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who thinks there is a difference between the 2? I feel Hackers are those who feel an ongoing need to fix or solve problems. Hackers are usually adolesent males who like to screw sh*t up just to see if they can. How many feel the same way?

you mean crackers are usually adolescent males... :)

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Well it all depends you have (white) hat hackers, grey hat, and black hat hackers. Most all hackers are usually well versed in code if not the programming aspect itself atleast reading it usually both, Most real hackers make there own tools usually it's the kiddies or crackers who steal the work of the real hackers. White Hats like to share, slove, and inform others of flaws, and security problems. Black hats like to abuse flaws, and security problems, and hope noone tells how to fix the issue. Grey Hats Swing both ways. Crackers are usually kiddies who like to use other peoples work, and are usually very childish. Thats my two cents anywho.

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I can do both  :|  but to answer the question, their is a huge difference.  Hackers find exploits.. wether the exploit is taken advantage of or  not is fully dependant on the person. Crackers crack code to obtain the desired ...err "item" ( for lack of a better term) for free usually. I.E "warez" . Both are considered malicious activities which includes fines up to and not excluding loosing your internet as well. lol

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cak46 not to much luck on the translation One of the automatic translaters identified it as Romanian but wouldnt translate it.I think what i have below are the correct words.I cleared the image up some I will put it below.

Adnelps ezis Nac seirolac

Remu snoc llacsrelt fo


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Ha,  :haha:.

cak46 not to much luck on the translation One of the automatic translaters identified it as Romanian but wouldnt translate it.I think what i have below are the correct words.I cleared the image up some I will put it below.

Adnelps ezis Nac seirolac

Remu snoc llacsrelt fo


I put those words in myself.  Turn them all around.  Got them from my can of coke.

SplendA size caN calories

cons-umeR (bot)tlers-call of


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