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I am not spamming I just thought people might like to check my site out it has games music and more plus I am soon offering the trailer of the new GTA on my site plus I will soon offer free sofware that you are supposed to pay for but me knowing how to hack I hack codes etc. So just check it out and tell me if you don't like it because I offer alot of stuff free. Just for visiting like free tech help since I am a tech etc.

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I am not spamming I just thought people might like to check my site out it has games music and more plus I am soon offering the trailer of the new GTA on my site plus I will soon offer free sofware that you are supposed to pay for but me knowing how to hack I hack codes etc. So just check it out and tell me if you don't like it because I offer alot of stuff free. Just for visiting like free tech help since I am a tech etc.

Im not that big on spam bashing cus... well my fat ass just dont care, Im sure CABLE does though. You can deny it all you want but this is spam, you have put something about you building pc's selling em and tech support in almost all of your posts. You want to build your buisness do it with your buck not CABLE's. Ok buddy. :x

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Hey anyone need free tech help if so go to my forum at [snip] or [snip] thanks!!! We also have free music' date= games,and webmasters items and alot more all free at [snip]

Very true, this is a Forum, not a link posting, If you have a link you wish to share I sugest you post at the links page http://www.testmy.net/links/index.php?show=add // though there is a review process and I have no guarantee that your site will be accepted.

Sites that are not accepted include

*personal sites

*sites that are not top level domains (.com .net .org etc... -- no geocities stuff allowed ;))

*sites with accessive advertisments

*sites with pornographic material

*sites with flashing and gambleing advertisments

*sites with malware, spyware, adware or pop-ups of ANY kind

*sites that are selling a service or product (it would REALLY have to impress me... this is what advertising is for.)

*sites that link to any sites that contain the above

There are many more reasons why a site can be rejected.

I haven't looked at your site(s) yet so we don't know (I just snip 'em) -- submit and we will see from there... And don't get butthurt if your site is rejected, if it's way too far off subject I may reject it also.

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I will soon offer free sofware that you are supposed to pay for but me knowing how to hack I hack codes etc

so do you want me to inform my uncle in the FBI? we do have your IP address you know that right...?!? Keep that shit to yourself! I am not interested... and most of the people here are also not...

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No I know my legal shit So don't threaten me I also know people to and I didn't really spam according to the laws spam is mass email. I also don't have the same ip i always changes so good for you. Basically I am just saying that I don't like people that act like they know the laws when they know nothing so don't tell me that and I will not do it again but it is not really illegal and I know the laws and I have full knowledge of what is legal and whats not but I just don't like people that threaten when I know people to plus I know my laws I happen to know all the laws and I am almost certified as a lawyer so please don't tell me things and we will all get along thanks!

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Ever heard of that little thing called a period? It would make it much easier to read that what you just posted.

Since this is his forum CA3LE's word is law here. I think it would be best if you drop the attitude, because frankly, you're a newcomer.

If I wanted to threaten you, I'd use more than just words. A really big spiked club would work best I suppose.

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No I know my legal shit So don't threaten me I also know people to and I didn't really spam according to the laws spam is mass email. I also don't have the same ip i always changes so good for you. Basically I am just saying that I don't like people that act like they know the laws when they know nothing so don't tell me that and I will not do it again but it is not really illegal and I know the laws and I have full knowledge of what is legal and whats not but I just don't like people that threaten when I know people to plus I know my laws I happen to know all the laws and I am almost certified as a lawyer so please don't tell me things and we will all get along thanks!

Your IP hasn't changed since you've posted here. What does that end with again .....125 ... Okay.

Well, anyway SBC isn't supposed to be a static IP, along with a lot of other providers, but the IP's sometimes (most of the time) don't changes for months... even YEARS (in my own case) ------ even if your IP changed every-single-login you can EASILY be tracked... just want to inform you that you are never safe from persecution when it comes to breaking to law online.

But in the other sense, you are not breaking a law at all in your post... you are however breaking MY laws that I govern on my site by posting SPAM. Example being that you are tring to drive visitors to your site for personal gain... not for gain of others.

