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Limewire  I have to say  is the fastest downloader  ever      ahead of  ares  then  kazaa.  But  what gets me  is that the ppl who pay $20-$50 for the subscription  and  they are  the higher priority that are getting sued because they get more features than the free customers. I have a $200  20GB MP3  Hard Drive  Music Player  that can store OVER 20,000 SONGS if formatted to 64Kbps WMA.  I am not willing to spend $20,000  on just music from like napster.  What about  those ppl  who are close to welfare ,  they would  have to pay for those songs. But a middle class  citizen    ($70.000/yr job)  won't have a problem with that  because  they can buy alot with  $70,000.

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Limewire Pro is regular is not. And whoever sqid they "cracked" limewire pro, it doesnt use a crack you just dl it and install it. :haha:

If you need it pm me.Trust me if your using a crack for pro your just installing software viruses and who knows what.

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I have limewire pro and good thing i was running mcafee  beacause as soon as a started downloading file and mcafee detected the virus as soon as it started downloading.  Also the whole list of files were that i found when searching all were viruses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dont get me wrong limewire rules just have virus detector on.

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I can't even get LimeWire to work...

I open it and it finishes loading, then a window pops up and then disappears.

There's no sign of it in the running proccess' list after it disappears...

Thats odd, Limewire comes with the latest Java built in and should install upon installation. What kinda comp setup you got. I would uninstall with your uninstaller pro reboot and reinstall.

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