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<a href="http://money.iwon.com/jsp/nw/nwdt_rt.jsp?cat=USMARKET&src=704&feed=dji&section=news&news_id=dji-00050820050517&date=20050517&alias=/alias/money/cm/nw">Comcast CEO: Higher Internet Speeds Won't Tie Up System</a>

" Roberts told a conference here Tuesday Comcast researchers have studied ways to boost the company's high-speed Internet service to about 200 megabits per second from about four Mbps now. To do that, Comcast would have to tie up about four cable channels, up from one channel now."

When will they do it though?


There is also a similer story at: http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/stories/2005/05/16/daily24.html

"Comcast Corp. is working to give its Internet customers download speeds of 200 megabits per second, its chairman, president and CEO said Tuesday.

"The day is coming when, in 45 seconds, you can download a movie (to a personal computer)," Brian Roberts said. "

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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont see why they cant pull it off and cheaply at that,funny thing is verizon offering a $199 vios plan that has 5mb upstream and people no doubt paying that kind of price for it  :roll:

hopefully if Comcast does go with a increase in bw that the upstream is upped significantly as well.

then people wont have to go rent cheap $150 100Mbps servers to get stuff out quickly  :-P

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Comcast Announces Speed Increase:

200mbps down/ 512k up

wouldn't surprise me since cable co's answer to everything, give huge increases in dl and minimun in ul

although it will be interesting to see if comcast keeps the speed upgrade from adelphia

it would really twerp me off since I am an adelphia customer and i plan to upgrade to the 10/1 service when available

Hoepfully comcast(there taking over my system, im in pa) will keep the speeds and not downgrad everyone back to 4/384 when they take over the systems of adelphia...

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Ya, I'm supposed to be getting 6 but this site shows an average of 4.9. Dsl Reports shows up to 5 on Linkline.  MegaPath and Speakeasy show 5.8 to 6. BUT, for over a year Linkline has always been consistent with the speed that I was paying for until I bumped to 6. The "techs" keep telling me everything is running "well" If Linkline would show 6, then I would be a happy camper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll::angry3:

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your DHCP is your IP address. It just means your router/modem/thing has to go out and get a new IP once every day usually. your DNS Servers wouldn't change that. Oh and faster speeds, I wouldn't know, I've never had to change my DNS's. Maybe someone who experianced the comcast DNS problem could help yea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never had to change my DNS's. Maybe someone who experianced the Comcast DNS problem could help yea.

I changed mine to Level 3 DNS servers during that'crisis" but I didnt think to run a speed test to see if any chages were there.

The lookup time boost these servers gave vs the Comcast servers at that time made a world of difference for sure.

The 200 Mb download plan sounds ..almost too good to be true..hopefully I'm wrong

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alex: I'd almost forgotten about this speed thing I was going thru since my Lsass.exe problem on June 11. That's where all my energies have been for several days now with Cholla and cak46 helping along the way. Haven't found a fix yet. The posts are on this site under Lsass.exe, last post last night-so far about eight pages worth :!: :!: :!: :!: We just can't seem to get to the root of it, but somewhere out there is a fix :!: :!: :!:

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