You have not broken any laws by saying that you "HACK" but you are however posting on a pretty prominent site on the internet... though this one post may only be read a few thousand times in the immediate future but this site is viewed by litteraly hundreds of thousands of people per month and I myself would not want that kind of exposure when talking about breaking the law.

BUUUUUUUUUT, that's allllllll goooood because you don't really know what your talking about... and I am in no means trying to PUNK you or talk crap... but to tell you the truth people that know how to TRULY hack........ don't talk about it. PERIOD. Because, well, they are smart.

Just tell me what ~ means and does and what that symbol is called AND we might have a discussion.

Or wait how about this {{$INPUT{'VAR'} =~ s/http:////; }} <<<<< By the way that is not bullshit that is a TINY ISTSY BITSY PERL script-portion ----- Lemme know what that function does and we might have a conversation.

Try to google it, I dare ya ;-)

Don'ts makes promises you can'ts keeps --- Smigel -- Lord of The Rings **** (well, he didn't say that but it sounds like he would have ;-))

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Or wait how about this {{$INPUT{'VAR'} =~ s/http:////; }} <<<<< By the way that is not bullshit that is a TINY ISTSY BITSY PERL script-portion ----- Lemme know what that function does and we might have a conversation.

Oooh, tell me! ;)

Which reminds me, I should be learning Perl. Someday.

Don'ts makes promises you can'ts keeps --- Smigel -- Lord of The Rings **** (well, he didn't say that but it sounds like he would have ;-))

Pssst, it's Smeagol. With an accent somewhere... :P

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I find it funny how every one thinks that they are annonymous on the internet just because their IP address changes occasionally. If the governenment or a court wanted the info, it is easily obtained.

You say you are almost a lawyer? My lawer knows how to type, and more importantly, he can put together coherent sentences with puncuation and everything! Isn't that cool?

My guess is that you are just some kid that is offended by the responses to your post, so you are trying to act as though you are a cool/important person, when in reality you really are not.

If I were you, I would obey the rules of this site, or leave. It really doesn't matter whether it is spam or not. It is not welcomed here.

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Very true, this is a Forum, not a link posting, If you have a link you wish to share I sugest you post at the links page http://www.testmy.net/links/index.php?show=add // though there is a review process and I have no guarantee that your site will be accepted.

Sites that are not accepted include

*personal sites

*sites that are not top level domains (.com .net .org etc... -- no geocities stuff allowed ;))

*sites with accessive advertisments

*sites with pornographic material

*sites with flashing and gambleing advertisments

*sites with malware, spyware, adware or pop-ups of ANY kind

*sites that are selling a service or product (it would REALLY have to impress me... this is what advertising is for.)

*sites that link to any sites that contain the above

There are many more reasons why a site can be rejected.

I haven't looked at your site(s) yet so we don't know (I just snip 'em) -- submit and we will see from there... And don't get butthurt if your site is rejected, if it's way too far off subject I may reject it also.

my site links to newgrounds.com- does that count as something bad cuz they have like two popups for each page. i mean, i could take their links out if you want i dont really care much for them anymore because i told them like two weeks ago that i found that someone was stealing some of their bandwidth and they ignored me...

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Yes I know perl and php and HTML and alot more since I am the owner of a top webn hosting company.I am not the cheapest host but I make some money. I also would like to say that I have no problem with ca3le or the owner of this site I just don't like it when someone who does not own this site trys to tell me something when the don't have the authority to do so.I also do like when people threaten me when I know more than half the police force and the government agency's since I am trained as a local police officer and I am soon to be a Oklahoma police officer because that is what I really want to do. So I just have to say that I do know my legal rights etc because in order to be a police officer you have to know that plus being that I own a hosting company I better know them. I do not have my doctors yet but I am learnig so please sdo threaten me I am just trying to get alone with the people here and If I offended the owner of this site then I am sorry and what ever you tell me I will be happy to do since you own this site but the others I can care less what they say they have no authority over me and thats why I got mad because I knew they did not own this site so who are they to tell what to do. So I am sorry and I will try to get along thanks!!!

