problem (it's now in my moms PC, 52X LITE-ON)

A bunch of LITE-ON drives http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?submit=PROPERTY&SubCategory=5&propertycodevalue=365:6653&srchInDesc=Dual+Layer&InnerManu=1336

The one I like (for the price) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106965 - "LITE-ON Black 16X DVD+R 8X DVD+RW 4X DVD+R DL 16X DVD-R 6X DVD-RW 16X DVD-ROM 48X CD-R 24X CD-RW 48X CD-ROM 2M Cache"

By they way, I always endorse New Egg just wanted to let you guys know that it's only because they kick ass.  I don't affiliate with them or make commission through them... just wanted to clear that up because I've been posting allot of their links lately  :-P -- wanted to make sure you guys don't think I'm a sell-out or anything ~~~~~  NewEgg just seriously kicks ass though, I order something and it's at my house in a couple of days, never had a problem with ANYTHING I ordered with them, never had a billing problem and I have ordered at least enough stuff to build 10 computers.  That's quite a good record!  Now you know why in almost all the comments on their site it says "NewEgg ROCKS!" ~~~~~~~~~~

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