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I've been experiencing frequent drops in connection (around 13 in the past 48 hours..Comcast of course) and found that any time I do drop, I can't get into my modem's diagnostics page (  I know it's my cable connection and not anything else because the cable light goes out on my modem .  It's a Linksys BEFCMU10 ver3.  As soon as my cable connection comes back, I can get into the diag page.

In an attempt to see if it was the modem, I had a Motorola SB5120 set up.  Experienced the same thing.  Continued disconnects and the inability to connect to it's diagnostics page through the private IP.

Why on earth would I not be able to connect to my modem through the private IP?

It sounds like it's being rebooted remotely for whatever reason. Maybe Comcast is doing some maintenance.

Why on earth would I not be able to connect to my modem through the private IP?

If your modem is in the process of rebooting, you will not be able to access the config page. If it's not rebooting and the connection is on, Comcast may have prevented you from accessing the config page.

It sounds like it's being rebooted remotely for whatever reason. Maybe Comcast is doing some maintenance.

If your modem is in the process of rebooting, you will not be able to access the config page. If it's not rebooting and the connection is on, Comcast may have prevented you from accessing the config page.

netmasta is on the money.

You can only log into the modem's diagnostics when he modem is synced up and on line.

So basically when all th pretty lights are solid, then one can log in.

Maybe your modem was being restarted remotely...


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Thanks all for the input.  I don't think they're rebooting me remotely because it's not uncommon for the connection to be down for some time (occasionally hours).  My only saving grace is that the longer periods are during early morning hours.  For now, I'll blame those disconnects on maintenance.

Anyway, if you're not supposed to be able to connect to the modem's diag page with no connection to the ISP, then that answers my original question.  I guess that kind of makes sense since the diag page is displaying information about your connection, not the lack thereof.

BTW, when you can get to your Diag page, what are your Rx,Tx and SNR readings?

Are you maybe borderline, this could cause intermittent service.

Post some levels back for us to see, please.

In the process of your modem booting up, you should be able to access the configuration page during that time if you're using a surfboard. I do it all the time with my SB4200. The status page will tell you what step the modem on while booting, and as long as you refresh the page, you will continue to see each step. Even when you have no connection at all, you can still get to the surfboard's config page. When I'm doing extreme tweaking or testing different config files, I reboot all the time. During that process (with my 4200), I open the page all the time. The Status, Signal, Addresses, Configuration, Logs, and Help tabs all work fine for me.

My regular modem (which is a Scientific Atlanta DPC2100) won't allow me to open the config page while the modem is booting. Even when the modem is fully booted up, I can only access the System functions. The Signal, Status, Log, and some other yellow button are all disabled. My levels are extremely high because of changing my living room around. I'm connected to a 5 way splitter right now. My speed is affected too.

Well at least I can keep capturing data since I'm dropping every 5 minutes.

Just before I dropped this time, my Upstream Power went down to 21.0 dBmV.  SNR looked like it stayed in the low 30's.

Please advise if all this should be under a different post.

Those are some pretty big fluctuations in power.  Make shure everything is tightened down and BTW, how many splitters, if any, do you have from where your cable comes in to where your cable modem is?  Might be a bad connection or splitter issue.

Yup.  I've checked all the connections I can.  I have no splitters.  It's a straight run.

To recap...just before my connection drops:

Downstream Power goes to about -6 dBmV - should be acceptable

SNR seems to remain in low 30's - should be acceptable

Upstream Power drops to low 20's - not sure about this one but I've read anything below 55 should be OK

If you have a splitter in use, be sure that you are using RG6 cable from the wall to the splitter, and then from the splitter to the modem. The flimsy cable is ok for tv signals, but you need the RG6 cable for you internet signal. I had to learn that the hard way back in 2001. :D

I would double check all of the connections that you can, make sure they are tight.

You don't need to apply heavy force to them, just be sure they are tight.

The funny thing is that the Tx levels actually decrease, like the amplifier is picking up.

Normally a problem causes Tx levls to increase.

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