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Yes I know perl and php and HTML and alot more since I am the owner of a top webn hosting company.I am not the cheapest host but I make some money. I also would like to say that I have no problem with ca3le or the owner of this site I just don't like it when someone who does not own this site trys to tell me something when the don't have the authority to do so.I also do like when people threaten me when I know more than half the police force and the government agency's since I am trained as a local police officer and I am soon to be a Oklahoma police officer because that is what I really want to do. So I just have to say that I do know my legal rights etc because in order to be a police officer you have to know that plus being that I own a hosting company I better know them. I do not have my doctors yet but I am learnig so please sdo threaten me I am just trying to get alone with the people here and If I offended the owner of this site then I am sorry and what ever you tell me I will be happy to do since you own this site but the others I can care less what they say they have no authority over me and thats why I got mad because I knew they did not own this site so who are they to tell what to do. So I am sorry and I will try to get along thanks!!!

This site has turned into The Days of Our Lives since you arrived. Why did you come here in the first place I forget now..?.... Oh yea to sell computers and TechSupport. So hows that going?

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shanee86 --- If someone has PiMP or mini PiMP by their name, don't talk back because they have been given that status by me... and do have authority over what is posted... and where. They all help me manage the posts here.

So don't be talkin criznap :wink:

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shanee86 --- If someone has PiMP or mini PiMP by their name, don't talk back because they have been given that status by me... and do have authority over what is posted... and where. They all help me manage the posts here.

So don't be talkin criznap :wink:

:lol::lol: Did you say Criznap? Troll is kinda right too. :lol:

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Your IP hasn't changed since you've posted here. What does that end with again .....125 ... Okay.

Well, anyway SBC isn't supposed to be a static IP, along with a lot of other providers, but the IP's sometimes (most of the time) don't changes for months... even YEARS (in my own case) ------ even if your IP changed every-single-login you can EASILY be tracked... just want to inform you that you are never safe from persecution when it comes to breaking to law online.

But in the other sense, you are not breaking a law at all in your post... you are however breaking MY laws that I govern on my site by posting SPAM. Example being that you are tring to drive visitors to your site for personal gain... not for gain of others.

You have not broken any laws by saying that you "HACK" but you are however posting on a pretty prominent site on the internet... though this one post may only be read a few thousand times in the immediate future but this site is viewed by litteraly hundreds of thousands of people per month and I myself would not want that kind of exposure when talking about breaking the law.

BUUUUUUUUUT, that's allllllll goooood because you don't really know what your talking about... and I am in no means trying to PUNK you or talk crap... but to tell you the truth people that know how to TRULY hack........ don't talk about it. PERIOD. Because, well, they are smart.

Just tell me what ~ means and does and what that symbol is called AND we might have a discussion.

Or wait how about this {{$INPUT{'VAR'} =~ s/http:////; }} <<<<< By the way that is not bullshit that is a TINY ISTSY BITSY PERL script-portion ----- Lemme know what that function does and we might have a conversation.

Try to google it, I dare ya ;-)

Don'ts makes promises you can'ts keeps --- Smigel -- Lord of The Rings **** (well, he didn't say that but it sounds like he would have ;-))

:) Wait a minute PEARL thats those little white things on a necklace I bought my wife one time ??? isnt it?? I like this,, a good music an doesn't toot his own horn (or hacker) Anyway I missed all the fun for a few days My computer took a s@%t....well really someone wanted me to look at the code in a virus ....so I said sure no problem its just a machine right?? and of course my anti virus pgm can always clean it right?? NOPE it ate my machine bigtime.....eventualy I was able to format and reload everything and it is working now.....but my point is that there <<<< IS>>>> a price for arrogance and we never know what it will be until its time to pay...So hi guys and Im enjoying all the post I have to catch up on:):)

8) Microwave

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:lol::lol: Did you say Criznap? Troll is kinda right too. :lol:

I object! (isn't that how they say it in court?)

Troll is a very elegant language, it is much more developed than the degrading English we're hearing now. It cannot be spoken either, it's purely a very nice way to write a beautiful text.

Welcome back MICROWAVE. :)

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