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I dont know if any of you have new cell phones, but here are some sites I found you might like. They all have free games apps and ringers. If you know of any others put em up.



You can browse to either of these sites FROM YOUR PHONE and just start downloading. Let me know what you think cause I have looked FOREVER for these and thought I might share in case any one else has been looking. I have a Sanyo 8200 Sprint PCS, I believe both of these work with most phones et companies.

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Mr. Advertiser, welcome back. We missed you.

I had hoped they were free pc games. Damnit.

Advertiser? I was just trying to help some people out. Its hard to find good stuff for the cell, and I just wanted to spread the wealth. Sorry if I offended someone or broke a rule. Just trying to help, these arent my sites just good ones for ringers and games.

Hello I also know of a good website and yes it is mine but it's not really a site just my server were I run this server just for sharing things with relates and others but I do not claim the rights to any of these files I have got alot of them from file sharing programs so it shouldn't be illegal to have them but maybe it is I don't know if it is please tell me plus I think it is only illegal if you charge for them witch I am not and I am soon to post the movie SWAT and I already have spider man 2 on there but they are large files and the are good quaility. So here it is http://www.shanee861.no-ip.com/ please enjoy and if it illegal please don't tell or I will stop allowing people to see these files and I will not add more to them I have alot of files to post there later so keep checking back also this is a server that is not always up so please don't think it will always be up thanks and once a gain enjoy and if you have something else you want please tell me what its and will see if I have it and if I do then I will add it or find it thanks and please keep this in silent if this is illegal I have kno w idea if it so please don't tell thanks!!!!!!!!!

It is illegal, but I could really care less. I dont think you should advertise your sites on here unless you ask Cable Guy for permission (its just not right in my opinion.) You should look into changing your site to a cell phone browsable site, these type of sites are exploding and you can offer GREAT content and keep it legal. Just a suggestion. Good luck any how.

Yea but even if you own the DVD putting on your pc for sharing is illegal (duh we all know that) and also if you hack it like the versions on his pc it is still illegal even if you dont share because you are surcumventing the copy protection on the DVD. Not that anyone besides the movie industry cares though.

also if you hack it like the versions on his pc it is still illegal even if you dont share because you are surcumventing the copy protection on the DVD. Not that anyone besides the movie industry cares though.

I dont agree with that.. DVDXCopy i thought was ruled to be legal.. because you were makeing a personal copy of property that you owned... I will have and to go back and look..

Yes I see you all are talking about weather what I am doing is legal or not well check out what I have just added. I added a legal page that first comes up and it should cover my butt what do you think check it out and tell me if you think that will work my URL again is www.shanee861.no-ip.com thanks!!

I dont agree with that.. DVDXCopy i thought was ruled to be legal.. because you were makeing a personal copy of property that you owned... I will have and to go back and look..

No they made them take the part of DVDXCOPY off the market that would sercumvent the copyright protection. They still have DVD x copy but if you want the good one you have to get the old one. Check it out, they no longer are allowed to make the version that busts the copyright protection. PLUS the versions of movies he has have the name of popular hacker distributers in the title, which is a dead give away. :lol:

Yes I see you all are talking about weather what I am doing is legal or not well check out what I have just added. I added a legal page that first comes up and it should cover my butt what do you think check it out and tell me if you think that will work my URL again is www.shanee861.no-ip.com thanks!!

Nah that wont work, although a nice thought, otherwise you could have kiddy porn on there and distribute it legally. I personally dont think you need that page because no one is going to come after your site with the amount o content you have. They have MUCH bigger fish to fry. If it is your server and you have illegal material on it, its your problem. Just think about all the sites that got busted and had the disclaimer saying "in order to download this material you MUST own the original cd." But hey man dont sweat it, no one is going to "tattle" on you and if they did it would take more money for them to take you down than it would be worth. Dont even give it a second thought. Now if your site becomes one of the top google sites or hits 100000 page views a month you might want to reinstate that disclaimer. :wink::wink::D

Well i know i shouldnt be advertising either, but since were in this cell phone case, u guys should check out www.harrythompson.com, this is an excellent site if u own a nextel. ANd if im not supposed to advertise im really sorry admin, I just got in the spirit of these posts lol)

Well i know i shouldnt be advertising either' date=' but since were in this cell phone case, u guys should check out www.harrythompson.com, this is an excellent site if u own a nextel. ANd if im not supposed to advertise im really sorry admin, I just got in the spirit of these posts lol:)[/quote']

If its your site and you are plugging it over and over that would probably be a problem, if it is a site that will help out especially within the context of this post I dont see a problem, but im just a jack ass pee on.

  • 3 years later...

Well i know i shouldnt be advertising either, but since were in this cell phone case, u guys should check out www.harrythompson.com, this is an excellent site if u own a nextel. ANd if im not supposed to advertise im really sorry admin, I just got in the spirit of these posts lol)

it's cool... the link is on topic, not an advertisment as long as it's on topic and not some bullshit site :-)

This may be off topic, unsure ?? The whole legal vs illegal. The only ones makeing any money off this topic is the riaa or whatever its called. I did see someone did countersue and I can see that going on in the future. They just offer a settlement type payment. People get scared. Rather pay then try to defend themselfs. I am sure some do it because they simply can not afford a lawyer.

Does make me kinda bummed. All this file sharing has killed the music industry. Along with apples pay per song, and lots of other places offer it as well. Record shops are a thing of the past. New bands really don't stand a chance and getting a deal anymore. In the end we all loose. Tons of music we will never hear. The net is forsure a doubble edged sword. Just wonder with all the bad the internet is doing and becoming if the good is worth it anymore.

What really blows as well as scalpers buying up tickets to shows and selling them for huge amounts of money. I can see congress stepping in and trying to stop it. Some states already have laws in place. There will be more. I can see that comming to a stop in 5 years or so. Atleast I sure hope so.

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